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When I returned to the Byers' yard, I noticed that Jonathan's mother's car was already parked in the yard. Great, she's back... I didn't hide my tears and pain. There was no point in hiding, after all, if someone asked how I was feeling, I would immediately burst into tears. I slowly went to the door and opened the door of the house with a deep sigh. As soon as I walked in, everyone turned to me. Joyce was sitting with her arms around Max who was lying on Joyce's lap. Jonathan and Robin immediately stood up when they saw me.

"Layla, are you okay?" snapped Robin. I wanted to call her out, tell her that I don't feel good, that I'm hurt, but I sighed, gave a small smile and nodded my head. Without waiting, I approached Joyce and Max. I bent down and started stroking the girl's head, it turns out that she was already asleep. Joyce looked at me with a worried look. I knew she had it all figured out. She always understood me and felt when something was wrong with me. She was like the mother I never had...

"How's Max?" I asked Jonathan's mother quietly. She just smiled sadly and patted the girl's head.

"She is hurt. She was in pain when I came back, she kept asking when are you coming back. She was so worried about you until she finally fell asleep..." Joyce said quietly. I knew Jonathan had told her everything, it couldn't be otherwise. Even if Jonathan didn't want to tell it, Joyce would have made him tell it anyway. That's Joyce.

"Well, everything is fine now..." I lied. It's never good. This situation is no exception. I can't imagine how hurt Max must have been.

"Layla, you know that you can stay with us as long as you need. We'll always welcome you into our home, and I'll have more fun when I have female company at home." Joyce smiled. I smiled back, nodding without answering.

"Thank you... If it wasn't for you, I would have to sleep on the street now..." I admitted. At that moment I realized that it was only us and Joyce and a sleeping Max left in the living room. I sighed, I felt like I was about to cry, but I had to hold on.

"Maybe I should call Jim? He would fix this thing." The woman asked. However, I began to shake my head vigorously.

"No, you don't need Hopper. I don't want to cause trouble for Max, she's already going through a lot. And besides, Hopper wouldn't do anything, he can't take a sister away from a brother, no matter who he is..." I spoke quietly to Joyce. She just sighed and nodded. Of course, Jim Hopper would have gone above and beyond, everyone knows that. Joyce herself knew this. But the truth is, I didn't want to cause trouble for Billy, who is already out of his mind. Hopper is an old friend of my father's and after his death he often took me into town to spend time with me. But I decided that I had to distance myself from him because I knew he already had a lot of problems, I didn't want to become another problem for him.

"You know, I could talk Jim into taking you in with him." Joyce suggested. I suddenly looked up at the woman who was smiling at me. "You know how important you are to him."

"No need, he has a lot of work anyway. I don't want to be an extra burden. I'd rather live with you for a while, find a job and rent some small house where I can live until the end of the school year." I said. I knew very well myself that such a plan of mine was impossible, but I had to talk Joyce out of it.

"Great, you can choose. But you know yourself that Jim would be very happy if you stayed with him." Joyce said softly. This woman is perfect. Really. I still don't understand why Hopper is still not with Joyce. They would be perfect for each other.

In the morning, everyone was in a strange mood. Joyce was long gone at work so it was just us. Max didn't talk to any of us all morning, she sat with headphones on all the way to school. Even Will couldn't talk her out of it. No one tried to talk to her anymore, because last night was harder for her than for us. Time passed slowly at school, there was no Billy, no Steve, no Nancy, and Jonathan and Robin had completely different classes than I did. Finally, after class, it was time for the backup dancers to practice. Fortunately, Nancy didn't come to practice either.

"Steve at school." Robin whispered quietly in my ear as we walked into the hall. I completely forgot that our training with the guys coincides. But my eyes fell on another person.

"Like Billy." I hissed angrily. But at that moment I noticed Steve coming towards me and Robin. Billy glared at my ex-boyfriend as he strode toward us. Robin left without waiting. Great.

"Layla, can we talk?" Steve asked sadly. I sighed and nodded. Only now did I notice that his whole face was covered with bruises and wounds.

"Layla, I'm really, really sorry. For everything. For that time at Lovers Lake and for that time at my party. I swear it wasn't meant to be. All I'm asking for is your forgiveness, Layla..." Steve spoke quietly. I could see that he was speaking sincerely. To be honest, Steve was the least of my concerns these days. I had already forgotten what disgusting things he had done. However, I no longer wanted to be angry with everyone I knew.

"I forgive you, Steve. But that doesn't mean we'll chat like buddies. I just don't want the hatred we have between us anymore. Just stop being like that and try not to treat Nancy like that..." I said everything slowly and looked up at Steve. He was truly sorry, maybe even more sincerely than Billy was when he apologized to me. His eyes were happy, I could see it. He smiled and bowed to the boys to continue training. At that moment I noticed Billy coming towards me. He had an angry expression on his face, but I didn't care. I took a few steps back, showing that I didn't want to see him. The guy stopped.

"Layla..." Billy turned sadly. However, I glared at him and turned around to go to my girls who were already waiting for practice. Well, no, Billy, don't think I've forgotten everything so quickly. The guy remained standing where he was at first, following me with his eyes the whole time. But it was too late. He lost me as easily as he gained me...

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