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"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I shouted. I was very scared, I never thought that Billy would do this. He looked like a beast. His eyes were angry. He glared at me.

"You need Steve now? It's only been a few weeks and you already need him? Are you really such a whore?" Billy shouted back. We were angry in the middle of the road. In the middle of the forest. It might seem funny to others, but it wasn't to me.

"I need Steve? What are you talking about?! You kissed Linda! And Steve tried to rape me! That's where the difference Billy! And what is your business anyway? You ruined the whole plan perfectly!" I was angry. But at the same time it was very scary. I was very afraid of Billy. I saw how angry he was. But he dropped his cigarette on the ground and turned to me with an angry look.

"What was that piece of shit trying to do?" asked Billy angrily. He was approaching me. I thought he was going to hit me for sure.

"Nothing..." I said quietly. Billy was standing just a few centimeters away from me.

"You want me to go back there and kill him?" he asked. I felt his anger. Anyone nearby would have felt it. My hands were shaking.

"No." I answered quietly and timidly. "You've already done enough."

"Layla... You know it's not going to end that easily." The guy answered firmly. He stood still. He didn't move and looked at me with an angry look. At that time I was very angry.

"I don't need your help and threats. I don't care about you anymore. You, fucked up, Billy. You can go back and continue to fuck Linda." I retorted angrily. Billy's brow furrowed.

"It wasn't like that! How many more times can I repeat this to you?! I don't need her! She came to me herself. I wanted to push her away, but then you saw it!" Billy yelled at me. Every word he said made me shudder.

"I do not believe!" I retorted angrily. I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at Billy. He grabbed his head and crouched down, but quickly stood up.

"Layla, how the fuck could I tell you if you ran away and wouldn't let me talk?!" the guy yelled at me. He was right, but it still hurt. I was still mad at him.

"It doesn't matter now. It's over. My plan is ruined. You ruined everything." I said angrily to Billy and turned away from him. I started walking towards home.

"God, you're so hot when you're angry." His voice was hoarse. I heard quick footsteps coming towards me. Billy grabbed my arm and turned me around. Without waiting for anything, he kissed me. A gentle electricity shook my body. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. Without waiting for anything, I responded to his kiss. Billy quickly lifted me on top of him. I ran my hands through his hair. The kiss was passionate. I felt it. We both needed it. Billy started walking backwards towards the car. We pulled away from each other as we ran out of air. But I was still on the guy. We looked passionately into each other's eyes.

"I'd fuck you right here if I could." Billy teased. I smiled modestly.

"Billy, you're drunk." I said quietly, but my smile didn't leave my face.

"Drunk, I know that. But not so drunk that I don't understand what I want." Billy whispered softly in my ear. I wanted him, badly. But something in me was holding it back. Billy saw it perfectly.

"But as much as I'd like to, I'm not Harrington, princess." He kissed my cheek and lowered me down to the ground. My whole body was shaking. Billy took out two cigarettes and offered one of them to me. I took it without answering. We walked slowly towards the car and I sat on the hood. Billy was standing between my legs.

"You really don't feel anything for her anymore?" I asked the guy quietly and blew out the smoke. All I can say is that this ride sobered me up quickly. Billy smiled at the question.

"Princess, I never felt anything for this bitch. The fact is that what happened today meant nothing to me." Billy reassured me. I sighed in relief.

"Now it's my turn. Did your meeting with Harrington today make you feel something for him again? " asked the boy sadly. He didn't dare look me in the eye. His gaze was directed somewhere far away. I took his hand.

"Billy, his behavior is inexcusable. He lost me the moment he told me about his affair with Nancy. He will never be able to be with me again. You can be calm." I spoke softly. I looked at Billy, even though he wasn't looking at me. The guy only smiled slightly, but I noticed his smile.

"Come on, let's go home." Billy said with a smile. I nodded and got into his car. "I'm sorry I scared you."

"Don't you ever dare to act like that again..." I said quietly to the boy. He just nodded his head and smiled at me. Soon we were back on the road home again.

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