Chapter 1 - Meet Player 1

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It's been a few weeks since "the incident" as the Glamrocks referred to it. Roxy, Monty and Chica had been repaired and the daycare attendant had been separated into two bodies, Sun and Moon.

Gregory was laying on his back in Freddy's greenroom. Freddy and Vanessa had agreed he would sleep there since Vanessa didn't have enough space in her house. He was bored. Freddy was charging, and Roxy and Chica were on one of their makeshift dates. He didn't like Monty, and Sun was still convinced he deserved to be banned from the daycare, although Moon didn't seem to mind him. All that left was the DJ.

Gregory sighed and stood up. He didn't like the DJ, but he wasn't terrible. Gregory wandered through the back hallways. Vanessa had let him keep some keycards and he used the back tunnels to get around quicker. He pushed open the door to the Fazcade, startling a nearby security bot.

"Sorry," he muttered, closing the door and moving out into the arcade area. He could see DJ was wandering around the room, using the tunnels to climb from level to level and check the machines.

"DJ!" Gregory yelled, getting the large machines attention. The DJ waved and climbed into a nearby tunnel. Gregory moved himself over the stage where DJ normally stood throughout the day. Not long after Gregory had sat himself on the edge of the stage, DJ's head moved out of the darkness and in front of him. DJ sat down and looked at Gregory with a look of confusion, or as much confusion as he could, being made of metal and plastic.

"Hey kid," DJ said, his volume levels down so that he didn't kill Gregory's ears.

"Hi. I am very bored," Gregory said, with a long and exaggerated sigh, dramatically laying down as if he was dying. DJ chuckled.

"Y'know kid, I collect weird things, Moon 'sed to bring me thing's he'd find when he would explore that old sinkhole. You wanna go see if you can find something down there for me?" DJ asked, tilted his head at the kid.

Gregory sat up and thought for a minute.

"Sure why not," Gregory shrugged. He dropped off the stage and headed to the front door of the Fazcade.

"Be safe kid. Freddy will kill me if you get hurt," DJ said, as he waved to Gregory.

"I'll try," Gregory said, not even remotely planning on being safe. He left the Fazcade and worked his way down to Roxy Raceway. The stairway that leads under the Pizza Plex is still there. They decided that there were some old things that could be used and had actually been making it easier to access and loads safer. He heard from Laurence, one of the day guards, that they'd recently opened a back store room and hadn't looked around all too much yet, but it seemed promising. He slid down the banister of the staircase leading down to the old pizzeria. As he reached the bottom, he felt a shiver run up his spine. Him and Vanessa had been down here a few times to make sure that William was dead but going alone was different. His mind filled with what ifs, and he felt fear start to creep through his body. His whole body froze.

"What the hell?" Gregory muttered. He swore he heard someone say something. He stood still, listening closely to what was around him. There it was again. He had heard someone moving around.

"Vanessa?" Gregory called out, moving toward the footsteps. He turned one of the newly lit and opened hallways and saw someone standing near the end of the hallway. The lights were cheap fluorescents, and all Gregory could make out was a male figure.

"Uhm. Laurence?" he asked. He knew it wasn't Laurence, he just didn't know why.

"Who is Laurence?" the male said. He turned around and looked at Gregory. From what Gregory could see, the male was tall, wearing some type of hoodie and a cap. His face was obscured by shadow, but his eyes seemed to pierce through the dark. Gregory gulped and took a step back.

"Shit. A kid. What are you doing down here?" the male said. He sounded younger than an adult, so Gregory assumed he was a teenager.

"I live here," Gregory replied, worry starting to work over his face.

"Why would you ever live here?" the teen asked.

"Erm. I uh- I don't really have a house... Vanessa said I was allowed to stay here," Gregory said. He immediately realized his mistake. This is some random guy in his basement, and he just told him that he lived here.

"Oh. Must be nice," the teen said, putting his hand into his hoodie pocket.

"What?" Gregory slowly stepped away.

"Nothing. You wouldn't happen to know how to get out of here, would you?" the teen asked, "I have been walking around for hours and can't find any way out."

"Yeah... I can call the police and you can be arrested for trespassing," Gregory snarled at the teen.

"What? I woke up here! You think I want to be here. I was in limbo and now I'm- where am I?" the teen was clearly becoming distressed and turned to where Gregory could see that his entire other arm was missing. Blood dripped from it and his sleeve was ripped.

"Oh my god! You are bleeding!" Gregory yelped. He hit the button on his fazwatch that would alert Freddy of where he was, and he needed assistance.

"Oh I am aware. Nothing I can do about it unfortunately," the teen said, seemingly unbothered by the fact his arm was missing.

"Do you need bandages? We have a first aid station," Gregory said.

"That would be nice thanks," the teen nodded, "Could you bring it here? I don't want to get lost again."

"Sure, don't move," Gregory said. He quickly turned and as soon as he was out of sight from the teen, he ran to the stairs and up into the raceway. Freddy walked in and saw Gregory run out of the stairwell.

"Gregory, you needed my assistance?" Freddy said, waving at Gregory when he saw the large bear.

"There's someone in our basement," Gregory panted. He was out of breath.

"I do not understand," Freddy tipped his head.

"There's some teenager down there. He looks weird. And he's missing an arm. Mentioned something about limbo," Gregory started spilling all the information he had gotten, which in total wasn't a lot.

"Calm down Gregory. I have some bandages with me. I was worried you'd fallen. Can you bring me to him?" Freddy said, once Gregory had finished. Gregory nodded and led Freddy down the stairs and to the hallway where the teen was.

"You are fast. Oh. Hello?" the teen said, his blue eyes piercing the shadow covering his face.

"You are hurt, can you come into the light so I can help you?" Freddy asked, holding out his hand to the teen.

"I am fine. Just throw the bandages to me," the teen said.

"I am afraid I cannot do that sir. What is your name?" Freddy asked, opening his hatch and pulling out some bandages, and closing it.

"Name is not important. Can I have the bandages?" the teen said. Gregory looked between Freddy and the teen. There was so much tension.

"Sir, I need to know your name, to put on record," Freddy said, taking a step towards the teen.

"Fine. Just stay there and pass me the bandages, and I will tell you," the teen stated.

"Name first," Freddy said cautiously. A moment of silence passed.

"Devon. My name is Devon Marks," the teen said. 

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