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Today is the weekend, Max is still not home, and Billy has been missing somewhere since morning. As soon as I got up, I decided to clean up the house, which now looked more like a barn than a house. Since I was home alone, the radio was playing at full volume. It was at that moment that my favorite song by Michael Jackson - Beat It - played. I knew all the words to this song by heart, so I sang along with the radio. Today's morning was great. I cleaned up the whole house very quickly. Maybe because I had a lot of energy today. I looked at the clock, which showed 10 am. Max should be back soon. Therefore, without waiting for anything, I thought of making breakfast. I found all the necessary ingredients in the fridge, so I decided to make pancakes with bananas. I just adore them, their taste is unique. I hope Max would like my pancakes too.

The house smelled of cleanliness, coziness and freshly baked pancakes. As soon as I put the cooked pancakes on the kitchen table, the front door opened and Max and Billy walked in.

"How delicious it smells..." said Max dreamily. I smiled at the girl. Billy was in a rather strange mood. He was happy, but angry at the same time.

"Good morning. I invite you for breakfast. My signature pancakes with bananas." I said lovingly and pointed to the table with my hand. Max hurried to the table without waiting. Billy looked around the house strangely, but he soon joined us.

"How did it go at Erica's?" I asked the girl. She ate the pancakes greedily. Looking up, she gave a thumbs up. I laughed. "Okay, I won't stop you from eating. Delicious."

Pleasant music was playing in the house, everyone was eating and it seemed that they were very happy. I hope that my appearance in this family will bring Billy and Max closer together. They looked happy. Billy even joked with Max while eating. The girl was extremely happy. She was smiling and laughing. I was very happy.

"What have you made of this house?" Billy asked jokingly. I just smiled.

"Nice, isn't it? The whole secret is that I arranged everything and baked pancakes. I didn't do anything else here." I admitted modestly. Billy looked at me and smiled.

"Layla, your pancakes are perfect!" shouted Max. She jumped out of her chair and ran to me and hugged me. Billy watched us with a smile on his face. This morning was perfect.

"I agree, they are very tasty. Thank you." Billy said and licked his lips. I smiled modestly and winked.

"Maybe you would like to go to the movies today? I bet Linda will be telling everyone after yesterday that we broke up. Therefore, we could show that everything is fine between us." asked Billy. I turned to the guy. He wasn't looking at me, his gaze was fixed on the view outside the window.

"Of course. Robin is working today, so she could let us in for free." I said happily. Billy smiled.

"Great." The guy answered shortly. He looked puzzled.

"Is everything alright? You look confused. You disappeared this morning..." I gently asked the guy. He looked at me.

"Ah, yes, everything is fine. I just had to take care of a few things, so I thought I'd take Max after that." Billy replied rather coldly. I felt that something was wrong, but the guy didn't want to tell me anything. I moved closer to him, but he backed away. Billy clearly didn't want me to get close to him.

"Are you really all right, Billy?" I asked. He nodded his head.

"I'm sorry for what I did yesterday. I shouldn't have kissed you, it was a mistake." Billy said everything quickly and rushed out of the house. I rushed to the window. Billy hurriedly got into the car and drove off without waiting. I sighed. It was just a mistake for him... He only kissed me because he was drunk. What a fool I am... And I really hoped that he felt something for me. Linda was right, he's a player who doesn't care about other girls' feelings. How many more guys will play with my heart? I sat down on the kitchen floor and leaned against the cupboard. I didn't feel the tears starting to run down my cheeks. Billy doesn't care about me, I have to understand that. But how can I understand that when he plays with me and doesn't know what he wants.

"Layla, don't pay attention. This is Billy. He always was and always will be like that." Max sat down next to me. She was the only one who knew the whole truth about our fake relationship.

"Max, this is not going to help. The further I go, the more I fall in love with him." I confessed. And it was true. Every day I spent with Billy drove me crazy. I can't be without him. I feel for him something I've never felt for anyone before.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think he'll ever change..." Max replied quietly. She patted my back and sighed. She wanted to say something else, but shook her head.

"I know, Max, I know. But you won't command to your heart..."

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