Chapter 43 - Symbiosis To A Point

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"Off topic. Now. I know you were listening, what're your thoughts?" Toby said. His fear was almost gone. He knew that Devon was on his side. This was a confidence boost he needed. Someone who could help him, without being overbearing. Devon was internally trying not to laugh at the fact that Toby told RWQFSFASXC that he was off topic.

'You have nothing you could offer me that could make me even want to work with you,' RWQFSFASXC stated.

"Well. You'd be able to have more control. Plus, with your... Skillset... I think we could work ourselves into that plan for Wednesday," Toby said.

"Definitely," Devon agreed.

'Well. That is a bit enticing. But what about after. I will have no one to torment," RWQFSFASXC said.

"You are literally attached to me," Toby stated. It thought for a moment.

'But you aren't as scared anymore,' it grumbled.

"What about you can insult me? Or annoy me? Or whatever. As long as it's not an important conversation," Devon said. It seemed to flicker with joy for a moment.

'Annoying people is my specialty! I agree! But you will have to get used to the powers. I am not teaching you,' RWQFSFASXC chuckled. It faded down into Toby's shadow. Toby whooped.

"What are its powers anyways?" Devon asked.

'I can fade through shadows and use them to travel. I can also, y'know, just take over and attack things. Oh! And I can do this,' RWQFSFASXC spoke from the shadowed half of Toby's face. The lights flickered and then went out. Devon's eye lightly glowed, making him always visible in the dark as long as he had his eyes open. The white eye on Toby also seemed to glow. Toby looked around and then heard Delilah scream from down the hall and something fall over. Devon and Toby shared a look of fear and darted out of the bathrooms as the lights flickered back on. Jeremiah was helping Delilah up and Gregory was putting some merchandise that Delilah had knocked over, back onto its shelves.

"What the hell happened to the lights?" she asked.

"Sorry. I was testing something," Toby said.

"Well aren't you in a chipper mood. Usually you're just all mopey. What happened?" Jeremiah asked. He looked between the boys and raised an eyebrow.

"We made a deal with a shadow entity and now Toby has powers," Devon said.

"Good for you dear. Wait you what?" Delilah looked at Devon and Toby with a concerned look.

"Don't worry. It already has my soul," Toby said. Gregory snorted.

"That's not something you laugh at," Jeremiah said quickly to Gregory. Gregory snickered.

"So wait, you made a deal with the basically a demon thing in your head and now you have powers?" Delilah asked.

'Not a demon! I'm a shadow,' it protested. Jeremiah's eye went wide and he looked scared.

"Oh yeah. And that," Devon said.

"What the shit?" Delilah asked, "We came looking for you and now Toby's shadow thing can talk.

"Symbiosis," Toby said flatly.

"Took you long enough," Gregory said.

"Gregory," Jeremiah looked at the boy.

"You were looking for us?" Devon asked.

"Yeah. Sam needed to ask about some things. And he wanted Toby to come down and hang out," Delilah said.

"Then let's go. Oh actually I wanna try something," Toby said. He walked over a shadowed part of the wall, stood there for a moment muttering and then seemed to phase out of existence.

"HOLY SHIT THAT'S WHAT THAT MEANT!" Devon said. He was shocked. He just though it meant he would move fast in shadows, not that he literally just poofs between them.

"Where'd he go?" Jeremiah asked.

"He's probably down there by now," Devon said. He took off running back towards the main Atrium. Gregory bolted after him yelling and laughing trying to catch up. Delilah sighed as her and Jeremiah began to jog back. 

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