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"Billy?" asked Max. She looked surprised "He let you borrow his car? Is he okay? He would never let anyone drive his car."

"I know, it's weird, right?" I turned to Max. The way to Jonothan's house was not long. Therefore, we arrived quickly. As soon as we pulled into the Byers yard, Jonothan ran out of the house in shock.

"Billy Hargrove loaned you his car?!" Jonathan shouted. He couldn't believe his eyes. "What happened? You only got back yesterday and you're already driving the road king's car?"

"Yeah.. Speaking of which... I've been living with Billy since last night" I said quietly. Jonothan turned to me with a surprised look on his face. He sat in Billy's car and looked over. Then I coughed and raised my face to see the neck. Jonathan gasped in surprise.

"Don't tell me that son of a bitch did it?" my best friend asked angrily. I nodded sadly. Max understood that I was very uncomfortable with this topic.

"Maybe we can go get Lucas now? The movie is about to start." Max asked quietly. Without waiting, I nodded and took off at high speed towards Sinclair's house.

Robin was already waiting for us in the parking lot of the shopping center. As soon as I got out of the car, she ran into my arms and hugged me.

"Layla Finley. When it's just the two of us, you'll have to tell me everything from the beginning. I mean, tell me where you got Billy's car from." Robin whispered in my ear. I just smiled modestly and nodded. My eyes drifted to the nearby car that Nancy and Steve had gotten out of. They looked happy. They held hands and laughed.

"Great, they're here too." I muttered angrily. All eyes turned to the new couple. Max took my hand and smiled.

"Layla, Jonathan, today is your official night. I demand that you forget all your grievances and enjoy the damn movie. No thoughts about Nancy and Steve." She spoke firmly. Looking into mine and Jonathan's eyes. Jonathan and I looked at each other and laughed.

"Okay mom." Agreed by Jonathan. Robin clapped her hands and smiled. I nodded and we all headed towards the movie theater.

"This movie was perfect!" Max shouted as we left the cinema. Robin laughed and gave the girl an approving nod. Lucas also seemed pleased with the film's premiere.

"I never thought I'd say this, but I loved the movie too." I openly admitted. Max laughed and looked at Lucas. The boy sighed angrily and pulled out the money from his pocket, which he handed to Max.

"Lucas and I made a bet whether you would like the movie. As always, I was right." Max said turning to Lucas and sticking her tongue out at him. Lucas rolled his eyes and started walking towards the car.

"Well, well, well. Did you get fed up with Billy and decide to hook up with my ex?" asked Nancy ironically, who was clutching Steve's arm.

"Fuck off, Nancy." Robin hissed. The girl rolled her eyes and walked away. Steve turned to me and winked at me.

"See you at school, Queen." Steve whispered quietly and moved towards Nancy.

"Did I mention I hate them?" Jonathan asked and walked away with a sigh.

All the way home I thought about how to start a conversation with Billy. He looked angrier than usual and I didn't like that. I was afraid that he would not agree and my whole plan would be hopeless. But a small part of me believed that Billy would agree.

When we got home Max thanked me for a good evening and headed to her room. I stayed standing in the kitchen. I tried to put the whole conversation together in my head, but nothing came out. Everything will be improvised. Here and now. I went to the second floor and knocked on Billy's door.

"Come in." Billy's deep voice was heard. Goosebumps ran through my body again. God, his voice drives me crazy, I swear. Without waiting for anything, I opened the door of the room and went inside. It will be as it will be.

"How's the movie?" he asked looking straight into my eyes. His gaze was fixed directly on me.

"Max liked it very much. Actually, I liked it too..." I admitted. I tried to hide the fact that today's meeting with Nancy and Steve was painful for me.

"And that's it? Do you want to tell me anything more?" the boy asked teasingly. Yes, Billy, I want to tell you everything, but I'm afraid of your reaction. I just sighed and shook my head.

"How was your evening with Linda?" I directed the subject. In fact, I was afraid that Billy would know that something was bothering me. So I quickly changed the subject.

"We broke up." He is having fun with it. This is great news, I thought. Everything is going according to my plan.

"And what is the reason for your separation?" I asked. The truth is that I was completely uninterested in why they broke up.

"Nothing new. It's just that I'm bored with it, so I need another one." The boy whispered quietly. His voice gave me chills. "Layla, what did you want to talk about?"

Well, the moment of truth has arrived. I have to ask him. I need to know if my plan will work. Billy Hargrove is my only hope. If not, I will never be able to get revenge on Steve.

I sighed deeply and loudly and looked into Blilly's eyes. He watched me intently. It was freaking me out. How can I concentrate when he's looking at me like that?

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