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Outside, it was raining heavily, thunder could be heard, and even a few flashes of lightning could be seen. I stood at the door of Billy's house and knocked hard on the door. How are we going to go to the Arcade in this weather? There is not the slightest chance that we will go there. Of course, we could have done that, but probably the next day we would both be sitting at home and not getting out of bed.

"Max! Where the hell are you?!" I shouted outside the door without stopping to knock hard on the door. Billy's Camaro was parked in the yard, so I knew they were both home, but neither wanted to let me in. I sighed angrily. Not only that, but not one of them remembered my birthday. The weather is bad, everyone, even Hopper, forgot my birthday. After a long wait, the door finally opened. Billy was smiling and looking at me. He came and kissed me. After a while, Max also left the house. She hugged me in greeting and looked around the yard, which was covered in puddles.

"Great weather." She hissed angrily. The girl turned to Billy. The boy just rolled his eyes.

"I will take you, but I will bring you back in two hours. I swear Max, if you're late, you can come back on your own." Billy muttered. The girl stuck her tongue out at him and followed him into the car. I stayed standing by the door. They really forgot my birthday...

"You can't outrun me, Layla, I'm Mad Max after all. My records are unbreakable. It's good news that you came second, which means that you were bitching for the first time in your life when playing," the girl said with emotion. Her red hair fell over her eyes, but she didn't care.

At that moment, the loud roar of the Camaro could be heard outside. Max quickly took off running outside, and so did I.

"Bitching?" I asked myself silently. My eyebrows were raised because I had no idea what she was talking about. I must be getting old because I don't understand what kids are talking about anymore.

I hurriedly got into the car. Max sat in the back. Billy didn't look pleased.

"You are late. Again." Billy said angrily. I turned to him, was he really going to act like that again?

"We're only a few minutes late, take it easy." I answered him angrily. Max seemed restless. She just rolled her eyes at the view out the window.

On the way home, Billy and Max looked strange. They looked at each other as if they were hiding something from me. Finally, Max spoke.

"Layla, maybe Billy and I could hang out at your house for a while? I think you would have more fun."

"Um, yeah, sure. I'm sure Hopper won't mind." I said quietly and gave a small smile. I really wanted to be alone all day, but I would do anything for that girl.

The car was silent all the way. They didn't even play Billy's songs, it was too weird. As soon as he entered the yard, Billy quickly got out of the car. What is happening to him? He looked at Max and smiled at her. I swear, their relationship cracks me up sometimes. They followed me all the way to the door. I went to the door and opened it. The whole house was enveloped in darkness. It's weird, since Hopper's car is in the yard, he's usually always sitting on the couch reading the damn newspaper. Billy and Max walked into the darkness and disappeared. I was shocked, they wander around Hopper's house like they know them. I suddenly turned on the light.

Time in Arcade went faster than I expected. Max taught me how to play different games. In fact, I have never been to a computer game salon in my life. It was my first time. And Max seemed more than happy to teach me how to play. The only game I was good at was Pack Man. Max stood by and supported me, yelling like a basketball game, clapping and yelling that I can't lose. Finally, after a few seconds, I lost. I lowered my head and lightly hit the game machine with my fist.

"Damn, I was so close to breaking your record..." I said sadly. Max stuck her tongue out at me.

"Surprise!" shouted the people in the room. I stood there, I was really lost. They knew all this time... Joyce was standing in the middle of the room with a cake in her hands, eighteen candles burning on the cake. Everyone gathered here: Robin, Jonathan, Joyce, Will, Mike, Lucas, Billy, Max and Hopper. I stood there as if frozen. The whole room was drowning in balloons. In Billy's hands was the most beautiful bouquet of wild flowers. Buddy barked and everyone laughed at me. Billy walked up to me and lifted me up in the air with his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"Didn't you think I forgot? Happy birthday princess." The guy whispered softly in my ear. I just smiled. Joyce cleared her throat.

"Layla, honey, the candles are burning." She said quietly and I laughed. Everyone around started singing the birthday song. I couldn't be happier. I quickly came up with a wish and blew out all the candles. Everyone clapped, Robin immediately jumped to hug me, and so did Jonathan. As soon as they pulled away, all the kids rushed at me and hugged me. I laughed. It was a perfect moment.

"Happy Birthday dear." Joyce said cheerfully and hugged me tightly. Pulling away from her, I looked at Hopper.

He was holding a small box in his hands. He came to me and hugged me.

"Maybe it's just a little thing, but I think you'll like it. Happy birthday, Layla." Hopper said cheerfully and handed me the box. Without waiting for anything, I opened it, under a big pile of paper there was something like a key. When I pulled it out, I saw that it was the car keys.

"Oh my fucking god!" I screamed and rushed to give Hopper a hug. Everyone around laughed.

"Language!" Hopper snapped at me. I smiled apologetically. Billy took my hand.

"Don't you want to see your car?" Billy asked quietly. It can't be, because when we arrived, only Hopper's car was parked in the yard. But when I went out into the yard, I was speechless. My dream car was parked in the yard. Toyota Celica Supra. I started jumping for joy.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I yelled as I turned to Hopper. He just smiled sincerely.

"I thought that your car should be introduced to you." A familiar voice was heard. I turned back to the car. Eddie was sitting on the hood of the car, waving at me.

"Eddie, I'm so grateful, but get your ass off my car!" I yelled. The guy raised his hands up and quickly jumped off the car.

"And you sure do look like Billy." Robin said with a laugh. Billy and I looked at each other and started laughing. This is the best day of my life.

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