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I have never seen Billy so happy in my life. He was smiling widely and kept glancing at me as he drove. His blue Camaro was going slower than usual. The music was pleasant, different from what Billy usually listens to.

"Where are we going?" I asked cheerfully. Billy turned to me, he just smiled even wider and put his hand on my knee and started stroking it.

"It's a secret. All you can know is that I've never taken anyone there before." Billy said and turned his gaze to the road.

I took his hand that was resting on my knee and started caressing his hand. I looked at Billy, he was just smiling. We drove in silence, music playing quietly, but no conversation. And it was perfect. We both knew we didn't need anything else. I was so happy that finally there were no more secrets, no more grudges, just us.

After several tens of minutes, the car finally stopped. We were standing near the forest. It was dark all around, only the wind could be heard, no more living spirits. Without waiting, Billy got out of the car, quickly went around it and opened my door, gave me his hand, I gave him mine and got out of the car.

"We came to the forest?" I asked laughing. Billy just smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Maybe you can trust me at least once?" he asked with a smile. I just nodded and we both turned deeper into the forest. The guy held my hand all the way and walked as if he knew this place very well. But I felt the opposite, because I was in high heels, I often tripped over tree roots, it was dark, so I couldn't see anything, but I kept quiet and trusted Billy. He wouldn't bring me here without a reason.

After a few minutes the guy stopped and turned to me smiling. I could hear the sound of water waves nearby. Billy smiled widely, let go of my hand, and stepped aside so I could see where we were. We were on a cliff below which was Lovers lake. Just like the last time we were here. But we were on the other side. I turned my head slightly to the side and smiled. There was a large swing, and two lamps were placed near it to illuminate the swing. This place was perfect.

"How do you know this place? It's perfect here." I asked with surprise, but I wasn't lying at all. It was really perfect here.

"The night you left my house, I left. For some reason I stopped exactly where I left my car. I was wandering around the forest and accidentally found this place. From that moment on, I was sure that when you came back to me, I would definitely bring you here. That's what I'm doing right now." Billy grinned. I smiled and walked over to Billy and gave him a hug and a kiss. The boy hugged me tightly. Pulling away from him, I went to the swing and sat on it. I watched the guy, he was looking at the lake, which was restless. Billy took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth and lit it. He drew in a deep smoke and blew it out.

"Billy, I want to ask you something. Who was that girl in your house?" I asked quietly. I didn't want to spoil the perfect moment, but my curiosity got the better of me, I had to find out. Billy sighed and turned to me, I saw his smile disappear.

"It was Harley, she's my ex. That night she showed up at my door. I thought she just stopped by to say hello, but I was wrong. She just wanted sex as always. At that moment Max came back, she was yelling at me, I knew she would tell you everything, but she didn't know anything, so I kicked her out... But I didn't think it would turn out so bad. I swear, Layla, nothing happened between me and her, she kept begging me for sex. But all I could think of was you, Layla. All this time I was only thinking about you. I blamed myself for not telling you the whole truth that time you were in my bedroom. I'm so sorry Layla..." Billy lamented. He threw away the cigarette and hit it with his shoe. The boy sighed and sat down next to me. I snuggled up next to him and rested my head on Billy's chest. I listened to his heart beating restlessly.

"Billy, you don't have to apologize. We both made mistakes. But please, let's shake it all up and live it all over again. I don't want any more anger and drama with your exes... Everything is finally perfect, so please, Billy, let's try to make it last a lifetime." I said. I felt the guy smile. He leaned down and kissed my head, pulling back he rested his chin on my head.

"So you say everything is perfect? You know what's perfect for me? You, Layla. I never thought I could love someone, I never thought I would be loved. But you proved to me that I can love. Stronger than I ever imagined. Thank you." Billy spoke quietly. I wrapped my arms around his body.

"I love you, Billy. The truth is, even when I was with Steve, just hearing your voice made my heart beat faster. You always attracted me like a magnet. I never understood that, but now I do."

"Maybe I'll spoil everything now, but I have to tell you something I haven't told anyone. I was jealous of Steve all the time. When I saw how happy you were with him, how you wanted him, I always felt angry. I'm not going to lie, when I found out you and Steve broke up, I was overjoyed. Maybe because I wanted so badly to fuck you. But you were different than I imagined. Because of you, I had to fight for the first time, to learn kindness, to be your friend. All the girls I had were boring, they were easy to get, maybe that's why I got bored so quickly. But you, Layla, you're the one I'll fight for until the end. I swear you'll be mine no matter what, you won't get rid of me so soon. I love you." Billy said and laughed, I laughed along. He kissed my hair again.

"Billy, I don't want to get rid of you. Trust me, I've been waiting for the kind of feelings you give me for a long time." I said and just hugged the guy even tighter.

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