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Jungkook groaned, eyeing Taehyung, and his body quivered with excitement when he started pumping his hips again, harder and faster. "ah-yes" he fisted on his blue locks before wrapping an arm over his shoulder tightly clutching him closer to him, "Tae-don't stop now" he whispered out huskily, rummaging his fingers all over his back and pulling him closer, pressing their bodies together in a heated embrace,


Taehyung kissed the side of Jungkook's neck again, biting down slowly before sucking roughly on a sensitive spot, causing the ravenette to release a loud moan, as his orgasm rushed throughout his entire system.

"Come for me.." Taehyung purred out, as he fastened his arm on Jungkook's sides and his thigh slapping harshly against the smaller boy's ass every time the other hit a particularly deep part of his insides, while the younger's face contoured beautifully and his eyes squeezed shut, his hands gripping tightly on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Make it all a mess-Jungkook" the blunette gritted out with a shaky breath as he gazed at him, diving in for a careless and rushed kiss, as if trying to convey everything which he was feeling in that one kiss.

Staying attended, Taehyung wrapped his other hand over his thigh once he felt Jungkook lifting it up, he was also nearing his orgasm but managed to keep control, as Jungkook squirmed underneath him and gave a soft sigh.

His movements slowed down as he felt the younger twitch beneath him and tighten his grip on his shoulders, "you are so perfect, your only mine, Jungkook.." possessively Taehyung kissed his face, leaving trails of wet kisses along Jungkook's neck before trailing them down, licking over the collarbone and sucking it before biting on it.

"y-yea," Jungkook gulped hard, he didn't know when his eyes began blurred with tears but they started running down his face, "only-hyung's.." letting out drawled strings of curses and moans at the build up of his climax, "a-and you were-mine..but-ah..just didn't know yet"  he finished with a grin, panting heavily with his eyes still closed, his voice raspier than usual from all the moaning.

Taehyung's breath hitched a little when hearing those words come from the boy underneath him and he e couldn't help but smile warmly, leaning back, pressing their foreheads together, "I'm yours, baby" he told the ravenette firmly before kissing him gently, "always, my pretty bunny."

It seemed to trigger the younger more as he let himself melt completely under him, once he found his own release, eyebrows furrowing deep before blinking several times as if trying to rid off some dizziness, "mm.." he murmured as Taehyung fisted his dripping
cock, watching as the younger's muscles tightened around his shaft.

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