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"Layla, what are you doing here?" asked Billy, confused. But I ignored him, not having the slightest desire to talk to him. Billy followed me. I picked up my clothes, but they were completely wet. Only my shoes, which were lying next to my feet, remained dry. My pants and sweater were soaked with water. I was all wet. It couldn't have been a better day.

"Layla, I know I'm screwed. But talk to me, please. You were able to forgive Steve after everything he did to you, but you can't talk to me?" asked Billy angrily. At that moment, I dropped the clothes that I was holding in my hand and took a quick step closer to the boy. I could see the anger on my face, I knew he could see it.

"Don't you dare bring Steve in here. He is my past, just like you. I don't want to be angry with him anymore, so I decided to forget everything. And you and your crap is another topic I don't want to talk about." I said everything angrily. But I realized that I have to express everything here and now. "You know why I don't want to forgive you and why I forgave Steve? Because I didn't see Steve fucking Nancy, and I saw a whore rubbing around you who just wanted to fuck you. So yes, Billy, I'd rather forgive Steve than you. At least Steve wasn't using me as a toy. And yet Linda is right, Billy. You're just a player who doesn't care about anyone around you. You know, I thought everything would be fine between us. I really hoped that something was going on between us, I really thought that you felt something for me. And you know why I thought so? Because I'm fucking in love with you, Billy Hargrove!"

Billy stood there in silence, I could tell he didn't know what to say. In fact, I didn't want to hear anything anymore, it was too painful for me. I was no longer hiding my feelings for Billy. But this guy humiliated me a lot more than Steve did. I stared at Billy for a few more seconds, who was still looking into my eyes. He stood like a statue. I wonder what he's thinking now. But it was too late. His biggest goal in life has been achieved, he will continue to be able to show off with all the girls in the city and fuck any one he wants. I don't care what he does anymore. I bent down and picked up my shoes, which I quickly put on. My sweater was long and big, so I tied it around my waist to cover at least a little bit of my body. I grabbed my pants and turned to leave. But at that moment I remembered Max. So I immediately turned to Billy.

"Billy, I wasn't kidding about Max, this threat still stands. I hope your stupid head thought to apologize to her." I said angrily. Billy was looking at the sand he was kicking up with his foot. "Buddy, let's go."

The dog immediately ran to me and we moved away from Billy, leaving him alone. I pulled out a cigarette from my sweater that I had taken from Billy when I was still living with him. I lit a cigarette and Buddy and I headed home.

As soon as I returned, I was met with a questioning look from Hopper.

"I thought you were going for a walk, not a swim," Jim said with a laugh. I smiled a little. I knew he didn't understand anything. If Joyce were here, she would have realized long ago that Billy was the cause of my wet clothes.

"It's Buddy's fault, he wanted to go swimming." I lied and laughed. Hopper apparently believed this lie. I sighed and headed towards my room.

"Hey Layla. I'm glad you live with me now. I've missed our long night rides and talks." Hopper said fondly with a warm smile. I paused and turned to the man. I couldn't resist smiling too.

"And I miss it, Hopper." I admitted. And this time it wasn't a lie. Long night rides with Hopper in his sheriff's car were the best thing we did together.

The next morning there was an uproar at school. And how else, after all, today is the "Tigers" competition. Billy sat at the basketball players' table in the cafeteria and kept looking at me. I was sitting just a few tables away from Billy. I was with Max and the other kids, Jonatahn and Robin. But I was worried about Robin's behavior, she kept turning to Billy and smiling at him. Who possessed this girl?

"Robin, if you're going to take over Billy, don't do it near me, please." I told her, leaning right next to Robin's ear. The girl almost had a heart attack when she heard that. Soon she started laughing out loud. I frowned and looked more closely at my friend. She's really weird.

"Layla, you know it's not my taste." She laughed. "And anyway, I don't promise to explain anything to you. When the time comes, you will understand."

How much longer is everyone going to keep those damn secrets from me?... But I could see Billy's eyes on Robin. The two of them were up to something, I knew it. The look Billy gave Robin was not a flirty look. It was the look when you lie to your parents that you didn't do anything. And that scared me even more than a flirtatious look. If Robin and Billy are up to something, it can't be anything good...

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