Chapter 36 - A Connect Past

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Moon was using some towels to clean up when Laurence came back down. Moon had already moved the body, which was angrily whispering at him, and put it in a hidey hole he had found in top area of the foyer.

"Where the hell is it?" Laurence asked as Moon cleaned up the bloodied water.

"I got it sorted," Moon grumbled.

"Yeah right. Where is it? Ness told me about your little collector mindset. You can't keep that thing. Not to mention the other weird things I've seen around here! A faceless teen. A man with bird wings. A girl made of candy. All of which just disappear. If you are collecting these things, I need to know," Laurence demanded. Moon continued to clean up and pretended to not hear Laurence.

"Ugh. I don't know why they gave you your own body. You were already a nuisance before," Laurence muttered. Moon paused for a moment before returning to cleaning the floor. He chose to ignore those comments. He got them a lot, from parents and staff. He'd caused a lot of issues when the glitch... that was almost 2 months ago. It didn't feel like it. He remembered everything so vividly. The screaming. The kids. The b l o o d. He shook himself out of it. Not the time.

"Moon. If you are the one keeping these things here. I am going to have to alert higher ups," Laurence stated.

"I am not keeping them here. Leave them be. There's nowhere else for them to go," Moon grumbled. Laurence sighed angrily.

"Where are they?" he demanded.

"Depends," Moon replied.

"Where are they usually?" Laurence specified.

"Ask Freddy," Moon said coldly. Laurence nodded and walked briskly away muttering angrily. Figures. He never offers to help others.

Toby was still asleep, but Devon was awake and talking with Jeremiah. He kept rubbing his arm against his leg, it had this odd tingling feeling, like a sharp pain and an off-beat dull throb. Jeremiah had offered him some food, but he refused. Sarah and Delilah walked in, followed by Dirk and Angel helping Sam. His breathing had returned to normal, but he was still shaking. His legs were bleeding more, and Delilah went to grab bandages. Sam sat down and rolled up his pants to see the damage. Long deep cuts lined his pale legs. Thick blood dripped down as he rolled up the other pant leg.

"Woah. What happened to you?" Jeremiah asked.

"New ghost," Sam winced as Delilah used the medical kit to clean his wounds.

"Ghosts," Dirk said, sitting down on the other side of Angel.

"There's more than one?" Devon asked.

"Seems like it. Two boys. They are attached to this mangled machine or exo-suit of sorts. Poor things," Delilah said. She bandaged Sam's leg up and told him to go change. He didn't change his hoodie but would change pants occasionally. Being dead meant he never sweat so he only needed to clean his clothes if they got dirty. He walked lopsidedly into the storage room, refusing Angels offer to help and changed quickly.

"Where are-" Jeremiah started. There was a knock at the door. And not a light tap like the girls or the harsh knocking of Monty. Or the polite knock of Freddy. It was a demanding knock. Sam exited the storage room and flicked his wings up. Devon reached for his illusion disk but stopped when another, more impatient knock was sounded.

"I could hear people. Freddy told me you were here," Laurence called from the other side of the door. Jeremiah adjusted the bandages on his face and stood up. He walked to the door, gesturing for them to stay there. He said a brief word to Sam who stood behind where the door would open and nodded. Jeremiah opened the door right as Laurence went to knock.

"Oh," Laurence said, surprised the door was no longer there. He looked up and at Jeremiah, who was a bit taller than him and froze. The man in front of him had bandages covering his face, some of which were starting to ooze blood.

"Holy shit Jeremiah," Laurence muttered.

"Hello Laurence," Jeremiah said bitterly.

"Uh. So you're back? Heh," Laurence shifted uncomfortably under Jeremiah's gaze.

"Yes. What do you want?" Jeremiah growled.

"Uh. There are some uh. Ghosts around. Freddy said they would be in here. I didn't know you were a ghost," Laurence stuttered.

"Oh really? Well let me prove that I'm dead," Jeremiah said, reaching for the bandages on his face.

"No! That's not necessary," Laurence grabbed his arm and then immediately let go after Jeremiah glared at him. Jeremiah grumbled and put his hand down.

"We don't want to talk with you," Jeremiah stated.

"Jeremiah. Don't be rude. He didn't immediately scream and call the cops so why don't we talk with him?" Sarah said. She walked over to Jeremiah and peaked around him. Sam had the suit half on and was listening, making sure Laurence wants a liar. Laurence stared at Sarah; eyes wide with fear.

"Hello!" she said, "I'm Sarah!"

"Hi?" Laurence replied. His brain started to spin. Freddy had warned him of the ghosts but oh god this ghost was a robot.

"Get out Laurence," Jeremiah growled. Sarah shot him a look.

"Jeremiah! Leave him alone. I bet he's confused," Sarah said.

"I don't care. Get out," Jeremiah clenched his first.

"Look man, it's been a while, I think we can put that behind-" Laurence started.

"Get out before I wring your throat," Jeremiah growled. Laurence inhaled sharply.

"Jer. I'm sorry! Just let me do my job," Laurence yelled. Jeremiah's mood shifted.

"Sorry. You're sorry? YOU'RE FINALLY FUCKING SORRY!? TOO LATE NOW!" Jeremiah snapped. Sam rushed from the behind the door, wincing as his walked and grabbed Jeremiah before he did anything stupid. Delilah rushed and opened the second door and stood there with Devon who was also trying to help hold Jeremiah.

"Jeremiah, calm down," Sam said through gritted teeth.

"Hi, I'm Delilah, what the hell did you do? He's the nice one," Delilah said to Laurence.

"I uh. May or may not have locked him in a closet so he missed an important meeting and uh. He might be claustrophobic. And he ended up in the hospital after he broke his arm trying to break the door down," Laurence muttered.


"And I got too drunk at a party one time and tried to force myself onto you, but in my defense, I was drunk," Laurence said.

"That's no excuse," Sam growled.

"You are a terrible person," Delilah snapped. Laurence took a step back.

"Look, that was a while ago, and I never got to properly apologize for it since you. Well. Died," Laurence stuttered.

"No excuses!" Delilah shouted. She then slammed the door next to her closed and pulled the boys back and slammed that one too. Laurence stood outside for a moment.

"I probably should've asked who was here," he muttered.

"Yeah. You should've," Moon grumbled, carrying the amalgamation to the Greenroom.

"Oh shut up," Laurence grumbled.

"You said it. I merely agreed with you. Either way. You screwed up. Now that you know they are here, can you leave them alone? They all have issues, and we don't need you flaring up more incidents," Moon grumbled.

"I mean. They aren't intruders since they are not alive. Nothing I can do," Laurence said.

"Good," Moon glared at him and then knocked onthe door. Laurence walked away as Sarah opened the door and greeted Moon happily. He went inside and they went to work on rebooting the exo-suit thing.

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