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I couldn't believe what had just happened. My heart was pounding. The boy I loved is gone. I grabbed my throat. I was in excruciating pain. My dress was ripped after Steve pushed me off his damn car. Without waiting for anything, I got off the ground and headed towards the road. I have to go home, I can't stay here and risk someone seeing me. The queen of Hawkins high school with torn clothes, runny mascara, and a bruise on her neck. And in the last year? That would be a humiliation. I tried to walk as fast as I could, but I twisted my leg before falling to the ground, so I limped. I sighed as I entered the main road. Well, nothing, a few hours at this pace and I'll be home.

After a few minutes of walking, I heard a very familiar sound.

"No. No. No. No." I prayed silently. But I knew perfectly well what was happening. Everything, my reputation will go to the tail of the dog. I could hear the car louder and louder behind me. I prayed that he would drive away and not notice me, but I knew very well that he would not. As soon as the car turned into the path I was in, Billy slowed the car down to keep up with the speed I was going. Without waiting for anything, I turned my face to the other side so that he wouldn't recognize me.

"Hello beautiful, do you need a ride?" asked Billy. His deep voice made me excited every time. But this time I kept quiet, I didn't want him to know me, but it was too late. Billy stopped the car and got out. "Jesus, Layla, what happened?"

"Everything is fine" I answered quickly and started walking again. Still not looking at Billy.

"Don't joke, you're limping. It probably hurts a lot. Jump in, I'll take you home. If you don't want to, you can say nothing to me." he was coming. So that he wouldn't see my face, I quickly nodded my head and got into his car. As soon as Billy got in, he locked the car. It didn't scare me. I tried not to move so he wouldn't touch my face. But he was smarter. He slowly grabbed my chin and turned to his side. Seeing my tearful eyes, he looked at me questioningly. But his gaze stopped at my neck. He froze.

"Who did this to you? Where is Harrington when you need him the most?" Billy asked. But I was silent, I didn't say anything, I just looked into his eyes and cried. Then he understood. His face turned angry and he clicked his tongue. "I'll kill him."

I didn't say a word. I was in too much pain to say anything. I just sighed and tried to smile sadly.

"Just take me home. You said you wouldn't ask anything." He smiled and nodded. Without waiting for anything, he started the car and we left. But a few minutes later, when Billy was supposed to turn right, he turned left. "My house is on the right."

"Just like Steve's." Billy said coldly. Then I remembered that I lived with Steve. I had completely forgotten about it.

"Oh my god, I have nowhere else to live." I said quietly. Billy took out two cigarettes. He put one in his mouth and offered the other to me. Without waiting for anything, I grabbed a cigarette and lit it. A second later I felt the familiar taste of nicotine.

"You know, you can stay with me. My father won't be home for a year. And Max don't give a shit what's in our house. We'll go to Harrington's house tomorrow and pick up your things. You can stay at my place, and we'll figure something out later," he said calmly. But all the while looking at me. I smiled.

"When you drive, you have to look at the road." He smiled and blew a cloud of smoke out the window.

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