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Billy went into the kitchen and I was laying on his bed in his oversized t-shirt. A pack of cigarettes and a lighter lay nearby. With a sudden movement, I picked up a cigarette, put it in my mouth and lit it. I was absolutely right when I thought that everything would be perfect. In fact, everything was great. But something was shaking strongly in my heart. I doubted if it was real. Did all the kisses and touches really mean something to him? I slowly blew out the smoke and turned my head to the ceiling, my hair falling over my shoulders. It was at that moment that Billy entered the room with two cans of lemonade in his hands. When he came to the bed, he handed me a lemonade, which I took from his hand. Billy sat down next to me and opened his own can of lemonade. I sighed deeply and put out my cigarette.

"Hey Layla, are you okay?" asked Billy.

"Yes, Billy. No. I'm lost, Billy. I really don't understand. Please answer honestly. Does all of this mean anything to you, or was Linda right about me being just a toy?" I confessed. I didn't want to hide anything from him. The guy sighed deeply and took my hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Layla, don't ever think like that... You are not a toy to me. You are the best thing that happened to me in my crazy life. No one has ever cared for me like you do, Layla..." Billy said quietly. His eyes were fixed on the floor, he didn't dare to look at me. I pulled my hand away from him and bowed to my feet. I quickly gathered all my clothes from the floor and started to get dressed. I didn't care that Billy was sitting next to me. True, even he didn't really care that I was around.

"I'm leaving, I'll see you tomorrow at school." I said curtly to Billy without looking at him. But I heard the guy stand up.

"And where are you going?" Billy asked angrily as he slowly approached me.

"Jonathan's." I said quietly and quickly disappeared from the boy's room. I want to get to my best friend's house as soon as possible and tell him everything. I heard Billy running after me.

"At least let me take you, Layla." Billy shouted. I didn't turn around and didn't respond to his shouts. "Layla!"

"No, Billy. I don't need you to take me. I can go myself!" I shouted back to him and rushed out of the house without waiting for his answer. I knew Will wasn't home because he was at the supermarket with the other kids. I prayed that Jonathan was home. His mother works very long hours, so there is a good chance that Jonathan will be at Robin's. I didn't know what to do. However, I rushed to Byer's and was very happy. Jonathan's car was at home, and the light was on in his room. I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open it. It didn't take a minute for Robin to open the door to Jonathan's house. Without waiting for permission to enter, I burst into the house and hugged Robin. The girl was very lost, but without waiting for anything, she hugged me as well.

"Robin, who was there?" I heard Jonathan's voice, but I could hear his footsteps coming. He stopped near me and Robin.

"It's just me..." I whispered softly into Robin's shoulder. My friend gently stroked my back and led me towards the couch.

"You know you have to tell us everything..." Jonathan said quietly, and Robin just nodded her head in agreement. I let out a deep and loud sigh and looked at my friends who were sitting in front of me. They were both waiting, deep down they knew what I was going to say, but I was afraid. I didn't know where to start. After all, they don't know that there really is nothing between me and Billy. But I must tell them, I know they will have at least one piece of advice to help me.

"There's nothing between me and Billy. It was just a plan to make Steve and Nancy jealous. But it didn't work. The bottom line is, I think something started happening between us. It is unstable. His moods change often, his communication with me changes. But the worst part is that I'm fully aware that I'm falling for him... I know, even Linda warned me that he's just a player, but I can't change anything... I can't let him go, I can't push him away... But I don't understand what happening with Billy..." I said everything very quickly, I don't even know if they understood anything. I've been looking at the floor the whole time I've been talking and it's only now that I dare to look up at Robin and Jonathan. Jonathan was looking at me worriedly, and Robin was really freaked out and shocked. She tried to say something, but without waiting for anything, she shut up.

"You know, Billy's not a very good guy. After all, you yourself know how quickly you get attached to people who show you attention... But you have to understand that he is toxic. Layla, he doesn't deserve you..." Jonathan tried to speak. But he was struggling, he didn't know where to start, he had a hard time dividing words, and he left a huge pause after each sentence.

"Jonathan... I think it's too late..." Robin said quietly. I just sighed sadly and turned to Robin. The girl was thinking something hard, but didn't say anything else.

"He said today that no one has ever cared for him as much as I do... But on Sunday night he told me that it was all a mistake, that I was a mistake... Of course he was drunk, but he said it. But yesterday he apologized to me..." I said everything very quickly. I felt tears starting to run down my cheeks. Robin jumped off the couch and immediately hugged me. Jonathan just sighed deeply and shook his head. I knew perfectly well what he was thinking, but I do not want to agree with him. Maybe a little part of me believes that he can change. Maybe I'm like a little girl who believes in Santa Claus, I believe he will change for me...

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