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For a whole week, Nancy and Steve didn't show up at school. He started drinking alcohol again. Typical Steve. He was an alcoholic while we were together, but I helped him deal with this problem. I have no doubt Nancy will make it too. She's smart, but I don't know if she can handle Steve's stubbornness. It takes patience and time, and I know Nancy. She is not a patient person at all. But there is no such thing as bad that does not turn out to be good. During this week Billy and I became closer. Also he finally made friends with Robin and Jonathan. Apparently, everything is getting sorted out little by little. But the nightmares still didn't go away. Every night I sleep with Billy, who I wake up every night with my scream. Max got used to it, the girl said today that she didn't even hear my scream. But today is The Tigers' first basketball game, so from the first lessons, everyone is talking about it. During the lunch break, all the students supported the basketball players. They wished them luck and begged them to win. Linda came up to us, dressed as a cheerleader.

"Billy, I promise I'll be the loudest for you today. Don't forget to look at me, I'll show you what I'm good at." Linda was flirting. I felt sick, but Billy just laughed out loud. Along with him are Robin and Jonathan.

"Linda, my gaze will not be focused on you, but on the ball. And if I want to improve my image, I will look at my girl." Billy said and kissed my cheek. I smiled. Linda glared at us.

"Linda, dear, you will not be dancing today." I said lovingly looking straight into her eyes. The girl looked shocked.

"What? After all, I'm a new cheerleader." Linda was outraged. I nodded.

"Yeah, but you only joined yesterday, so you're not ready for this match yet." I told the girl. She looked even angrier than before Billy kissed me.

"And who decided that?" she shouted and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I. Since I am the captain of the team, I decided that you are not ready for the match yet." I smiled.

"I will complain to our coach. She will definitely let me dance today." Linda spoke angrily. I just smiled mockingly and stood up so she could see and hear me better.

"Try it, the coach agreed to my proposal in the first second. And if you try to join us today, I won't hesitate to kick you off the team immediately. Remember, I'm in charge of the dancers, Linda. If you get in my way again, I'll rip off your fake hair and throw it in the trash can." I hissed angrily. Linda was shocked by my speech.

"Are you threatening me, Layla?" the black haired girl shouted.

"No, I just gave you an offer." I winked and sat back down. All the students in the cafeteria started laughing at Linda. She became even more upset and disappeared from the cafeteria.

"When I said I'd watch you dance. I was serious, Layla. Don't let me down." Billy whispered softly in my ear. I was surprised and my cheeks reddened.

Before the competition, all the girls were in the dressing room. Everyone was cheerful and in a good mood for today's competition. The newcomers were perfectly prepared, I was very happy for them. Suddenly, a panting Nancy burst through the dressing room door. I looked at Nancy questioningly.

"Sorry that I'm late." She said quietly. I just nodded. "Layla, can we talk?"

I was afraid. Why does that girl want to talk to me? Robin was also surprised, but pushed me towards the girl.

"Sure, what happened?" I asked. In fact, I didn't want to talk to Nancy at all, but the girl seemed as if this conversation was very important to her.

"Layla, I know I hurt you... But I really need your help. Steve started drinking again. I want to help him, but I don't know how..." the girl was sad. I could barely stop myself from laughing.

"Well, of course you hurt me. Both. But it takes time, Nancy. Steve is stubborn. I can't help you any more. It took me half a year to get him to stop drinking. I can only wish you luck and patience." I said everything quickly and turned away from the girl and went straight to Robin. She was confused. However, I waved my hand to show that what Nancy was saying was completely irrelevant.

"Girls, concentrate! We have to look flawless! Smile! Our support is very important to our tigers! Get ready, we'll be there in a minute!" I said. All the girls clapped and stood in their palces.

A minute later, the principal of our school announced to everyone in the hall that it was our turn to perform. All the girls ran out into the hall smiling and clapping their bangs. There was loud music to announce that our dance had begun. All the girls danced well. It was my turn to perform. There were four of us: me, Nancy, and two newcomers. The movement was simple. They throw me in the air, I flip in the air and the girls catch me. As the girls tossed me into the air, I rolled over, only to find that Nancy had moved out of her palce. If she's gone, I'll fall to the floor. Those rookies won't be able to catch me. I started to panic, only to notice that Robin had moved from her palce and stood in Nancy's place. The landing was smooth.

"If it wasn't you, I'd be on the floor right now." I said quietly to Robin. The girl smiled at me. And we continued our dance. What's wrong with Nancy?

The last dance moves were very simple. We jumped up and together with Nancy and Robin did the split in front of all the girls. I looked at Nancy, she gave me a mocking smile. Everyone in the hall shouted and clapped. As always, everyone enjoyed our dance. After the dance, we all stopped a little further away, because the director invited the Tigers. The first to run was the team captain. Which of course was Steve. I thought he wouldn't come, but the guy ran in with a big smile waving to everyone. Nancy yelled and air kissed Steve. I snorted, as did Robin. Billy ran into the hall as a second. Everyone shouted and supported our basketball players. Billy winked at me as he ran. I just smiled even more and Robin and I started cheering even louder for the Tigers.

The competition was great, Tigers won as always. However, I noticed that the competition was more between Steve and Billy than against the other team. But it didn't matter to me. After the competition, Billy was named the top scorer of the competition. Everyone cheered and chanted Billy's name. The guy ran up to me without waiting and kissed me on the lips.

"You dance perfectly. Never mind that Nancy tried to screw things up. But Robin saved you, and that bitch Nancy got laid like always." Billy said loudly and looked at Robin who was smiling widely.

"I couldn't let her humiliate my best friend." Robin said proudly and laughed. Billy and I laughed too.

"Take the children and Jonathan, let's go eat. I want to celebrate this great competition." Billy said loudly. Robin and I nodded and hurried off to find the children. Jonathan was already waiting for us, so without waiting for anything, we hurried to find the children.

Love game | Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now