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Author's Note: A big thank you to those of you who still reading this story... It means a lot to me. But back on topic, I recommend listening to this song while you read Billy and Layla's conversation. <3

"Layla, you know you'll have to make a decision eventually." Steve said sadly and Billy nodded in agreement. I had to figure out my feelings...

"I'm so sorry Steve, but I made a promise to Billy tonight." I said sadly to the boy and took Billy's hand without looking at Steve. A huge smile appeared on Billy's face. The guy immediately took me to the middle of the hall and put his hands on my waist. I put my hands on his shoulders, but once again I felt the butterflies in my stomach. Billy moved slowly to the beat of the music. I noticed how sadly Steve was watching us. Indeed, I believe he is very sorry, but all his efforts were worthless.

"Layla, the reason I'm here now is because you need to know the whole truth." Billy said quietly. I looked at him confused. I started to answer him, but he silenced me.

"Please don't say anything. You just have to listen. You can answer me later when I tell you everything, okay?" I nodded my head slightly. What the hell did he come up with?

"Layla, like I said before, you are the best thing that happened in his life. You were the girl who cared about me, you cared about my feelings. But I didn't appreciate it... I tried to push you away, I wanted you to hate me because I thought I didn't deserve you. I know you don't have a future with me... But I made a big mistake and realized that too late... Layla, I'm so sorry, I wish you could forgive me. The day I saw you and Steve, I thought I was going to kill him, I really did. I didn't want to see him around you. Yes, I was jealous of him talking to you. When I saw how much you hate me and don't want to see me, it hurt me so much... I know, I'm very guilty. But I'm finally opening up to you. I want you to know this. I'm in love with you, Layla. I fell in love with you so much that I would do anything for you. When I wake up every morning, I only think about you. I've never had such a strong feeling for anyone... It's not normal for me, but this feeling is the best I've ever felt..." Billy stopped. I looked at him in shock. We stopped dancing, we just stood facing each other and looked into each other's eyes. I could no longer hear the laughter of the students around me, I could no longer hear the conversations and the song playing. All I could hear in my head was the one phrase I had been waiting for so long. And suddenly, in that moment, all my rage was gone. All the anger just evaporated. I could see that Billy was waiting for my answer, but I just stayed silent, not knowing what to say. I wanted to say so much, but I couldn't say anything. I knew with all my heart that I had the same feelings for him that he had for me. So far I haven't answered him. I just moved closer to Billy. Our lips were only a few centimeters apart, the guy was looking directly into my eyes, it seemed that he was looking right through me. Without waiting I kissed him, Billy responded to my kiss. My body was immediately jolted with pleasant electricity, and the whole zoo danced in my belly. This kiss was the most pleasant in my life. It was real, missed and nice. After the kiss we pulled away from each other. I looked at Billy and smiled sincerely.

"Does that mean you feel the same way about me?" Billy asked gently. He looked scared, maybe he thought I didn't feel anything for him. However, this was not true.

"Yes, Billy." I laughed. The guy had a big smile on his face, he kissed me on the cheek and hugged me around the waist, he turned me around a few times and placed me on the ground. I was finally happy. I finally felt loved. Finally there is someone who really loves me for who I really am, who doesn't care about my bad sides...

A happy Robin ran up to us and suddenly hugged me. She was so happy that her cheeks turned red. Jonathan stood by, smiling.

"You finally did it! I said you'd make it!" Robin shouted, slapping Billy lightly on the shoulder. The boy laughed.

"I couldn't have done it without you, Robin." Billy said sincerely. Robin nodded and gave him a wry smile.

"Well at least you don't have to pretend to be a fake couple anymore." Jonathan joked, Robin and I laughed and Billy looked confused.

"What, you think we won't find out?" The girl laughed out loud. However, realizing that she drew too much unnecessary attention to herself, she immediately became silent. Billy laughed.

"What would you say if we got out of here?" asked Billy flirtatiously. I smiled modestly. And I nodded.

"I think we should do it as soon as possible." I laughed and took Billy's hand. Without waiting for anything, the guy started dragging me towards the exit. And indeed tonight turned out to be perfect...

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