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When we arrived at Steve's yard, we were greeted by loud music. The music could be heard from far away. Jonathan turned off the car and they both turned to me. I realized that I had to tell them everything, but I couldn't tell the truth. I had to continue acting according to the plan.

"So... Maybe you want to tell me what happened?" Robin asked quietly. They were my best friends, and I will probably be grateful to them for the rest of my life. They were always there when I was in trouble.

"He betrayed me. With Linda. I found them kissing. I could see he liked it. Nothing new. I do not want to talk about it. Maybe we can go now? Today I want to get so drunk that I forget where I live." I answered and smiled sadly. They didn't answer and just nodded. Without waiting for anything, we got out of the car and went to the door of Steve's house. I knocked loudly on the door. It took a long time before someone answered the door.

"Look who's here!" shouted a drunk Steve. He opened the door and indicated that we could enter. "Feel at home and have a good time!"

Drunk Steve was stupid. He was always looking for trouble and would lie to everyone. But he was always happy. As soon as I entered the house, I noticed that I was alone. Great. Robin and Jonathan just disappeared somewhere. I sighed and headed to the kitchen where the alcoholic drinks were placed. Without waiting for anything, I took a can of beer and headed to the living room. Many familiar people danced in it. Steve must have invited the whole school. I glared at everyone in the living room. No one approached me. I stood alone in the doorway. But I didn't even notice myself getting drunker with each can. I was getting more and more amused. I danced and sang along with the others, and it seemed that I even forgot that I had lost my friends. Suddenly a guy grabbed my arm.

"Hey Layla. I have weed that I got from California. Everyone says it's brutally strong. Want to try it?" it was Eddie, the school junkie. He often played a game called D&D with the kids. I haven't used drugs in a long time. Since the day my father died. But tonight I didn't care about anything. I smiled fondly at Eddie and together we headed out into the mostly empty yard. Everyone was in the house so it was quiet outside.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Eddie asked. He was a good guy, but strange. But everyone called him a freak. But I never thought so. I didn't care what kind of person he really was. As long as he acts nice, I like him.

"Must be fucking some bitch." I hissed angrily. Eddie was shocked but didn't say anything to me. Just handed me a roll. Without waiting for anything, I lit it and inhaled the smoke. While we smoked, we talked about our lives. About the last year at school. Turns out, Eddie isn't so weird after all. He is just closed in himself and does not like to talk openly with someone.

"You can trust me. I won't tell anyone. I probably won't remember anything tomorrow, because I'm drunk as a slipper, and I'm also high on weed." I laughed and looked at Eddie. He looked worried. He reached out and tried to take the roll from my fingers, but I wouldn't let him.

"Layla, I think you've had enough." Eddie said quietly. I turned to the guy and laughed. But he was faster and ripped the weed from my fingers. I glared at him.

"Let's go inside. You need to sober up." The guy offered carefully, but I shook my head.

"I will stay here. Too much noise inside. You go, I'll be right back." I said. Eddie just nodded and disappeared. I felt indescribably good. I haven't drank or used drugs in a long time. But tonight was different. I missed this feeling. I sat outside in a rocking chair and enjoyed the loud music coming from inside the house. However, I felt someone sit down next to me. I turned my head with difficulty. I would have liked to have sat alone, but it didn't bother me now. Like I said, I don't care.

"Why are you sitting alone?" Steve asked fondly. He was sitting very close to me. Too close. But I didn't have the strength to push him away. Even when he was drunk, he was more orientated than I was.

"Steve, get off me. You make me feel uncomfortable." I answered quietly. However, only a small smile graced the boy's face. He didn't care about my words. He leaned closer to me and placed his hand on my thigh. He started stroking her.

"Steve, I don't think that's a good idea." I objected, but the guy looked me straight in the eyes and kept smiling. I tried to stand up, but Steve quickly put me back in my seat. His hand began to rise higher.

"You always liked it." Steve whispered softly in my ear. He was right. I always liked his demeanor. But definitely not now.

"Steve, stop it. I do not like it." I said louder. But he ignored my request. He just leaned closer and started kissing my neck. Tears ran down my cheeks. I tried to push him away, but he was stronger.

"Harrington!" said an angry and cold voice I knew well. Steve pulled back to see Billy coming towards us. He was furious. I have never seen him so angry. He grabbed Steve by the neck and pulled him away from me. Without waiting for anything, he punched the guy in the face. Steve couldn't hold back and fell to the grass. Billy sat on top of him and started pounding his face.

"I warned you, Harrington!" shouted Billy. I stood up. I saw Steve's face bleeding. I had to stop it. I walked over to Billy and touched his shoulder. But he ignored it.

"Billy, please stop!" I said louder. The guy turned and saw my scared look. Tears streamed down my face. I was sick, dizzy.

"I'm calm, I'm calm." said Billy, throwing his hands up. He dismounted from a battered Steve, to whom a second later Nancy ran up crying. Billy was also drunk. I saw it in his eyes. They were angrier than usual. I was afraid of him. For the first time in my life I was afraid of him. Everyone gathered outside to watch this event. Billy came towards me but I backed away. Billy bowed his head and moved closer.

"Lets go home. Now." Billy hissed angrily. I slowly shook my head, but at the same second he grabbed my hand tightly and began to drag me towards the exit. Jonathan and Robin didn't let us pass.

"Let her go, Billy. I'll take her home." Jonathan said firmly. But Billy just laughed and pushed him aside.

"Stay out of your own business, Byers." The boy said angrily and continued to drag me. My hand was burning. I was really hurting, but Billy wouldn't let me go. We got to the car and he opened my door and put me in the car. Billy himself quickly got behind the wheel and we sped out of Steve's yard. I have never driven so fast in my life. Billy was going three times the speed limit. I was really scared. He was really drunk and he was speeding. I let out a sob and turned to Billy, who was glaring at the road. He had a cigarette in his mouth, as always.

"Please stop the car, Billy." I said quietly, but the guy ignored me.

"Billy, I'm scared, stop the car." I said louder. But Billy continued to ignore me. I really thought we were going to die. I didn't think we would survive this trip home. I was absolutely terrified. I cried so that the image around me poured.

"Stop the fucking car, Billy!" I shouted. The guy angrily turned to me and pressed the brake pedal. The car's tires started screeching and soon we stopped.

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