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I woke up screaming at night. I sat up in bed and cried. I cried so loudly that Billy came running after a few seconds. Max also quickly ran to me.

"Layla, what happened?" Max asked scared. I couldn't even speak. I cried non-stop. I was short of air, I was suffocating. Billy sat on the bed and hugged me tightly. I started having nightmares again. I didn't dream about them for a long time, but they came back again. I shivered in Billy's arms, he only hugged me tighter. Max immediately ran to the kitchen to get me water. A glass of cold water helped to calm down. Max took my hand and started stroking it.

"Layla..." Max addressed quietly. The girl was very scared. I tried to smile at her, but nothing came out. I just started crying even harder.

"It's okay, Max. It's just a nightmare. I promise, it's okay." I answered quietly. Max sighed in relief.

"You really scared me..." Max admitted sadly. She looked at Billy, who was silent the whole time, patting my back.

"Go to sleep, Max..." I said and gently squeezed the girl's hand. She just nodded her head slightly and went back to her room. As soon as she left Billy turned to me.

"What did you dream about? Must have been a very bad dream. When I came you were shaking all over. You really scared me, Layla... What's going on?"

"When I was sixteen I experienced the worst trauma of my life. My mother died giving birth to me, so I lived with my father all my life. But when I became a teenager he had a problem with drugs... One night when I came home from a date with Steve, my dad wasn't home. I thought it was just another of his disappearances. He would often disappear and return only a few days later. But that night I had a terrible premonition. After returning, I went to my father's room. I never went there. But that night I went. The light was on in his bathroom. When I went to the bathroom, I saw... I saw his dead body. He took his own life... From that day on, I had nightmares all the time. That's why I moved in with Steve. I haven't had a single nightmare in half a year, but now they're back..." I told Billy everything. The guy was silent and hugged me tighter.

"I never thought you had so many problems..." Billy admitted.

"No one but my best friends knew. Everyone thought my father had just died. No one ever knew about his drug and alcohol problems... I managed to hide everything perfectly... But after his death it hurt me a lot... So I'm really afraid that Steve and Nancy will tell everyone my secret... I hope you won't tell my secret either..." I admitted quietly. I trusted Billy. He and Maxine were my closest friends at this point. I didn't want to tell Robin and Jonathan because I know they would have made me see a psychologist.

"I promise, your secret is safe with me, Layla... You can trust me. I won't let those two losers talk to anyone." Billy said. He sighed and rested his chin on my head.

"Billy, I'm afraid... I really don't want to ask this, but maybe I could sleep with you tonight?" I asked quietly. I felt Billy stop breathing for a second.

"Of course, Layla." Usually the guy answered. I just nodded and followed him to his room. Indeed, I would never have slept with Billy, but tonight I was very afraid that the nightmare would return again.

"If you're really scared, promise to wake me up." Billy asked. I nodded and lay down on the bed. I felt the bed next to me sink. Billy lay down next to me and hung onto me by the waist. I felt very safe at that moment. I knew Billy would never let anyone hurt me. As soon as he hugged me, I felt butterflies in my stomach. I smiled.

"Good night, Billy." I whispered quietly.

"Sleep tight, Layla." A sleepy guy answered. I never thought Billy Hargrove could be sincere and sweet. However, I realized that you can never judge a book by its cover. I'm talking specifically about Billy. He is different. His anger and aggressiveness attracted me. I would be very afraid of other guys with that character. But next to Billy, I feel different. I feel like myself, I know he will never judge me for who I really am. I know Steve made me feel really good, but with Billy it's different. But I still haven't been able to figure out what kind of feelings Billy makes me feel. I knew that over time I was becoming indifferent to him. But he is different. He is, as Linda said, just a player who never wants to be in a serious relationship. He likes one night stands, hot girls, speed and cars. I am the complete opposite of him. I am romantic, I like honest and real relationships. But Billy gives me something that no guy will ever give me. Billy's aggressiveness and jealousy make me feel happy. He's dangerous, which turns me on sexually. He makes me want him. I never felt that with Steve or the other guys. I'm afraid I'm starting to have a big crush on him. I know that if I fall in love with Billy, he will hurt me. But I cannot do otherwise. He attracts me like a magnet...

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