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Loud laughter could be heard from Billy's Camaro. Billy and I laughed out loud. Billy sped through the town's roads. And the reason for our laughter was that it was already after midnight. I knew very well that I had promised Hopper to return at midnight, and perhaps before. I don't know why it was funny, but Billy and I were laughing so hard we couldn't even hear the music playing in the car.

"I'm done." I said laughing. Billy tried to hold back his laughter, but he couldn't, he just started laughing even louder. I tapped him gently on the shoulder and started laughing again as well.

Just after entering Hopper's yard, the car stopped. We both fell silent when we saw an angry man outside. Jim was smoking a cigarette and leaning against the banister of the stairs. As soon as he saw us, he suddenly dropped the cigarette and crushed it hard with his foot. The laughter in the car stopped immediately.

"I think you're really done." Billy said and laughed.

"Shut up." I stifled a laugh and hit him on the shoulder again. I drooled loudly and slowly got out of the car. Billy got out a second later. I turned to him confused, but he just nodded and smiled as if his smile was meant to tell me not to worry.

"Layla, have you seen the time? Do you at least know how worried I was about you?!" Hopper raised his voice. I just cowered and hung my head. In fact, I didn't know what to answer him.


"Sir, she is innocent. It's my fault. I came up with the idea of ​​stealing her from the dance and taking her somewhere." Billy said firmly. I gave a small smile, but I was still looking at the ground. It was indeed a shame to look Jim in his eyes. He trusted me, accepted me to live in his house, and I am already one big problem for him...

"Layla, go home. Now." Hopper sighed. I turned around, Billy just smiled warmly and nodded. I smiled slightly back. Of course, I wanted to kiss him, hug him, say good night to him, but I went home with a quick step. When I was at the door I turned around, Jim was slowly walking up to Billy, the guy was just nodding his head, but looking directly into Hopper's eyes. Without waiting for anything, I slipped inside and ran to my room.

Billy's position

Hopper was approaching me. It reminded me of my father. As he stared at me with a death glare as he slowly approached me and screamed at the top of his lungs. Then his screams were followed by a series of punches aimed at me. Susan always defended me, tried to stand up for me, but her efforts were worthless. My father is a beast who never hears anything around. He sees only his ego, he only hears what he wants to hear. I knew there would be trouble when he got back, so I try to enjoy every moment when that bitch isn't home.

"Billy, I want to talk to you." The man said calmly. It's like I woke up from a trance. Hopper was standing in front of me, but turned around and sat on the hood of my beloved car. I wanted him out of my sight at that moment, so I gritted my teeth hard. I let out a deep sigh, not wanting to get into trouble so I sat down next to Hopper. He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pants pocket and put one in his mouth and offered it to me. I shook my head in denial.

"Don't pretend you don't smoke. Take it while I offer it." The man laughed. I hurriedly picked up a cigarette and put it in my mouth. We both lit cigarettes together and sat in silence. It seemed strange. He probably felt it too. Neither of us wanted to be here, but I knew this conversation would be about Layla.

"Look, I know you're a good guy, but you have to understand that I'm responsible for her now..." the man began to speak. He tapped his knee with his fingers. I just nodded.

"I know. But my feelings are real, I swear. I didn't realize it myself for a long time, but I swear my intentions are good. I never want to hurt her again, I never want to see her sad again. In fact, she changed my life. I know you don't trust me, but maybe try to trust her... After all, she chose me by believing in me..." the words stuck in my throat. I knew this conversation was uncomfortable for both of us, but necessary.

"Billy, just promise you'll protect her. In any conditions, anywhere and anytime. Protect her. But I swear, if you hurt her again, I'll find a way to use my service weapon." The man said and laughed. I smiled slightly. I inhaled and exhaled before throwing the cigarette away. Hopper stood up and looked at me. I raised my eyes and stared them directly into Hopper's eyes.

"Sir, I could even die for her." I said sure. The man's gaze softened. He sighed, turned his head, and inhaled the cigarette smoke. He slowly blew it out and turned to me with a small smile on his face. He came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder.

"Boy, I can tell you one thing that is absolutely true. Remember this all your life. When you are sure that you can die for her - she is the only one. Never forget that." He turned and left. I smiled. This conversation was strange, but close. The kind I've never had with any man. This conversation was real, unrehearsed and honest. And most importantly, every word I said was true. Without waiting for anything, I got into my car and left the yard with a smile on my face.

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