Chapter 4 - The Attendants and Ghosts

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"Come in, come in!" Sun says, opening the large wooden doors to the daycare. His always happy demeanor lessened when he saw Gregory following Monty. The lights were dimmed to allow both Sun and Moon to be in the daycare at the same time. Sun didn't say anything about Gregory being in the daycare, but he kept making nervous glances at him.

"Come, come, set him down!" Sun gestures to one of the naptime mats that was set onto the floor. Moon was walking over with a first aid kit. Monty set Devon down onto the mat and stood next to him awkwardly.

"Moon he doesn't have a face!" Sun yelps.

"I told you he was dead," Moon grumbled.

"I know but I didn't know that meant he wouldn't have a face!" Sun waved his arms around before turning to Monty.

"And you! You can't just attack a kid Monty! He clearly isn't an adult!" Sun scolded. Monty grumbled an apology and left the daycare. Sun glanced at Gregory before leaning down next to Devon to see if anything was wrong. Moon set down the first aid kit and walked to the theatre with Gregory while Sun tried to wake Devon up.

"I gotta show you something. I found this on my last trip to that underground pizza place. I am fixing it, but I think you can help with it," Moon said, taking Gregory to one of the back rooms of the theatre.

"Ok?" Gregory said. Moon barely interacted with him, let alone need his help. Moon opened one of the doors using the keycard built into his hand and gestured to a table.

"Uh Moon, there's nothing there," Gregory pointed out.

"S@%* Not again!" Moon's censor didn't allow him to curse but the implied word was understood. He moved around the table and lifted an awkwardly shaped conglomeration of metal and parts onto the table.

"I told you not to do that! You keep breaking more things and I won't fix you," he scolded the scraps. Gregory walked over to Moon and saw that the scraps were organized in a way that was almost human shaped. Even with two robotic eyes. They blinked.

"What the hell?!" Gregory yelped. The movement from the scraps had scared him. Moon ignored Gregory's panic and continued to talk to the scraps.

"You are going to break something, and then what're you going to do? Anyways, I got the voice box. It's the same size and connectors as your old one. Hopefully, it'll work," Moon said, pulling out a voice box and hovering his hand over the "throat" of the scrap person. Gregory watched, frozen in fear, as the wires and pieces of metal around the throat slowly pried themselves open. Moon carefully set the voice box in the gap and stepped back. The throat slowly closed. The eyes shut and a light clanking sound was heard as the voice box is being pushed into place.

"What is that?" Gregory hissed, dragging Moon away from the pile scraps.

"It is my project. I call her S," Moon replied.

"Why?" Gregory looked distressed.

"Well, when I found her, the only sound she could make was a ssss sound," Moon explained.

"I mean why would you try and fix it?" Gregory huffed.

"She has remnant. A soul. I am trying to help her," Moon stated. Right, remnant. Freddy and Vanessa has mentioned it a few times. Vanessa said that it's what William was using to stay alive. Moon, Roxy, Monty and Chica were all built in with sensors to find the purest remnant for William, but Moon was the only one who kept that sensor when he was repaired.

"Why do you think it's a girl?" Gregory asked.

"Just a gut feeling. Or, a bolt feeling. God I hate having AI. We feel human but aren't. F@%#ing wonderful," Moon grumbled. They both turned back to look at the table when a high pitched sound was emitted.

"Ow," Gregory said, rubbing his ears. Moon stepped closer to the table and waved his hands over the "head" of S. Her eyes opened and closed a few times before the sound stopped. Gregory grumbled something about his ears hurting before walking over next to the table. She moved her eyes to look at Gregory.

"Can you not. That's really freaky," Gregory grumbled. He shifted uncomfortably. Her eyes moved to look at Moon who shrugged.

"Can you say something?" Moon asked S.

"I-is it w-worki-rking?" a static ridden voice came from S.

"Yep. We can hear you," Moon said. He looked relieved that it had worked.

"Than-ank you," S said.

"No problem dear," Moon said.

"Name?" S asked, looking between Moon and Gregory.

"Names Moon. This is Gregory. He just found another soul, thought it'd be a good time to show someone that I'd found you," Moon explained.

"Why are you scrapped?" Gregory asked abruptly. S blinks at him for a moment.

"Betrayal," S said.

"What is your name?" Moon asked.

"Sa-Sarah," she said. Her voice was becoming stronger, but the stutter didn't seem like it was going to go away.

"Where-ere am I-I?" Sarah asked, her eyes looking around slowly.

"You are at Freddy Fazbears Mega Pizza Plex," Moon stated, walking to stand next to her "legs."

"Where-ere?" Sarah asked, watching Moon intently.

"You probably don't know what it is. I am almost done fixing your legs, and once you can walk better, we can help you find a more suitable body," Moon explained, pulling out some spare parts from one of his pockets and slowly fixing them into the mass of scraps and wires that is her leg. Sarah seems to wince as he moves the scraps to interact with the other pieces of endo he had implanted on earlier days.

"You a-are Gregor-gory?" Sarah asks. She looks at Gregory.

"Yeah," Gregory replies. He was uncomfortable with this. He understood that she was a spirit, but she didn't look like one.

"Moon, is it ok if I head back down to the daycare and check on Devon?" Gregory asks, taking his eyes off of Sarah.

"Sure. If Sun gives you any grief, come back up here," Moon mumbles. Gregory nods and heads out the door. As he closed the door, he saw Sarah was slowly waving to him. He shuddered as he walked down through the Theatre and back into the main daycare. He could hear a few voices coming from the daycare. 

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