Chapter 49 - Trickery Pt. 4

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"It's fine Laurence..." Kendall said. Parker looked a bit skeptical of that statement. Laurence didn't argue, he didn't want to. He just wanted the rest of the night to go well once they were gone. They almost reached the door when someone stepped in front of it. Laurence let out an annoyed sigh.

"Who are you?" Lincoln asked, shining his flashlight at the person. A man with bandages over his face blinked a few times as the light shone in his eye and then glared at Lincoln.

"Aw I thought Laurence would've told you by now," Jeremiah stated. Laurence remained still. He had really wanted to avoid Jeremiah.

"It's been a confusing night," Kendall stated. She looked like she was on the verge of tears. Parker looked sick, like he was going to throw up, or pass out.

"I can imagine for inexperienced people such as yourselves. I'm Jeremiah," he said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"We aren't inexperienced!" Lincoln defended.

"Hm. Well, my bad then," Jeremiah said, "I heard you mention that Laurence talked about me. What did he say? I bet he conveniently left some stuff out."

"Shut up," Laurence snapped. Jeremiah's eye went wide in mock fear.

"Left what out? He just said you were a good person all round, stuff like that," Kendall said, looking at Laurence. His fist was clenched as he looked at Jeremiah.

"Well how I died for starters. I don't think he'd tell anyone how I'd killed myself," Jeremiah said, his hand reaching up to the sides of his bandages. Before Laurence could protest, the bandages fell away, showing the dried blood mess that was Jeremiah's face. Kendall screamed, dropping one of the cases to cover her face in fear. Parker let out a small retching noise as he turned away from them. Lincoln froze in fear while Laurence's eyes widened in horror.

"Aw... do you not like me anymore Laurence?" Jeremiah sneered, his muscles in his face pulling it into a smile. Laurence felt his stomach churn at the sight. Jeremiah took a few steps towards the group. The only skin still on his face was bits around his eyes and his eyelids... the rest of it was just... dried blood and muscle.

"Stay back," Laurence said sharply. He was upset by the look of Jeremiah's face. His face. Jeremiah took a few steps closer and leaned close to Laurence. He could smell the copper smell of blood.

"I said stay back Jeremiah," he said again, his voice shaking.

"Isn't this a familiar dance Laurence? One of us not listening to the other about boundaries?" Jeremiah asked, "Of course, the roles are reversed now."

"What?" Lincoln asked, slightly breaking his daze, not wanting to look at Jeremiah. Kendall was quietly sobbing on the other side of him while Parker tried to not throw up in the background. Jeremiah turned towards Lincoln and smiled again, some of the dried blood spots cracking and starting to drip again.

"Oh he didn't tell you? Hm... Well how about I tell them what happened and you correct me if I'm wrong Laurence," Jeremiah asked. This was a game to him. Laurence just looked at Jeremiah, not saying anything.

"I'll that that as a yes. Well! Where to begin. There was the relentless teasing... and the locking me in the closet a few times... although those are small compared to you trying to either get me to go home with you after work parties when you were drunk as shit, or the time you got so drunk at the Christmas party in... I don't know which year..." Jeremiah looked confused for a moment before standing up straighter and continuing, "Either way. Laurence kept forcing himself on me... even threatened to hurt me if I didn't let you kiss me. Didn't you end up getting thrown out of that party after you got into a fight with Lewis because he tried to help me?"

"Laurence-" Kendall started, shocked by what the ghost had said. Laurence didn't make eye contact with any of them. God, Jeremiah was being a dick. All of the people at work barely talked with him after that party, and when Jeremiah died, he was even more shunned. He was a good worker and some of the guys were nice to him, but they weren't his friends. Lincoln and Kendall however were his friends from school, they'd known each other for years. He didn't tell them because he didn't want them to leave him too. And Jeremiah just had to ruin it... he can't believe any of this is real.

"You didn't..." Kendall tried to speak but then stopped herself. She looked distraught, tears still in her eyes from her freak out.

"What the fuck man!?" Lincoln suddenly burst. Jeremiah took a couple of steps away from them and then walked away. What a bitch. Laurence looked up at Lincoln.

"Not even going to deny it? Dude you basically tried to sexually assault someone! What the fuck?!" Lincoln yelled. Laurence shrugged.

"I was drunk," he said.

"That's not an excuse Laurence... You can't do that!" Kendall snapped. Great, she was against him too. Lincoln looked at Laurence with this look of disapproval, anger and betrayal almost. Laurence looked away from them. This was fucked up.

"You didn't fucking tell us either. We just found out... from a ghost... I... I actually have no idea what to say about that but still. What the fuck dude! You... I-... You're fucking sick," Lincoln snapped, moving away from Laurence. This was exactly what he'd worried about.

"I can't do this right now. Parker come on," Kendall sounded like she was going to cry again and then turned towards the staff exit and opens the door, holding it for Parker to walk out of and then waiting for Lincoln.

"Fucking sicko," Lincoln muttered before walking out after Kendall. The door slammed shut, the noise echoing around the room. Laurence stood there for a moment in the silence.  

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