Back in Business +Some Notes

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Hello everyone!

I will be continueing this, so here's some notes.

1. I editted the dates in the intro thing in regards to a theory that came out after the fic had started. It is now set in 2030's rather than the 2070's. 

2. There may be some slight personality changes. I have an updated veiw on some of the personalities. 

3. There may be discrepensies with memories or relationships, it's just been a while since i've written this and i apologise for that. If you see any, please let me know, although i cannot guarentee i will change it, sorry. 

4. There is actually a plot now, so if you see things forming together, it's for a reason. This isn't just some willy-nilly fanfiction anymore. 

5. Updates will be slower most likely. Just busy a lot of the time.

I hope that's everything, there may be more in the future to add and there'll be a chapter for that too. 

Have a great day/night,

~A Stupid Potato, Kimara Tomoya

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