Chapter 2 - Death and Resurrection of an Angry Soul

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"Devon. My name is Devon Marks," the teen said.

"Devon, I am going to hand the bandages to you, and then you are going to come with me and Gregory up to the Pizza Plex and we can call your parents," Freddy said, holding out his paw with the bandages.

"Thank you, but my parents don't need to be notified," Devon stated, grabbing the bandages from Freddy's paw and stepping back further into the shadow.

"It is policy. Vanessa is going to meet us in Roxy Raceway to help you get home," Freddy said.

"I don't have one anymore," Devon growled, his eyes seemed to flicker from normal to the exclamation point that sometimes happened in Freddy's eyes when there was a problem.

"I am sorry. But you still need to come with us," Freddy stated.

"Fine," Devon said, finishing up tying the bandages on his arm. Freddy turned to look at Gregory but realized he had already left. He shrugged and turned back to Devon, who had stepped into the light. It was only then that he realized something was truly wrong. The shadow over Devon's face hadn't gone away. It looked as though the darkness was a part of his face. He had no other facial features besides his eyes who were staring coldly at Freddy.

"You are not human," Freddy stated, immediately in a defensive mode.

"No. No I am not. I didn't want to scare your little friend though, staying in the shadows helps," Devon said. It was unsettling. His face moved, but there was no mouth visible.

"What are you?" Freddy said, worried that his underlying voice would be heard.

"I am a ghost. I think. I mean, I was in limbo. But now I am here. So I guess I am a ghost. But I am physically here," Devon thought aloud. He looked at his hand, before shrugging.

"Limbo?" Freddy asked. 'Play dumb' was all he could think.

"Basically like an in between life and death for people who died. Most people just go straight to wherever they are destined for, but I was one of the unlucky ones stuck in limbo. And now I am back," Devon explained. He put his hand in the pocket of his hoodie. His long brown hair was in a low ponytail and his bangs fell into his face, causing him to shake his head to move it out of his eyes.

"Right. I will go first and explain... this... to Vanessa and Gregory, come on," Freddy said, leading the way back up to Roxy Raceway. Devon followed behind, staying at the top of the stairs until Freddy called him.

"Freddy! There you are," Vanessa said. She had her hand on Gregory's shoulder, keeping him near her.

"Officer Vanessa," Freddy waved, "I need to let you know about our friends situation."

"What do you mean Fazbear?" Vanessa sighed.

"Our friend, Devon, is not really human per say," Freddy stated.

"What?!" Gregory yelled.

"I don't understand," Vanessa said.

"He is a ghost, of sorts. Saying he was stuck in limbo and is now 'back'," Freddy continued.

"I knew something was wrong with him!" Gregory yelled.

"Gregory, be nice to him. I am betting this is a very hard experience, we need to be accepting of him and his situation," Freddy snapped. Gregory stopped and looked hurt.

"I- I am sorry superstar. I just feel bad for him. And I felt you were being a bit rude," Freddy said. He realized he had snapped at Gregory accidentally and felt terrible.

"So this Devon kid is a ghost who is back from the dead. How did he die?" Vannessa asked.

"I do not know, I forgot to ask," Freddy said sheepishly.

"Right. Where is he?" Vanessa asked harshly.

"He is nearby. Devon, you can come on out," Freddy called. Devon walked up the final few steps and looked around him as he walked over to the group.

"This place is sick," Devon said, his eyes darting to everything visible in the area.

"How did you die?" Vanessa asked, completely disregarding all normal ways of starting conversations. Devon looks at her for a moment.

"Why is your face all black?" Gregory asked, Fazer Blaster in hand. Devon looks between the two for a moment.

"Uh. Hello, I guess," he says sarcastically.

"I don't care, answer the question," Vanessa snaps.

"Geez. I know I am dead, but wow, no manners. I thought that was an adults whole thing?" Devon grumbles. Vanessa taps her foot impatiently.

"Ugh fine. I died because I bled out. Arm got caught in this old golden bear suit robot thing. I was trying to save my 'friend' who set it off. Turns out he just wanted me to die so he could lure more people there and kill them too," Devon snaps. His eyes flickered to the exclamation point again and he inhales to calm himself down.

"Right," Vanessa sighs, "I am going to go check the database for anything about a kid named Devon and a body found attached to a gold bear suit."

"What will we do with Devon?" Freddy asks. Vanessa looks at him for a second before shrugging.

"Up to you Fazbear. He is your problem now," Vanessa says, walking off to the nearest security office.

"What about your face?" Gregory asks again.

"That I do not know. Something about dying in anger. I don't know. I talked with a crocodile who was using a fishing rod so, take everything with a grain of salt I guess," Devon chuckles. Gregory looks at him with a confused expression.

"Devon, I have a question," Freddy says.

"Shoot," Devon turns to look at the tall bear.

"You act very, human, as though you are not angry you died. Why is that?" Freddy asked.

"Simple. I died but now I am back. Second chance. I need to take it. Also I am only mad at the fucker who killed me," Devon stated.


"Fuck off,"


"I don't take shit from you,"

"I am the adult here,"

"Freddy you are a robot-" 

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