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When I got home, I rushed to do the homework that was assigned at school. I didn't want my grades to go down in school. But Billy didn't seem to care at all. While I was doing homework, he was exercising in the living room. I couldn't stand it.

"If you think that you will pass the exams by doing sports, then you are very wrong." I said angrily and turned to Billy. At that point he put the weights down and looked at me. He watched me with a raised eyebrow.

"After all, you said you would help me pass the exams." Billy said and sat down. I let out a loud sigh and looked at Billy.

"I said I'd help you pass the exams, not write them for you, Billy." I said and turned away to do my homework again. Billy didn't say anything. I felt him stand up and come closer to me. I tried to concentrate on my homework, but it didn't work. Billy was standing behind me, I could feel him. He slowly pulled my falling hair away from my neck. I suddenly rolled my eyes. Billy saw it perfectly. He started stroking my neck in slow motions. His fingers moved up and down. He leaned closer to me. Cigarettes rattled from him because he had one of them in his mouth.

"Billy, homework..." I tried to argue with the boy. But he didn't pay attention to it. Billy continued to massage my neck.

"Don't say you don't like it..." Billy mumbled softly and the hairs on my skin stood up. He knew how to handle women. Maybe that's why everyone wanted him. Billy's movements were soft and seductive, and his voice was mesmerizing. But at that moment I felt watched. Turning my head towards the stairs, I saw Max standing in the doorway. She stood frozen.

"Fuck." I said quietly and pushed Billy away. The guy got angry when he saw the girl. Max got scared and ran up the stairs. A second later, the door to her room slammed shut.

"Billy..." I quietly addressed the boy. He turned to me. I took his hand and gave it a light squeeze. "She's your sister... Don't be so rude. You are the whole world to her. In fact, she admitted yesterday that she is very happy that I live here. Billy, she's just a kid..."

"She said so?" surprised Billy. I nodded slightly. He held his head and leaned against the chair next to him. "I never thought I was too rough with her."

"It's okay, it's important that you understand that. Go talk to her, Billy." I said and smiled at the guy. He nodded and hurried over to Max.

A few minutes after Billy left, the house phone rang. I sighed and got up from the chair and took the phone in my hands.

"I'm listening." I spoke coldly.

"Layla..." the guy said my name quietly.

"Steve, what's wrong with you? Stop behaving like that. I am happy, much happier than when I was with you. I don't need your apologies and excuses. Too late. I need Billy, not you. Don't you dare call here again." I said everything quickly and hung up the phone. I sighed angrily and sat back down. There's a lot of work left to do, and they're all bothering me.

After talking with Max, Billy never came back to me. I decided not to disturb him and quietly got dressed and left the house. My destination was the Byers home. Jonathan and I never got a chance to talk about Nancy and Steve. The evening was very beautiful. The warm wind caressed my hair and the setting sun illuminated the entire path. The golden hour on Hawkins campus is worth a million. As I was daydreaming, I didn't even notice that I was already standing in Jonathan's yard. Without waiting for anything, I went to the door and knocked. Jonathan's car was at home, so I kept knocking. There were quick footsteps towards the door and it was finally opened.

"Hello. I thought I would have to turn around and go home." I complained to the guy and hugged him. Jonathan hugged me too. I was not in his house for long, everything seemed to have changed. "What happened to your house?"

"Mom decided it was time to update the walls. Isn't it strange? I told her a long time ago that she didn't need to, but she still didn't listen to me" Jonathan sighed and laughed. I laughed along and followed him into his room. Without waiting for anything, I jumped on his soft bed and turned to the boy.

"Well?" I asked. Jonathan just furrowed his eyebrows because he didn't understand what I was talking about. "Tell me what happened. Nancy and Steve and everything else."

"Oh. Nothing special. Steve threw a party right after you left. Me, Robin, and Nancy went to that damn party. Robin asked Steve if you knew about the party. Steve swore you knew. Therefore, no one paid any attention. Well, then, well after midnight, I went to the bathroom and saw Nancy on Steve. I turned and left. Nancy tried to chase me, but Robin and I drove away. Since then, neither has even tried to apologize. They spent the whole summer together. Strange how Steve met you." Jonathan told me everything. He looked sad, but I could see that his condition was improving.

"Well, Steve met me. As soon as we got to Lovers Lake he told me he was cheating on me with Nancy. Well, when I called Nancy a bitch he choked me. I swear I thought I was going to die. But I survived, probably thanks to Billy. If I had come back to our house Steve would have killed me. However, Billy offered to stay with him. And I am very grateful to him for that." I sighed and turned to Jonathan. He just shook his head. But he turned to me and smiled.

"Well, at least we have the best couple in all of Hawkins at school now." He shouted. I laughed out loud. Without waiting for anything, I hugged Jonothan. He hugged me back.

"Don't worry, you'll find your Billy." My best friend frowned and I laughed. He elbowed my arm.

We talked openly about everything for the rest of the evening. I really missed this conversation. I spent the whole summer in California, I had no friends there. I spent all days working. And when I returned to my hometown, I was greeted by a gift from my ex-boyfriend. I looked at the clock and got scared. It was already after midnight. I left without telling Billy and Max. They must be extremely worried about me. Meanwhile, I was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. A very loud sound of a car could be heard inside. After saying goodbye to Jonathan, I didn't wait for anything and went outside. Standing in front of me was a very angry Billy. He smoked as always. He looked at me angrily and raised his hand. He was about to say something, but he lowered his hand and hugged me tightly.

"Can you at least imagine how you scared me?" Billy whispered softly in my ear. I understood him perfectly.

"I'm sorry for leaving without notice. I thought I wouldn't be at Jonathan's for long. I didn't keep track of time..." I quietly answered the guy. He just nodded and pulled away from me.

"Get in the car, we're going home." Billy said as he let me go and pointed to the car. Without answering anything, I hurried to sit in the car. Billy saves me again...

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