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Layla's position

I stood in front of the closet like a statue. It was a shame to admit, but I really had nothing to wear. In the end, I pulled out my red ruffle dress and high heels with a small heel from the closet. After getting dressed, I looked in the mirror. I sighed. And who am I trying to fool? I don't even have a partner to go to the dance with... Even Jonathan is going with Robin... Meanwhile I'm left alone... I fixed my hair that fell on my shoulders. I hadn't curled my hair since my dad died, but I thought it was about time I let it go... I put on my mom's necklace, which matched my dress perfectly. I glanced at the clock, which showed 7pm. Robin and Jonathan should be here soon, so I left my room. Hopper was sitting on the couch watching TV. As soon as I left the room he looked at me and smiled.

"You look amazing, Layla. And don't worry. The most important thing is that you have fun tonight. I hope you'll be home by midnight." Everything was dictated by Hopper. I smiled. And as I approached Jim, I gave him a big hug.

"Thank you for everything... Really. And the truth is, maybe I'll come back even earlier, there probably won't be anything to do there and I'll be terribly bored." Hopper just laughed and motioned for me to go.

"Have fun." Hopper said cheerfully. I smiled and nodded my head.

After leaving the door, I looked at the yard. It was completely empty. It's strange, after all, Robin and Jonathan were already supposed to come to me. But at the same moment, a car drove into the yard. Since it was dark, I immediately thought that my friends had already arrived. But only when I started walking closer to the car did I realize that it wasn't them. I stopped. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Billy got out of the car, carrying the most beautiful bouquet of roses I've ever seen. I won't lie, Billy looked stunning. He was coming towards me and I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"Hello," greeted Billy. He was smiling and looking straight into my eyes. Without waiting for anything, he stretched out his hands and handed me a bouquet of flowers. "You look amazing, Layla."

"If you think you're going to bribe me with an amazingly beautiful bouquet of flowers, you're sorely mistaken." Indeed, he has already bribed me. In that moment, I realized why Robin and Billy looked at each other so often at school. Robin helped him.

"Layla, I'm asking for just one chance.

Last chance. After tonight you can decide. I can stay away from you forever, I'm just asking you for one night." Billy said confidently. I didn't say anything, but butterflies started flying in my stomach. I turned around and walked home with a quick step. As soon as I opened the door, a huge smile appeared on my face. Without waiting, I ran up to Hopper and handed him a bouquet of flowers. The man was surprised.

"Please put the flowers in the vase, I'm really leaving now." I quickly said everything and started running to the door.

"Layla, if he hurts you again, I will find a reason to put him in jail." Hopper threatened.

"Let's hope we don't have to." I smiled and hurried outside. Billy had already started smoking a cigarette. I approached him, he turned to me and held out his hand, which I tentatively grabbed. The guy led me to the car door and opened it for me. I sat down inside. God, what did Robin say to him?

"I want to ask you something. Was this all your idea or was it Robin's?" I asked the guy as he got into the car.

"All I can reveal is that the girl was the person who encouraged me to do it." The guy answered and started driving with a smile.

As soon as we entered the school yard, we were greeted by loud music. I smiled slightly. During these months I had really forgotten what fun was. As soon as we got out, I noticed that Robin and Jonathan were nearby. The girl looked at me scared, I looked at her with a frightening look and she immediately turned away in fear. I will have to have a serious talk with her after these dances. When I entered the school hall, everyone gave me and Billy strange looks. It couldn't be otherwise, because we both looked perfect today.

"Would you like to dance?" asked Billy, holding out his hand. In fact, I wanted to drink. So I turned to him and shook my head.

"Maybe later, I'm going to get a drink, do you want one?" I asked the guy. He just shook his head without looking at me and went outside with a cigarette in his mouth. Great.

As soon as he left, I hurried to the drinks table. I took one plastic glass of drink and drank it without waiting. At that moment, I felt someone close to me. I turned my head to see Steve standing next to me, smiling and looking straight at me. I gave him an awkward smile.

"Looks nice. Didn't you come to the dance alone?" the guy asked. I shook my head.

"Thank you, you look good yourself. No, my companion has disappeared somewhere." I smiled. Steve nodded sadly.

"You here with him?" Steve asked sadly. I nodded. This conversation was very uncomfortable, I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. It was at that moment that the slow music started playing. Steve awkwardly held out his hand to me.

"Can we dance?" Steve asked modestly. I put my drink on the table and looked into Steve's eyes. To be honest, I didn't want to be here at all. But we were interrupted by a cough. I turned my head to see Billy standing next to me. Tonight is about to get fun... Both guys were waiting for my answer. And they both knew very well that one of them was going to be hurt tonight.

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