Chapter 66

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"You can't just attack him because you don't want to explain yourself," Vanessa said, handing Sam a glass of water after he'd woken up a few hours later. Sam took a sip before looking around Freddy's Greenroom, where Toby was sitting on a couch nearby listening to music with Devon as Freddy kept an eye on them and Gregory who was drawing nearby.

"... I don't trust him," Sam replied.

"Freddy told me. Fortunately for you, Hudson didn't pass out and is now in makeshift therapy with Delilah since she wanted to talk with him. It's... odd," Vanessa explained.

"He needs it," Sam responded.

"We knew that much," Jeremiah said, walking over, fixing his bandages on his face. Sam flicked his wings in an annoyed manner as he stood up.

"Sam, you need to take a break," Vanessa stated.

"I just did," he responded.

"Passing out is not a break," Jeremiah pointed out.

"Just leave him, he's not going to listen to reason," Freddy snapped.

"What is your problem with me?" Sam snapped, turning to face Freddy.

"Maybe the fact that you're intruding on relationships you don't need to be involved in," Freddy retorted.

"Oh I'm sorry that I was the one around to save your 'son' from getting hurt while fighting someone not worth the waste of time," Sam rolled his eyes.

"I was looking after him before you showed up," Freddy growled.

"And I was there in the moment! I'm not disrespecting you, because I know you were with Gregory doing school, which is honestly super important for him, but if you get mad because I stepped in to make sure a fight didn't escalate, I can fucking make all of this way worse for you," Sam snapped, stepping towards the animatronic bear. Vanessa put herself between them.

"You both are worked up and angry, for whatever reason, just back off. Take a break from each other and you both need to sleep off this extremely horrible mindset," Vanessa almost yelled. Sam immediately backed off, surprised she raised her voice at them and then gestures for Toby to follow him as he leaves. Devon looks between them before standing up.

"I'm not having you two fight over custody. I've already had enough of that happen in my life. I don't want anything to do with this," he says, glaring at Freddy before leaving. Gregory watches him leave, but had headphones on, so he didn't know why and just resumed drawing.

"... I messed up Officer Vanessa," Freddy said, looking at his paws.

"You think?" she crossed her arms, "Sam was helping you and that's how you repay him? And dragging Devon into the middle of it."

"You really need to check my systems. I believe something is awry," Freddy says softly.

"Roxanne's tech is coming in tomorrow, and he's one of the best we have. He's checking Sun for me as well. He will check you and do a reboot just to clean out your system," Vanessa sighs.

"Who is the tech?" Jeremiah asked.

"Clark. You might've met him, he used to work on Bonnie," Vanessa said, turning to look at Jeremiah.

"Can't put a face to the name... But that doesn't mean anything," Jeremiah sighed, tipping his head slightly.

"I can show you his staff photo, it's down in Parts and Services," Vanessa offered.

"Sure," Jeremiah nodded. They said a slightly agitated goodbye to Freddy, who began trying to wind Gregory down for sleeping, as they walked out and through the halls to get back to the atrium. 

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