Chapter 55

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Vanessa was in the back staff room, grabbing the keys to lock up with Sam. He was at the table, resting his head on his arms. He was exhausted, even though all he'd really done was walk around most of the day with a long break towards the end since Vanessa went home to rest in the afternoon so she could take the nightshift. He'd spent some of that time with the day guard Amber. She was nice enough but he didn't entirely like her due to the Amber he knew breaking Nole's heart. A weird grudge to hold, but one nonetheless.

"Amber said you did well with helping her on part of her shift, that's good. Did you have fun?" Vanessa asked, putting her jacket in her locker.

"Sure," he replied, rubbing his face.

"You're exhausted. Did you at least get to see Nole?" she asked.

"Yeah. Got some food with him after you left. He said he gave the clothes to Delilah," Sam said.

"Good. Good. Alright, I'm going to go lock up. I think Jer's already up in the green room if you want to go ahead and go," Vanessa said. Sam nodded and stood up as the door opened.

"Ness," Laurence grumbled as he walked in, glaring at her. It took him a moment to register Sam standing there.

"What the fuck are you doing here? And why are you in- Vanessa! You fucking got a ghost hired?" he snapped.

"What do you mean ghost?" Sam asked, tilting his head. Vanessa covered her mouth with her hand to stop a laugh and then looked at Laurence like he grew another head.

"Yeah, what do you mean Laurence? This is just my good old friend Sam," she said.

"You- I- he- What the fuck man?" Laurence struggled to get words out, angry with Vanessa and Sam's mock confusion. Sam and Vanessa shared a look of fake confusion.

"I just started working here, so I don't know what your issue is," Sam said kindly.

"I'm onto bird man, don't think I won't tell someone," Laurence said angrily. Sam just shrugged and crossed his arms. The illusion disk he had on still made his wings look fake.

"Laurence just sign out and leave, don't harass the newbie," Vanessa snapped. Laurence grumbled and grabbed some of his things from his locker and then signs out and leaves. Once he was through the door and it closed, Sam and Vanessa began to laugh.

"He is so gonna hate us," Sam chuckled.

"Oh no one believes him so it's not like it's gonna change anything," Vanessa said. Sam nodded. He said a quick goodbye and headed out of the staff room and to the green room. Freddy was sitting with Gregory on his lap. Toby was curled up on one side of a different couch with Devon next to him and Reed on the other side of Devon. Sarah sat on the floor between Reed and Devon. Julius was sat between Dirk and Delilah, glaring at Reed, while Jeremiah and Angel were sitting either side of Freddy. Gregory was animatedly talking about go-karting with Devon and Reed. Sam sat on the floor near Toby and listened to the conversation as it went on. Reed was flustered and denying all accusations of him being a horrible driver whilst Devon picked on him playfully. Dirk wasn't reacting much but you could tell he enjoyed witnessing the conversation. Vanessa had finally gotten them all separated into rooms in some of the back store rooms no one used, having two people per room, and Gregory still sleeping in the greenroom. Dirk ended up with Julius, having to keep him from leaving the room to go and torment Reed. Reed was in the same room with Devon, since he was the only one willing to fully attack Julius. Sarah and Angel were in the same room, Toby and Sam were in another, Delilah ended up in the same room as Jeremiah, but Vanessa was working on separating them, just to have some gender separation, even though Delilah and Jeremiah were probably the least likely to do anything. They mostly slept on beanbags and old cushions from the daycare, often ones that had rips or tears in them and were patched up a few times but weren't put back out due to disrepair and never thrown out. 

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