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After we got home, Billy didn't talk to me. He was locked in his room. I quietly approached and knocked on the door of his room. No one answered so I slowly opened the door. Billy sat on the edge of the bed. He slowly raised his eyes and looked at me.

"What happened? You didn't say a word the whole way." I spoke quietly. The boy shook his head. Without waiting, I walked over to the bed and sat next to Billy. "Listen, I am extremely grateful to you. Really. For everything. I really appreciate what you did for me. I'm glad I met you yesterday."

Billy smiled sadly and turned to me. He wanted to say something, I knew it. But the boy turned away and let out a loud sigh. I had to tell him about the plan I had come up with. But I could see that this was not the best time.

"Linda will come to me today. I don't want to ask you, but maybe you could go to the movies with Max? I will give you money and my car."

I was shocked. Does he really trust me so much that he will give me his car? I ran a hand through my hair and smiled.

"Of course. But do you really trust me to give me your car?" I still thought it was just a joke. However, Billy seemed to be serious.

"I'm serious, Layla. Get some friends, maybe Sinclair could go too. I just want you out of here until midnight. I hope I'm not asking too much?"

"Are you kidding me? You let me live in your house. I would love to spend the evening with Max and friends. Really. And I promise, I'll look after your car" I put my hand on Billy's shoulder. He flinched, but turned to me. His gaze seemed sad, but he was looking straight into my eyes.

"Be careful. Protect Max and that child." Billy smiled and got up from the bed. He pulled out his wallet and handed me the money. This conversation seemed really strange. After meeting Steve, Billy looked sad. But he didn't want to say anything. I saw that he wanted to be alone, so I left his room without waiting for anything. It was at that moment that Max returned.

"Layla, you won't believe what just happened." Max said happily. She had a huge smile on her face. She looked elated. I looked at her questioningly. "I broke my record in the computer games salon, now I'm officially the winner of all games!"

"I'm so happy for you, Max. What would you say if we went to the cinema today? You could call Lucas if you want. I would invite Robin and Jonathan. It would be a great evening." I looked at the girl. She stood and nodded to me.

"Please, today is the premiere of Ghostbusters. Please, I'm begging you, Layla." Max was jumping for joy. I laughed and nodded. Of course, it didn't matter which movie I went to. I just wanted to see my best friends that I haven't seen all damn summer.

After talking with Max, I called Jonathan without waiting. As always, he was in no hurry to pick up the phone. It took forever.

"Hello. Where did you go? How much longer can I call you?" I greeted cheerfully. Jonathan just laughed.

"You know, breakup drama. The pain haunts me to this day..." the guy admitted sadly. I understand him perfectly. We were both betrayed by those closest to us. I sighed quietly.

"Everything will be fine. It just takes time for the wounds to heal. Shall we go to the cinema today? There will be Max and Lucas. All that was left was to call Robin, who would agree anyway." I asked a friend. I knew how much he was in pain. He loved Nancy very much.

"I don't know, Layla..." Jonathan began.

"Jonathan Byers!" I shouted. He just laughed. "Don't try to refuse. You must go. Today is the premiere of Ghostbusters."

"As I understand it, even if I really don't want to, I still have to go, don't I? Ok I'll call Robin and let her know. I will come to you at 7pm."

"Indeed, Max and I will come to you. Then we'll pick up Lucas and head to the mall. Just then Robin's shift will be over and we can go to the movies." I said everything quickly.

"Layla. What are you not telling me? And where did you get the car from?" Jonathan asked.

"I need to run. I love you. See you in the evening." I said everything quickly and hung up. I sighed and turned to go, but Billy got in my way.

"Who were you talking to?" he paused. His face looked angry, maybe more troubled.

"With Jonathan. I told him we were going to the cinema today. He'll let Robin know." I said cheerfully and smiled. But the guy in front of me didn't smile.

"Is something going on between you two?" asked Billy.

"God, no." I laughed. I looked at Billy, he seemed relieved. "Me, Jonathan, Nancy, Steve and Robin have always been best friends. Until now, of course, until two of us decided to go our separate ways."

"Jonathan was in a relationship with Nancy?" he asked. I nodded. He also.

"Listen, maybe when I get back... Maybe we can talk in the evening?" I knew it wasn't the right time, but I couldn't wait any longer. School starts in a week. Everything must look convincing.

"Well... I think so. When you get back, come to my room and we can talk." He smiled warmly, I answered him the same.

"And won't Linda be mad that I'm talking to her boyfriend?" I teased Billy. The guy just rolled his eyes and laughed.

"It's none of her business who I talk to." He winked at me and disappeared from the kitchen.

Love game | Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now