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"Layla, get up, we're going to be late!" shouted Max. She kept shaking me.

"What time is it?" I asked the girl. She just started shaking me even harder.

"An hour until school starts." Billy's steamy voice came out. I jumped out of bed.

"Shit!" I shouted and rushed to the bathroom. As soon as I took a shower, I started to apply makeup. I had to brush away the bruise that was still faintly visible on my neck. I tied my curly hair back and put on my cheerleading costume. I never liked him. My butt was very visible. However, I am the captain of the cheerleading team. I have to wear it all the time. I smelled my favorite perfume and rushed to Max and Billy. As soon as I got to the first floor, Billy looked me over from head to toe. He bit his lip and smiled.

"You look great, baby." Billy said. The girl just rolled her eyes.

"Ew. I will never get used to this." The redhead complained.

"Max, we have a deal." I put my finger to my lips to keep her quiet.

"After all, I promised that I wouldn't tell anyone. Calm down, you can trust me." Max shouted. Billy was surprised and I just laughed.

"Since when does she know?" asked Billy. Max and I laughed.

"Since the first minute of your agreement." Max said and patted Billy on the shoulder. Without waiting for anything, we rushed to the car.

As soon as we arrived at school, Maxine said goodbye and ran to her friends. Robin and Jonothan were already waiting for Billy and me. They both knew nothing until now. Robin screamed and Jonothan turned to Robins.

"Finley. You amaze me every day." Robin said quietly. I just laughed and took Billy's hand. He didn't say anything but greeted Jonothan by shaking his hand. Robin gave him a nod of greeting and Billy returned the same. It was at that moment that Steve and Nancy drove into the school yard. Steve got out of the car and lit a cigarette. Nancy sat on the hood and turned to me. Steve too.

"Don't panic." Billy whispered softly in my ear. At the same moment he put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me deeply. Without waiting for anything, I hugged him and answered his kiss. As soon as we pulled away, Jonothon and Robin looked at each other. They started laughing.

"Oh shit. You should have seen Nancy's and Steve's looks. It looked like Steve was going to kill Billy." Robin said with a laugh. She didn't stop laughing. Jonathan too.

"And Nancy. As soon as she saw you kissing, she rushed to school." My best friend said. Billy and I looked at each other and started laughing.

"It works, Layla. You are a genius." Billy told me quietly. I just looked at him and smiled warmly.

Everyone was looking at us the whole time we went to school. Everyone was surprised and shocked that Billy and I were together. I couldn't stop smiling. Apparently, Billy also enjoyed all the attention we got together. As soon as I entered the chemistry class, my mood immediately disappeared. The only free seat left in the classroom was next to Steve. I sighed angrily and sat down.

"I never thought you and Billy would be together." Steve said angrily. He turned to me. His expression was angry but sad at the same time. I just smiled mockingly.

"I never thought the guy I loved would cheat on me with my best friend." I replied angrily and turned away from him. Steve still wanted to answer something, but he just sighed and turned his attention somewhere else.

The lessons were easy. However, after the lessons, it was necessary to go to the training of the support team dancers. Which, of course, included Nancy. But luckily for me, she didn't show up today.

"Girls, today there will be boys in our training. Since our training time coincides with boys' basketball training, we will have to share the hall." Said our coach. I nodded and started warming up before practice. I could see Billy couldn't take his eyes off me. I winked at him and he just licked his lips. Unbelievable, he act better than I expected.

I will admit, I was the best in our team. Maybe that's why I was appointed team captain. This year, our team has a lot of newcomers who need to be prepared for the upcoming basketball competition, which will be next week. Among the newcomers was Robin. But she did a great job. Maybe because she watched all my competitions and training all these years. All the while I could see Steve watching me. I tried to ignore it, but he was watching me all too obviously. Apparently Billy noticed it too.

"Hey Harrington. I didn't know you broke up with Nancy." Billy's angry and cold voice rang through the hall. Without waiting for anything, I turned and watched the two boys. Steve turned to Billy.

"We're still together." My ex-boyfriend replied angrily. Billy laughed and turned the toothpick around in his mouth.

"So stop staring at my girlfriend, Harrington. It will have consequences. Therefore, I would advise you not to do it again." said Billy angrily. I was shocked. Why is Steve doing this? But the guy just rolled his eyes and left the hall. The whole hall was silent. I didn't know what to do or say. Robin coughed and I looked at her. She urged me to say something with her hands.

"Girls, back to training, nothing to see here." I ordered. Robin gave a thumbs up and all the girls went back to training.

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