THE END... 32

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I drove slowly through the city streets. My favorite music was playing in the car. For the first time in my life, I didn't have to listen to Billy's songs anymore. The songs I like were playing. This winter evening was perfect. The setting sun was shining dimly, and you could already see the rising moon. I left the city, now I was driving on a country road. I've been wanting to ride alone for a long time. I couldn't be happier. Hopper looks happy, I heard him on the phone with Jonathan's mom. I heard they have a date at Enzo's restaurant today. I was very happy for them. It seems that everything is finally coming together. Billy and I have a perfect relationship. I think that after all the drama, disagreements, we are both happy. It seems fate smiled on me this time. Even after his massive family drama, Billy seems happy and free. Neil and Susan returned from California, that night Neil got mad at Billy like always and beat him up. But Billy wasn't the only victim that night. Neil tried to hit Max too. That was the last time Neil was in that house. Susan immediately threw the man out of the house. Billy feared he would have to live with his father, but Susan offered a way out. She offered to let Billy live with Max and her until the boy finished school. Billy has said many times that he is extremely grateful to Susan. He and Max's relationship has improved, and now they seem inseparable. Of course, he is often angry, but he reconciles quickly. I knew Billy and I had a great future ahead of us. I know we are inseparable and both of our future paths lead to California. That perfect moment of peace and reflection was interrupted by the loud roar of a car. I looked through my mirrors and noticed a blue Camaro speeding towards me. I smiled. Billy pulled up next to me and opened the window.

"Are you going to run away from me, princess?" the boy flirtatiously asked. I smiled sincerely. I love him with all my heart and I know he loves me. I looked into the boy's blue eyes, which were directed directly at me.

"Let's see, dear." I said loudly and pressed the accelerator pedal. My car shot forward, leaving Billy behind me. The guy picked up speed without waiting for anything. I laughed, aren't we really racing? Billy caught up to me, winked at me, and passed me. I tried to keep up, but Billy was faster. After racing a few more kilometers, Billy pulled over to the side of the road and stopped. I did not expect such actions from him, so I almost passed him. But I stopped behind his car. Billy got out of the car and walked over to mine. He opened my door and held out his hand.Without hesitation, I took his hand and got out of the car. The smile did not leave the boy's face.

"Didn't you really think you could beat me?" Billy asked with a laugh. He put his hand on my shoulders and kissed my head.

"Baby, I just gave you a chance to win. I wanted to look at the Camaro's beautiful butt. I think you have a competitor." I said and smiled. The boy laughed again. He kissed my head again.

"You know, as long as my competition is you, I don't mind at all. Layla Queen of Hawkins Road. Damn, that sounds hot." Billy said and pulled away from me. Without waiting for anything, I jumped on the guy and hugged him around the neck.

"I love you." I whispered quietly in his ear. The guy hugged me tighter.

"I love you, baby. More than anything in the world. You drive me crazy like no other. I would do anything for you. I could even die for you." Billy said. All this time he was looking directly into my eyes. He never blinked. I smiled and kissed him. He responded to my kiss without waiting. We kissed between the two cars as the sun set, huge snowflakes slowly began to fall from the sky. It really was a perfect moment. We and the whole world around. How much we still have to do, experience and feel. The whole future belongs to us. Billy pulled back and put me on the ground in a big hug and I hugged him back.

In that moment, I realized that my wish that I had made a few months ago for my birthday had finally come true. I wanted a happy ending with Billy. Happy moments and a future we could create together. It seems this love game is finally over and our love story is just beginning...

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