Chapter 17 - Early Bird

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"Shh you're sO loud," Angel whispered. Toby flicked his ears up a bit and listened.

"I'm a robot," Sarah said in a stuttering voice. Toby slowly opened one of his eyes and saw Sarah and Angel standing near them with a bunch of markers. Ah. That thing. He looked around quickly and saw he was tucked under Sam's wing still. He'd assumed Sam would've slept on the beanbag after he'd fallen asleep.

'They are going to marker him up,' Shadow Bonnie whispered in Toby's ear. Toby internally agreed and gently sat up. Sarah's eyes widened and she put the markers behind her back. Angel stared at him for a moment.

"Morning? What time is it?" Toby asked groggily.

"Just after 6am," Sarah said softly.

"Too early. Go back to bed," Toby grumbled, settling back down. The movement of Toby had woken Sam up.

"Angel. Put the marker away," he said in a stern tone of voice. Toby about jumped out of his skin. He hadn't realized Sam was awake. Sam gave him an apologetic look and unwrapped his wing from Toby. Toby was regulating his breathing and rubbed his eyes.

"Ugh, you're no fun," Angel complained. Sam shot her a glare.

"It's 6 in the morning," Sam said.

"So? The brown haired kid is out handing out maps. And the faceless guy is reading a magazine," Angel groaned. Toby glanced at Devon who had earbuds in and was listening to music from an iPod of sorts while holding a magazine with one hand and reading it.

"Just because we are in somewhere new doesn't mean you are able to do what you want," Sam said. Angel groaned and turned around to Sarah. Sarah blinked at her and then handed her the markers. Angel gave her a dirty look before walking out of the room.

"S-sorry. Her idea-a," Sarah said.

"I have no doubt," Sam said. Sarah tipped her head at him and then walked out of the room. Sam shook his head in disappointment. Toby ran his hands through his hair and tugged gently on the bunny ears on the top of his head before looking at Sam.

"Morning. Do you need anything?" Sam asked. Toby blinked at him. He spoke in a way that was like he cared wholeheartedly. Toby barely got that when he was alive. It was always about his brother. Plus he didn't have anyone at school. Besides the girl who tried to help him. She was nice enough. A bit pushy. His heart clenched at the thought of this total stranger caring more about him than his family. He sniffled and rubbed his face with his hoodie sleeve. Sam sighed and wrapped his wing around Toby. Toby thought that was so cool that he got wings. Sam was lucky.

'He doesn't care, he pities you. You're still worthless,' RWQFSFASXC whispered. Toby flicked his ears down against his head. He knows it won't help but it's worth the shot. Sam gave him a worried look.

"Toby?" Sam asked. Toby had frozen, tears dripping down his face. Sam put his hand on Toby's shoulder and gently shook him.

"Huh?" Toby looked up at Sam.

"You ok?" Sam asked. He looked genuinely concerned.

'He doesn't care 1D1()t,' RWQFSFASXC growled.

"I am fine," Toby replied. He stood up abruptly and pushed Sam's wing away from him. He just walked around the room. Sam sighed and started cleaning his feathers. He didn't understand Toby's situation entirely, and he didn't expect he should. Devon moved the magazine and looked between Sam and Toby, confused. Sam gestured to Devon's headphones. Devon sighed and set down his magazine and pulled them out of his ears and paused his music.

"Whatcha need bird man?" he asked.

"Is there anywhere I can go to stretch out that people mind feathers being everywhere?" Sam asked. Devon looked at him for a moment.

"You'd have to ask Freddy. I can't go get him though. Not allowed out looking like this," Devon said, gesturing to his face. Sam thought about it for a minute.

'Sam O'Neil~'

Sam jumped off the couch and fell over the bean bag in front of him. Devon sat up quickly, scared by Sam's sudden movement. Toby paused pacing and looked at him, confused.

"You get bit or something?" Devon asked sarcastically.

"No. I am fine. Just thought I heard something that's all," Sam said. Standing up and brushing himself off. A few feathers drifted to the floor as he did.

"Right. You aren't allowed out either by the way," Devon said, picking up his magazine.

"I wouldn't think so," Sam replied flatly. He rolled his eyes at the teen angst radiating from Devon.

"Do you guys have spare clothes or something?" Toby asked.

"Yeah. There's some clothes in the store room," Devon said, flicking his magazine towards the store room off the side of the greenroom. Toby realized he was wearing a black Roxanne Wolf shirt. He dressed emo.

'He is more useful, and he only has one arm,'

"Shut up," Toby muttered, walking to the storeroom and looking through the clothes. Sam raised an eyebrow at Toby's muttering but didn't ask about it. He stretched his wings and arms. He gently shook himself, sending a small collection of feathers fluttering to the floor. He bent down to clean them up and when he stood back up he came face to face with Chica. He let out a scared squawk and brought his wings up to protect himself.

"Oops- Sorry!" She said.

"It's all good. You're very quiet," Sam pointed out.

"Have to be. It hurts Roxy's ears," Chica said, "Anyways~ Freddy sent me to check on you guys."

"Don't you have a show soon?" Devon asked.

"It got postponed. Vanessa also wanted to meet you guys. Where's the bunny kid?" Chica asked.

"He's getting some spare clothes," Devon answered.

"Aw. Do you want any fellow bird?" Chica chirped.

"I am fine for now," Sam replied, "Vanessa is the nightguard, correct?"

"Yep. She wants to talk with you before she heads home," Chica explained. Sam said it was fine and Chica left to go grab Vanessa.

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