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In the morning I got up much earlier than usual. I didn't want to see Billy in my eyes. I was very angry with him, he hurt me. Therefore, I decided that I will go to school alone. I quickly got ready, dressed and went outside. Outside, the weather was disgusting, the sky peaked, no sun, heavy fog and even greater wind. But I didn't give up. I will not yield to him. It was a long way from home to school, so I sighed and hit the road. I walked slowly because I had plenty of time. I had to think about a lot of important things. I think my plan has come to an end, but I felt so sorry for Max. She suffers more than anyone else. I felt cold raindrops. Great. I was in my cheerleading outfit. I was very, very cold, but I had to go on. Cold raindrops pelted my face and a cold wind blew my hair. I will go to school all wet, just the perfect start to the day. Although it was raining heavily, I walked very slowly. I had to be with myself. But not for long. It wasn't long before I heard the all-too-familiar roar of a car engine. It's strange how Billy decided to show up at school after yesterday. I was sure he would pass me by. But I was wrong. The car suddenly stopped behind me. I heard Billy get out of the car and run towards me.

"Layla, get in the car, you're all wet." Billy said. The guy didn't even look me in the eyes.

"No." I answered angrily and did not stop walking. The boy let out a loud sigh. He didn't chase me.

"Layla, I'm begging you. We need to talk." The guy asked. I was very angry. I didn't want to see him in the eyes.

"Billy, there's nothing to talk about! You said enough yesterday, I don't want to hear anything more from you! Leave me alone!" I yelled at the guy. I walked without even turning around, but Billy grabbed my hand.

"I'm begging you... Please just listen. After we talk, you can leave, if you want, I will leave you forever. Just let me explain everything." Billy spoke quietly, still not daring to look me in the eyes. I shook his hand from mine and walked to the car without saying anything. I sat down and slammed the car door hard. Billy said nothing and started driving. We clearly didn't go to school. I didn't care, I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. Billy didn't say a word, and I didn't want to listen to him at all. As soon as we turned onto the road, I realized that we were driving on a cliff with Lovers Lake at the bottom. Billy stopped and put his head on the wheel. Everything reminded me of the night Steve and I broke up.

"I don't even know what words I should use to apologize to you... My actions are inexcusable. I'm so sorry, Layla. I don't expect you to forgive me. But if I don't apologize, I won't be able to live in peace. Everything I told you is a lie. You are not a mistake, Layla. You are the best thing that happened in my life..." Billy said quietly. I didn't know what to answer. All I knew was that the guy was telling the truth. He was truly sorry for what he had done.

"Billy, you really hurt me..." I replied quietly. The guy raised his head from the steering wheel and hit the steering wheel of the car hard with his fist.

"I know, Layla. I really fucked up..." Billy said and turned to me. My gaze was fixed on the lake, which was restless. I needed him, I knew it.

"Billy..." I said to the boy, but stopped because I didn't know what to say next. It was difficult for me, I was afraid that he would get upset again.

"You have no idea how sorry I am. I didn't have to say that, I didn't have to act like that. After everything you've done, I'm hooked..." the guy admitted. It hurt me to listen to him.

"Your apology is accepted... I don't know what was the reason for your behavior, but I didn't do anything bad to you..." I said. I can't be mad at him. Every time I see him, my heart just jumps with happiness. It was too late to hate him.

"Layla, I would really like to explain everything to you, but it's too early." The guy admitted quietly. I turned to him with a questioning look. He really looked sad, lost and thoughtful.

"And when will be the right time, Billy? When will you finally open up to me? How long will you reject me?" I raised my voice. I'm honestly sick of his games. I really didn't like it.

"I'd like to know... But it's not easy. Fuck, I don't even know how to explain it to you." Billy cursed. He turned to me and took my hand.

"Just don't push me away the next time I try to help you..." I said quietly. Billy just kept shaking his head.

"I'm trying, princess. I'm really trying..." Billy said and turned away from me. His gaze was directed somewhere outside the window. I knew I was addicted to this guy. If it wasn't Billy, but another guy, I would never have forgiven. But my heart belongs to him. I knew it, I felt it with all my heart. But I didn't dare say it out loud. I was afraid he wouldn't care, that he would disappear and hurt me. I don't think our love story is ever destined to come true. One of us fell in love and the other just hurts. But a very small part of my heart believed that we could make it...

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