Chapter 51 - Wind Down Friends

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Sam sighed and watched Jeremiah walk away. He felt bad for him, he went through so much. He doesn’t even have many bad secrets. Whenever Sam looks at him as Blackbird, all he sees are things he blames himself for, even though they weren’t his fault. There was one thing that always stuck out to him though. Jeremiah used to be a very happy person. It wasn’t until working for Fazbear Entertainment did things begin to change in him. Sam flicked his wings and continued tidying up. Delilah and Dirk walked back in after a good half hour, bickering about god knows what.
“Hey guys,” Sam chuckled as they walked over.
“Hey Sam!” Delilah waved. She had found a ponytail and tied her curly hair back into a bun. Dirk looked tired of everything. Sam had a lot of mixed emotions about him. On one hand, Dirk showed no aggression towards anyone, and behaved liked a teenager, on the other hand, he just had this underlying feeling Sam couldn’t shake.
“All done in here?” she asked.
“I hope so. Plus the clean bots will fix it probably,” Sam sighed.
“Oh hey, quick question, when is your interview with the higher ups about the job?” she asked. Clearly she’d been meaning to but hadn’t.
“Vanessa said she’d figure that out for Jeremiah and me. To be honest I think she forgot,” Sam said, with a mild tone of disappointment. He knew Vanessa was a busy person so he didn’t blame her too much. Delilah nodded.
“Do you know if Toby ever came out or went up to the room? I didn’t see him after he chased them out here,” Sam asked. Delilah and Dirk both shook their heads.
“As soon as that shadow thing covered him, I lost him. Can’t even see him through the walls,” Dirk stated. Sam looked a little worried and then sighed. That wasn’t what he wanted to hear.
“I’m going to go look around for him,” Sam said, “You guys go and get some rest.”
“Gladly,” Dirk said, walking off. Delilah said a quick good luck and good night to Sam before walking off as well. He sighed and walked off towards where Toby would have been during the little scare-fest they had.
After a little while of walking through the back halls, he determined Toby wasn’t where he was supposed to be and continued to look around. Sam was getting worried. Even though Toby was getting on better terms with the shadow rabbit, but Sam till had a sense of unease about it. The rabbit could just be manipulating him. He moved a little faster and started walking a little faster through the labyrinth of hallways in the back of the Pizzaplex. His wings would flick anxiously each time he’d exit a room without finding Toby. This was worrying. He decided to check the lower level hallways, the ones to and from the daycare theatre. They’d finally cleaned some of them up. As well as fixed the security system apparently. Sam was talking with Vanessa one time when she mentioned that they’d changed the security from every door was a different badge level. He didn’t quite understand but was happy that Vanessa was happy. She really was doing a lot for them. The lights were dimmer here, since this was an older part of the building, which meant that the shadows here looked a lot bigger than they should. Which doesn’t help when he is looking for someone with a shadow creature attached to them.
“Toby! Everything is done, we need to rest,” Sam called down the hallway. He put his hands in the pockets of the pants he was wearing and sighed as he walked. He didn’t like this. As he walks past a door he sees it crack open and stops to look at it. A white looked at him from the other side and then closed the door when it saw him. Well there he is. Sam walked over and opened the door, with some difficulty as something was trying to hold it shut on the other side. When he opened the door, some of the light lit up the room enough that Shadow Bonnie scurried away from it. It wasn’t on Toby though. Toby was sitting, leaning against a wall, eyes closed. Sam walked over to him and growled as RXQ as it approached him. It seemed more solid, and not just on the wall, like it was moving around away from the wall. Sam didn’t like that at all. Shadow Bonnie shifted away from Sam and growled at him. It looked like most of it wasn’t on Toby at all, and he was just laying there. Why couldn’t Dirk see him then. He crouched next to Toby and gently nudged him, waking him up. As soon as he opened his eyes, Shadow Bonnie moved closer to Toby and must’ve reabsorbed into him a little bit. Toby rubbed his eyes and looked at Sam, confused.
“Hey. Just spent a little while looking for you. What’re you doing down here?” he asked. Toby shrugged.
“Shadow Bonnie took over… I don’t remember anything other than the lights going out… I didn’t hurt anyone, did I?” he asked, suddenly alert.
“Not to my knowledge. But we haven’t seen Laurence in a while,” Sam said. Toby looked a little relieved.
“Uhm… Where am I?” he asked.
“Just one of the side rooms. I don’t even know what this one is for. There’s like 20 bottles of glitter glue in here and that’s it,” Sam said, using his wing to gesture to the pile of glitter glue bottles. Toby saw them and chuckled. He found it amusing. Sam stood up and offered his hand to help Toby stand up, who gladly took it. Shadow Bonnie shifted back to covering half of Toby’s body and was a lot less vocal than he was before, but he could just be tired.
“Let’s get back to the room then. The ghost hunters went home and you can’t sleep in a closet,” Sam smiled walking out of the room. Toby followed behind, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He seemed more worn out than normal. Sam could imagine why. They walked through the halls and back to the room, they needed to sleep.

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