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As soon as I got to Billy's house, I got a chill. Indeed, it was bitterly cold, and I was only in a thin dress. Even if it's summer, it's extremely cold at night in the city. Noticing this, Billy took off his leather jacket and draped it over my shoulders. I nodded my thanks and we walked towards the house. As soon as the door of the house was opened, the sincere laughter of children was heard. I smiled. Well, now everyone will know what happened to me.

"Max, I'm back. If I see Sinclair within twenty inches of you, he will fly out of my house immediately." Billy shouted. The bed creaked and something thumped. Max burst out laughing. I smiled.

"Yes dad" Max shouted back. Billy's hand pointed me to the second floor. But I was uncomfortable. I wanted a drink of water, I felt like I was going to pass out any minute.

"Billy, I need some water." I said quietly. Billy turned to me, startled.

"Max, bring water! Now!" commanded by Blilly. Max brought the water without waiting and stopped in the doorway. She froze and looked at me with a frightened look. Lucas quickly followed behind.

"Layla..." they said at the same time. I just smiled sadly and took a glass of water from Max. After drinking, I looked at the children who were still staring at me. Billy coughed, but the kids ignored him.

"Sinclair, if you ever do something like that to Maxine. I'll kill you" Billy smiled and Lucas turned and walked back into the room.

"Are you saying Steve did all this to you? I don't believe..." Max was shocked. I totally understand, anyone would be shocked by Steve's behavior.

"That's what happens Max when you hang out with the wrong guys." I was joking. But Billy didn't like the joke.

"Max, go to your loser boyfriend. Talk to you later." Billy threatened. Max just nodded and hurried back to Lucas. Without waiting for anything, I followed Billy. He slowly climbed to the second floor. We got to the door and he kept turning to me.

"I apologize right away for the mess." Billy ran a hand through his hair. I just laughed.

"I don't think your room looks bad. I bet I look worse." Billy looked at me seriously. I was embarrassed because I realized that this joke for Billy was completely unfunny. When I entered his room, I was greeted by the smell of alcohol and cigarettes. I sighed, I knew very well that Billy was acting like this, not from a good life.

"I told you it was scary, don't judge me" Billy said out loud as he walked over to his closet and opened it and began muttering to himself.

"Billy, I don't care. And yet, it doesn't look as bad here as I thought." I said calmly. I sat on the bed and watched Billy. He pulled out some clothes a second later and threw them at me.

"Here you go, change clothes. The toilet is on your right." Billy said, pulling out another cigarette. But I didn't go. I sat on the bed and watched the guy. I was too tired, my leg hurt, so I was just too lazy to walk a few more meters to Billy's bath. I decided to get dressed in the room. Standing up, I untied the strap of the dress around my waist. Billy flinched and turned away.

"Everything's alright. Like I said, Billy, I don't care." I said softly. Billy turned and continued smoking his cigarette, blowing smoke straight into the room. I felt him watching me. I threw my dress on the floor, I was left with only one underwear. Then I heard Billy swallow loudly. I smiled unconsciously. I put on the shirt Billy gave me. They were big on me so it looked like a dress.

"Thank you..." I said quietly. I turned to Billy, he was still looking at me, but only at my neck. He sighed and turned away from the table to pick up some kind of bottle.

"It will help. Apply it three times a day and you will see that in three days it will all be gone." He said quietly and handed me a light blue bottle. I didn't want to ask how he knew about this medicine, but I knew very well myself. That's why he's so glad his father isn't home...

"Thank you." I thanked him again and went up to the guy and hugged him. Sighing, I stepped back and went to the bathroom. I finally forced myself to look in the mirror. My eyes were red and black with mascara and tears. The neck was just turning blue and the hair was matted. I covered my mouth and gasped. He humiliated me. He raised his hand in front of me for the first time... I felt tears rolling down my cheeks again But this time I didn't stop them. I knelt on the toilet floor and sobbed loudly. Billy stormed into the bathroom without waiting because I forgot to lock it.

"Hey, princess. He is not worth your tears." After saying that, he held out his hand to me. Clinging to her, I stood up and looked into Billy's eyes. "Take a shower and go to sleep. You've had enough of it today."

I nodded. It didn't matter to me anymore. I was just in fucking pain.

"Billy?" I asked before closing the bathroom door. The guy turned around. "Get me a cigarette."

"Of course." Billy laughed and plopped down on the bed.

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