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If you feel uncomfortable reading s3x scenes, I recommend skipping this part. You won't miss anything important, so you can read the next part <3

I woke up in the morning with sunlight streaming through the windows of my room. I knew it was already morning, so I had to get up. But in that moment I realized that Hopper was working today and wouldn't be home all day. Therefore, I just made myself more comfortable in bed and closed my eyes. However, I did not enjoy the peace for long. A second later there was a loud knock on the door. Buddy started barking loudly. I tried to ignore the sounds around me, just couldn't. I sighed angrily and kicked the blanket away from me. I got up from the bed and quickly walked to the door. I quickly opened the door.

"What do you want-" I shouted angrily. But I immediately shut up when I saw Billy in front of me. He was smiling mischievously, looking straight at me. But as soon as he saw me, he looked me over from head to toe. Only then did I realize I was only in my underwear, so Billy was watching me.

"I can relate to such an image. I hope you only look like that in front of me, princess?" Billy growled in my ear. He walked inside the house without waiting for permission. He locked the door and took my hand. He walked quickly towards my room, but he didn't let go of my hand. As soon as he entered into my room he slammed his door and pinned me against the door. He grabbed both of my hands and held them up above my head and pinned them against the wall. I was shocked, but this is what I wanted from him. He was looking at me lustfully. I could see his eyes undressing me. I knew , that there's a storm of feelings raging inside him. So I innocently look into his eyes and lick my lips. Billy smiled and growled.

"God, I'm going crazy for you." The guy said quietly in my ear. Billy slowly leaned towards me and slowly kissed my neck. I felt shivers run through my body. He smiled slightly and continued to slowly kiss my neck, leaving wet kisses on my skin. His kisses trailed down to my collarbone. I had closed my eyes and was enjoying the moment, but he stopped and pulled away. I opened my eyes and looked into his blue eyes. The smile never left Billy's face. He just bit his lip and sucked on my lips. Without waiting for anything, I answered the kiss. The kiss was passionate, just what we both needed. He let go of my hands, so I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped onto his torso. Our kiss was still going on. Suddenly his hands were on my butt. He squeezed it hard, I moaned loudly into his lips. Apparently, the guy was enjoying it, he smiled during the kiss. Billy threw me on the bed with a sudden movement and pulled off his shirt. I couldn't help myself and ran my hand over his perfectly trained abs. He sighed deeply. My hand went down to his jeans and belt, but he pulled my hand away. He put his hand behind my back and lifting me off the bed he unbuttoned my bra with one hand. The guy looked at me, smiled and leaned down to my collarbone. With slow kisses, he went down to my chest, which he caressed roughly. My muffled and loud moans were heard. He drove me crazy. He went all the way down to my panties but didn't touch them. Billy teased me and enjoyed it. He spread my legs with one hand and started kissing my inner thigh. His every touch made me feel divine. But I didn't like it. With a sudden movement of my hands, I pulled him away from me and moved closer to him. Billy looked confused but didn't mind. Looking straight into his eyes, I unbuckled his belt and deliberately ran my hand over his pride, at which point the boy turned his head and moaned. I casually pulled his jeans down, but I was a bit sloppy, so Billy impatiently pulled his jeans off himself along with his boxers. I started to pull my panties down slowly, but Billy stopped me. He was looking straight into my eyes and smiling. Without waiting for anything, he quickly removed my panties and threw them somewhere on the ground. He stroked my clit in a slow motion. I groaned loudly.

"Billy... Please..." I begged him. My voice was breaking, which only gave the guy great satisfaction.

"Say that again." The boy muttered quietly. He was touching me with slow movements. I closed my eyes and moaned again.

"Billy. Please. I need you." I said with a moan. The boy growled and pulled his fingers away from me. I opened my eyes, but not for long. I closed my head and moaned loudly. He entered me. His movements were deep and strong. And it drove me crazy. I wrapped my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his torso. Billy was scanning my body, one hand on my breast and the other leaning on the edge of the bed. He moaned softly and quietly, but I did the opposite. My moans were loud and it was driving the guy crazy. I ran my claws hard across Billy's back. This pleasure continued for several more minutes until the dog started barking. Billy stopped and raised his head. I quickly pushed the guy away.

"Fuck. Hopper is back. He wasn't supposed to come back until the evening." I said quietly and jumped out of bed to get dressed. The boy also suddenly started looking for his clothes, which were scattered all over the room.

"I missed it by so little... It doesn't matter, we'll still have opportunities to extend it." Billy said in frustration, but gave me a hard slap on the butt. I turned to him and rolled my eyes. If Hopper found out what was going on here, he would shoot not only Billy, but me too. Fortunately, Billy and I were fully dressed as soon as the front door opened.

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