Chapter 24 - Aquamechaphobia Amongst Other Things

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"Wake up!" Sarah said happily. Toby flinched and rolled forward, off of the couch. Sam flared his wings and Devon sat up quickly. Gregory grumbled and sat up.

"There's a new ghost!" Angel said excitedly.

"Yeah. Delilah, we met her-" Devon started.

"No! A guy. He's with Chica right now! Who's Delilah?" Sarah asked.

"She's a ghost who woke us up last night," Sam explained. Angel and Sarah shared a look before shrugging.

"Come on!" Angel said, dragging Sam's arm. Sam grumbled and stood up. He never talked with Angel, but it wasn't worth it now. He'd have to do it later. Devon stood up and rubbed his face with his hand. Gregory rolled over and returned to sleeping. Sarah looked blankly at the guys. Toby stood up and stretched. Once he was up, Sarah led them to Main Atrium where Chica was sitting and talking with a man. Roxy was also down with them, and Delilah sat next to them. It must've been sometime before 6AM. Jeremiah walked out from under the second floor balcony and set down some food for Delilah and the man. They headed down the escalator and towards the group.

"Oh! These are the boys I woke up," Delilah said, "I never got some of your names."

"I'm Devon and that's Toby," Devon said, gesturing to himself and Toby. The man looked at the group. He was dripping wet but not even seconds after a drop of water fell off of him, it evaporated. Jeremiah would probably be a bit jealous since his blood had been leaving trials. His pupils were white, and his skin was a blueish grey. His shirt and pants were ripped, like he'd gotten attacked by something and he had a metal fin looking thing impaled in his upper arm. Usually if they had something apart of their body, it looked like it was supposed to be there or was attached in some way. His was impaled straight through his arm into the bone.

"This is Dirk," Roxy said.

"He died to an animatronic shark!" Chica said in a spooky voice.

"How'd you manage that?" Devon retorted.

"Got trapped in the shark tank? How'd you die?" Dirk snapped back.

"I got springlocked after a quote-unquote friend of mine lured me to my death by killing himself. Although he'd already been dead for years so," Devon explained with attitude.

"Good job," Dirk said sarcastically. He had mixed feeling about the faceless kid.

"I was going to ask, you two have animal qualities, why?" Delilah asked.

"Died in a bird costume," Sam said.

"Possessed by a shadow rabbit," Toby grumbled. Dirk snorted.

"A rabbit? Of all things," he said. Toby shot him a glare.

"The rabbit is apparently a jack@#s," Roxy said. Dirk rolled his eyes. Delilah moved away from him ever so slightly. She hated how he radiated toxic masculinity. Limbo was supposed to be a place of reflection, not a place to wallow in unwanted qualities. Toby flicked his ears down.

"Sam, if you are ok with me asking, do you guys stay here?" Delilah asked.

"Yep. We don't really have anywhere else. And everyone here is super chill," Sam replied. Delilah nodded her head. She was quite anxious.

"I like your hair!" Sarah said. Delilah smiled at her lightly.

"Thank you. You are Sarah right?" Delilah asked. Sarah nodded. Delilah smiled at her. Dirk grumbled internally. He hated this. He just wanted to prove to his friends about a stupid shark and died. These people all died and were happy. Why? It was so stupid. They were dead. No point in being back.

"Michael?" Delilah's face lit up and she looked around.

"May I ask who you are and who Michael is?" Freddy asked as he and Gregory walked up. Delilah's mood drooped and her smile faltered.

"I'm Delilah. I swore I sensed Michael nearby," she said slowly.

"Ah. Is he one of your friends?" Freddy asked.

"Yes. Until we faded," Delilah replied.

"Ok. And you are?" Freddy asked, turning to Dirk.

"Dirk," Dirk responded coldly. Gregory eyed Dirk suspiciously. He didn't like him.

"FAZBEAR! ONE OF THEM DAMN PIPES BROKE AGAIN!" Monty yelled as he stomped over. Monty was dripping water and looked quite angry.

"Monty, did you throw something at the pipe?" Freddy asked. Monty paused and grumbled before walking up to stand next to them. Dirk stared at Monty in pure terror. Delilah eyed Dirk suspiciously. Angel chuckled at Monty and Sarah let out a small mechanical laugh. Monty took off his glasses and wiped them on Devon who protested. Dirk stood up abruptly. His fight or flight reflex was kicking in and he took a step back. Water dripped off of Monty. Drip. Drip. Dirks lungs seemed to tighten. He wheezed an inhale. Delilah stood up and put her hand on his arm.

"Is he ok?" she turned and asked the others. Chica, Roxy and Freddy walked around the table and over to him. He couldn't let it out of his sight. Let me breathe. His lungs began to fill back up he began to cough and sputter, keeling over, and trying to get the water out of his lungs. His vision and audio was becoming watery, he couldn't see. Voices were distorted.

"Get -------a, he needs he--," someone said.

"Move away --------------- water ---------- robots," a female voice said. He could hear footsteps moving away. He coughed up water, and he could feel it dripping off of him. His lungs were tightening, and vision was becoming spotted. He didn't have any air. He needed to breathe. 

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