Chapter 47 - Trickery Pt. 2

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Laurence rolled his eyes at Angel's voice. Lincoln and Kendall shared a look of confusion.

"Uhm. I've never seen a ghost turn on the equipment before," she said slowly.

"You haven't seen ghosts like this before," Laurence snapped.

"Aw thanks Laurence. Tell me, how do you manage to keep friends?" Angel spoke again. Lincoln took a step closer to the radio.

"What the hell," was all he could muster.

"Shut it Angel, what are you guys doing?" Laurence snapped.

"I can't do both Laurence," she giggled and the spirit box turned off. Kendall and Parker shared a look of wide-eyed shock.

"Uhm... Maybe you were right Laurence, maybe these aren't normal ghosts..." Kendall said slowly. Laurence sighed.

"It's going to be a long night," he sighed. Parker looked really confused and scared.

"How about I set up some of the equipment... Laurence you should do your round really quickly... Parker can go with you, safety in numbers," Lincoln said slowly. He looked around, before opening up the case and sorting through it. Laurence shrugged and gestured for Parker to follow him as he walked towards one of the escalators. Parker hurried after him after Kendall dismissed him with a wave of her hand. He followed Laurence around the second floor of the Pizzaplex, trying to stay away from the edge of the balcony. He looked extremely on edge and jumpy.

"How long have you worked with them?" Laurence asked.

"About 6 months," Parker replied absently.

"Hm. How many of these types of jobs have you been on?" Laurence asked.

"Only one other one. Apparently it's a slow season or something... but I don't think that's true," Parker admitted. Laurence looked at him, with a slight look of confusion.

"So you don't have a lot of experience?" Laurence asked. Parker shook his head.

"Not at all. I just took this to get some extra cash, but I end up having to work another job anyway because we don't do anything most of the time," he explained. Laurence glanced over the railing down to Kendall and Lincoln as the fiddled with some sort of cylindrical device. He felt a bit betrayed, since he had been told they were doing well for themselves.

"I guess that's why they were so keen to come," he muttered. Parker put his hands in his pockets and continued to walk next to Laurence. They circled around the whole second floor and were heading up to the third floor when the lights when out again. Parker let out a small scream, and Kendall and Lincoln below made a clattering sound as one of them fell into a chair. Laurence let out an angry sigh and turned on his flashlight. Kendall did the same below and shined it up to the escalator they were on.

"You guys ok?" she called up to them. Parker was shaking and Laurence rolled is eyes.

"We are fine. I'll get the lights again. These damn ghosts," he snapped.

"Don't be so rude," a faint voice called from the third floor balcony. It was a woman's voice, but Laurence didn't recognize it. He shone his flashlight up the escalator but saw nothing at the top.

"I'm going to head back down," Parker said quietly before heading down the escalator to return to the bottom floor. Laurence watched him go and then continued up the escalator, just in case it wasn't a ghost who was up there. His higher ups were already going to be mad if they found out he'd brought people in here, but they'd be even more pissed if someone who wasn't being watched was in here. He shone his flashlight around, making sure there was no one in sight before returning to the first floor. Kendall and Lincoln were using their flashlights to finish writing down something in a notebook. Parker was sitting on a chair and shivering. Laurence walked past them and towards the hallway to turn the lights on again. Luckily for him, only the breaker for the lights was flipping, meaning the fridges and other important power based electronics were still safe. At least the ghosts were causing property damage.

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