Chapter 46 - Trickery Pt.1

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Laurence tapped his watch angrily at his friends as they ran over to him from their car. They carried a case each, probably with ghost detecting equipment, like they'd need it here. The ghosts would just walk up to you and say "Hello" here. They were followed by a college aged boy; must've been the intern they were taking on.

"Lincoln, Kendall. You guys are late, my shift started almost a half hour ago. I should be inside, what if the place got broken into while I was waiting for you two morons," Laurence stated.

"Lovely to see you too Laurence!" Kendall beamed, setting her case down and wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. Her curly black hair and brown skin were complimented by her dark green eyes. She always said she got them from her mother. She was short, a little rounder, so when she hugged him, her head was under his chin.

"Oh chill out mate. We had to pick up Parker. He doesn't have a car," Lincoln smiled, moving his blond hair out of his face. Laurence gave Kendall a quick hug. She let go and picked up her case again. Parker, the college guy, gave a small wave to Laurence. He was tall, maybe a couple of inches taller than Laurence, fair skin, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes. Pretty basic looking to Laurence.

"I can't believe you of all people called us about ghosts! Mr. 'Ghosts-Don't-Exist' Laurence! What type of paranormal activity we talkin'? Throwing things? Mental manipulation?" Kendall smiled, her personality as chipper as ever.

"You didn't exactly give us details Laurence," Lincoln said. Parker looked between them all awkwardly.

"They are more likely to walk up to you and shake your hand than throw stuff from what I can tell," Laurence said. Lincoln and Kendall shared a look of confusion and Parker spoke up.

"So you see them?" he asked.

"Yep. It's not that hard to," He stated. Parker looked confused before he shrugged and took the case from Kendall.

"Well. Lead the way grumpy pants," Lincoln chuckled. Laurence took them into he Pizzaplex, through a back staff door. He took them through the back hallways, telling them bits of information about each of the ghosts, and leaving out about Jeremiah. He hoped he would be out of the way tonight. Laurence knew the ghosts liked to wander at night, so he expected them to be all over the Pizzaplex.

"You really sure that one of them has no face?" Kendall asked.

"Mhm. Annoying little bugger too," Laurence grumbled.

"I don't really-" Kendall started, but she was interrupted by the lights suddenly going out, plunging them into darkness. Parker yelped in surprise. Laurence flicked on his flashlight and shined it down the hall. So this is how they are going to play it. Lovely. Lincoln turned on the flashlight on his phone and pointed it towards Laurence.

"Is that normal?" he asked.

"No. I'll run and check the breaker, you guys continue down this hall to the door at the end, it'll take you to the atrium, I'll meet with you there," Laurence grumbled.

"You're just going to leave? This is how all horror movies start Laurence," Kendall stated.

"It's my job to keep this place up and running Ken," he stated. Kendall huffed and turned on her own flashlight on her phone. He walked away briskly from them. They'd be fine.

Kendall glared at Laurence as he walked off.

"You never walk off by yourself while there are ghosts about," she grumbled. Lincoln chuckled and put an arm on her shoulder.

"It'll be fine!" Lincoln smiled. Parker let out a small sigh.

"This way we go!" Lincoln said, walking the way they were already heading, like Laurence had told them to. Kendall and Parker shared a look before following after him. They reached the atrium, which was terrifying in the dark. Chairs sat neatly on top of the tables, making it almost impossible to see all the way to the stage if you weren't looking at it from one of the raised paths on the side, or the path in the middle. The three floors above them made the building echo as they walked through it.

"This place is huge. No wonder Laurence is so tired all the time," Lincoln stated.

"You've never been here before?" Parker asked.

"Nope. Never saw the appeal. Creepy robots, cheap pizza? Not my forte," Lincoln replied.

"This is a newer building. I'm surprised Laurence is saying there's so many ghosts here..." Kendall chimed in, taking a chair off a table and then taking Lincoln's case and setting it in the empty spot.

"You don't know the rumors then," Parker said, taking another chair down and putting Kendall's case there.

"Rumors?" Lincoln asked.

"Fazbear Entertainment had some shady stuff going on back in the 80's and 90's... Kid's went missing. One got his head bitten or something... nightguards dropping like flies... a couple of fires," Parker counted off a few of the scandals Fazbear Entertainment had over the years.

"Oh dear... Maybe it's not the location then.. maybe objects? I saw advertised that they have a bunch of relics here," Kendall said. Lincoln shrugged and Parker looked around the tables. They waited in the dark for some time until some of the lights came on. None of the music or neon signs lit up, but maybe that was because it was closed for the night. Laurence came walking out of one of the side hallways not long after that.

"There you are. Thought you got hurt," Lincoln joked.

"Don't be silly Lincoln," Kendall elbowed him gently. She smiled at Laurence as he stood in front of them.

"Are you going to help us start or be mopey all night?" Lincoln said.

"I'll watch. I don't know what you guys need to do but they'll probably be wandering around... what are you doing Ken?" He asked as she opened the case and pulled out some equipment.

"Ghost equipment for ghosts," she stated.

"You don't-" he started but was interrupted by one of the pieces of equipment suddenly turning on and making an obnoxious static noise. Kendall almost dropped the small radio when it did that, and quickly shut it off.

"Sorry! Finger must've hit the button!" she said sheepishly, setting it down. Laurence grumbled and put his hands in his pockets.

"You say they just... walk around? Like people? Are you sure man? Cause ghosts don't really do that," Lincoln asked. Laurence shrugged.

"I'm not the expert," he said. Kendall looked back into the case and was fighting with getting out another piece of equipment that was not coming out the way she wanted it to. Laurence opened his mouth to say something when the static started to come from the other radio thing again. Parker looked over at it from where he was sitting. Kendall turned to glare at it.

"Well you are just being annoying today, aren't you," she stated, walking over to turn off the radio. Laurence raised an eyebrow at it and then looked at Lincoln.

"That happen often?" he asked.

"Not really," he said, with a slightly confused expression.

"Hello Laurence!" a familiar female voice spoke through the box.  

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