•0• Kindness •0•

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Where it all began...

Y/n's p.o.v

"Shouldn't you be at school?"
The seller asked me, raising their eyebrow.

"Do you want the snails or not."
I said in an empty tone.

"Fine, whatever."
They sighed, handing me the potion I wanted. I put 'snails' onto their hands and BOOKED IT into the closest ally.
"Okay, byeee!!"

Not even a minute later, I heard shouts of panic and about a thief. Yup, coloring crabs I found to look like snails- always does the trick.

Hidden away from the public eye, I drank the potion... ...I felt nothing.
Damn it, another fake!

I threw the glass in frustration and watched it shattering into pieces on the dirty ground.

This is my fate. Being a lone, powerless witch. I couldn't get to Hexside because I haven't got any impressive talents.

That's it, I'm going to the night Market.

I waited until midnight, resting on a rooftop I climbed onto. As I painted a few more crabs with stolen paint, I watched the regular stores slowly close down and new sellers coming to set up their stocks.
I eyed the potion and spells stand and waited until it was crowded enough.

With a quick jump, I landed perfectly on the ground and blended in the small crowd. I approach the seller.

"Hey. Any magic spells? Potions?"
I was ashamed to say the rest, but the seller understood.
"'...for a powerless witch?"

I sighed.

"Just a moment,"
The seller announced, looking through potions and scrolls. While waiting, I heard whispering from other buyers.

Hmm? What's happening?

I looked beside me-
"Uh, head of the bard coven!"
I saluted awkwardly.
"You can be first..."
I mumbled.

Raine Whispers was accompanied by a few emperor's coven guards.
Oh, how much I want to be in the emperor's coven... it's a dream I'll never be able to reach, having no magic.

"Why, thank you."
They said with wise eyes as I stepped aside. Raine is known as the kindest coven leader.
"I'll be quick, just checking that this stand is up to code."

"There's a scroll for you, kid."
The seller returned and handed me one, with an owl on the ribbon.

"Great, how much is it?"
I asked, preparing to open it.

Raine's eyes widened.
"Don't. Read it."
They ordered. I froze.

"That's it, this shop is closed by the order of the emperor."
They announced and the royal guards went to deal with the seller. I hid the scroll in my cape.

"Come with me,"
Raine offered me their hand. I felt safe with them, so I followed them to a side ally where it was a bit more quiet.

"I need to know why the seller gave you the scroll. Can you help me and tell?"

I nodded.

"I... sorry, it's a bit tough for me..."
I sighed, struggling to say it.

Raine wasn't demanding. They waited patiently for me to tell them.

"I... am a powerless witch."
I eventually said.
"That scroll was supposed to give me magical powers."

"I see... but why do you need magic?
You seem like a capable young person."
Raine smiled.

"I, uh, want to be in the emperor's coven. I need magic."
I admitted.

"You don't need magic for that if you have enough skills."
They said, and I was immediately intrigued.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, what do you think a plant witch does when they reach a pit?"

I thought a bit.
"They create a plant bridge."

"And an abominations witch?"

"A bridge, too. ...or an abomination that will carry them or throw them to the other side."

"And an illusionist?"

That's a tough one...
"They'll jump, I guess."

"Do you see where I'm getting at?"
Raine grinned.
"Not everything can be done with every type of magic. Everyone will have to get creative from time to time."

I was filled with hope.
Maybe I DO have a chance after all.

"Besides, the troops help each other. The plant witch will make sure everyone passes the bridge before getting rid of it."

"You are right!"
I exclaimed.
"I-I'll work hard, a-and join the coven!"

"I'm sure you will. I'll be expecting you, young one. What's your name?"
Raine pat my head.


"Y/n. I hope you got rid of the scroll. It contains a terrible curse."

"Alright. I won't read it."
I nodded.

"Head of bard coven, MX! We took care of everything."
A guard approached, saluting.

"Thank you, Steve. Goodbye, Y/n.
And good luck. I hope to see you soon in the castle."

I waved goodbye, feeling much better about myself.

It's settled.
I will train my hardest and prove that even a powerless witch such as myself can get into the emperor's coven.

Hello! I hope you enjoyed this and will continue to read! Future chapters are DEFINITELY longer.
Also I forgot hugs didn't exist in the boiling Isles but-
Let's ignore that fact hahaha

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