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Billy fooled me. He never took me to the movies. In fact, he wasn't home all weekend. He just disappeared. I was starting to get really worried about him. I didn't know where he was or where to look for him. It drove me crazy. Max was also worried. She kept asking if I knew where Billy was. But on Sunday night, I heard a loud knock on the door. Without waiting for anything, I rushed downstairs. Billy stood there swaying. He was very, very drunk.

"Well, hello." He said with a smile. I was furious. He saw this, but his smile never left his face.

"Where were you?" I asked angrily. He only grinned even more.

"Not your business." He answered. He tried to take off his shoes, but it was difficult for him.

"It is not my business? Billy, you have a sister! She was very worried about you. How can you do that? You must feel responsible." I was angry with him. But he didn't care. Suddenly his smile disappeared and he turned angrily towards me.

"Don't tell me what to do! It's absolutely none of your business what I've been doing, where I've been and when I'll be back! You are nobody, you have no right to explain anything to me!" Billy yelled at me. He was very angry. Approached me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? I was worried about you, I thought something had happened to you!" I shouted back. Billy gave a sickening laugh.

"Fuck off!" he yelled right in my face. He pushed me away and turned towards his room without saying anything. Max saw everything. She was shocked, the girl cried. Fearing Billy, she quickly closed the door to her room.

"You know, you deserve everything that's happened to you," Billy said mockingly. I was shocked. He didn't actually say that. I was even more angry than I had been before. Without waiting for anything, I ran after Billy. I ran behind him so I was standing in front of him. I hit him across the face. The boy closed his eyes and licked his lips.

"You are fucking delusional, Billy! I never thought you would say that. I hope that makes you feel better!" I shouted. Billy smiled and said nothing. He raised his hand, but lowered it.

"Get the fuck out of my way, Layla. Or you'll regret it." Billy hissed angrily and pushed me away. He went into his room and hited the door of his room in my face.

"I hate you, Billy!" I hate you so much!" I kicked the door of his room. Without waiting for anything, I rushed downstairs to the phone. With shaking hands, I picked up the phone and was about to dial, but a strong hand grabbed mine.

"You're not going anywhere." Billy said angrily.

"Don't tell me what to do." I hissed. But the guy was serious. He squeezed my hand even harder, I let go of the phone. He came closer to my face. Billy reeked of alcohol and cigarettes.

"I said you're not going anywhere." Billy hissed back angrily. My eyes filled with tears. Billy let go of my hand and turned to leave.

"I promise, Layla, if you leave, there will be serious consequences." Billy threatened. I was crying, I didn't hear anything he said. I wanted to get out of here, but I was so afraid of Billy. I was afraid he would do something to Max. She heard everything. The poor girl heard every word of our argument... I couldn't figure out what was wrong with Billy. What did I do wrong that he treats me so disgustingly? I did everything to make him and Max happy. However, this is not enough. He still acts like a piece of shit. I kept trying to understand what actions caused Billy to behave like this, but I couldn't figure it out. He behaves like a real monster on advisory days.... It was extremely painful for me. His behavior reminded me of my father. My dad was always cruel to me. He always called me ugly words, beat me if something happened to him.

But despite everything, I still loved him. With Billy, things are different. It feels like he's doing this on purpose to make me hate him. His mood swings. He doesn't tell me anything anymore. Disgusting and cruel behavior. What's the point of that? No matter how hard I try, I can't understand him. He is difficult to understand, he is stubborn and has a difficult character. However, I am indifferent to him. Billy Hargrove, what's your plan?

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