Chapter 56

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Monty was putting by himself in Monty Golf, as he normally did most nights. Roxy and Chica were apparently bowling that night together and Freddy was spending time with the ghosts. He had invited Moon to come and golf with him but was politely turned down when it was revealed Sun got stuck in the flying rig again. So he would just have to putt by himself. That was fine. His grip tightened on the putter. No it wasn't. Everyone else had someone who hung out with them. He was always alone. Not "always" always alone, but in their free time, barely any of them hung out with him. He hit the ball and it flew past the hole and into the fake bushes around the putting green.

"Perfect," he growled, stomping over to grab the ball. He leaned behind the carboard bush and saw that the ball had rolled past it and towards one of the equipment stalls. The door was open.

"Odd. I closed that," he muttered, stepping over the fake bush and picking up his ball. He walked over to the door and took a quick look around inside. After seeing no one, he assumed that the little blonde haired shithead had been messing with his stuff again and closed the door. He turned around and saw someone standing on the putting green. They wore a green uniform of some kind, looked like a security guard almost. But not one he knew.

"Oi, who are you?" Monty yelled at him. The person, presumably male from his build slightly turned, looked at Monty out of the corner of his eye and then fled.

"Wha- HEY! GET BACK HERE!" Monty dropped the ball and putter and lunged over the fake bush and onto the putting green. The man was running with a slight limp. Monty didn't know how he got in here and lunged at him again, grabbing his shoulders and pinning him to the ground. The man hit his head on one of the edges of the ponds in Monty Golf and went limp.

"Oh shit," Monty muttered, realizing he may have just killed this man. He let go of the man and crouched to the side of him. He was definitely wearing a uniform of some type but Monty didn't recognize it. He nudged the man with his claw before gently rolling him onto his side. The man's face was completely black, like that one ghost, Devon. Monty let out an internal sigh of relief. You can't kill a ghost probably. He then picked up the man, put him over his shoulder and began walking to the daycare. No need to get anyone else involved, just Sun to make sure he isn't dead. He knocked on the daycare door and Moon opened it.

"Hey Moon, how's it hanging?" Monty said with a fake hint of happiness.

"What did you do this time?" Moon snapped. Monty sighed and held out the man towards him, like a kid holding a doll they don't like.

"Really. Again?" Moon grumbled and turned around and called for Sun who came rushing over immediately and told Monty where to put him. Moon began to do some preliminary checks on the man while Sun tapped his foot angrily and stood in front of Monty.

"You know what I'm gonna say, don't you?" he said sharply.

"Don't just attack people," Monty replied. Sun crossed his arms.

"And don't just bring them to you without telling someone else. I'll go find Ness," Monty muttered angrily before walking out.

"The nerve of that man... crocodile... I don't know," Sun snapped before turning around to face Moon. His rays were shrunk in, showing he was stressed. Moon looked up at him and shrugged.

"Monty's always been a hot head Sun, I don't know why you try to scold it out of him," Moon said.

"Because he needs to see he's hurting other people, and that's why none of us like hanging out with him," Sun said.

"I-... I'm not gonna argue about it. Anyways, this man is fucked up. He's got injuries that I don't think are from Monty," Moon said.

"That's a start," Sun replied before scanning the man himself. The man had two metal disks in his spine, probably from before he died. He also had a messed up wrist and something wrong in his legs. Plus an injury to his head but that was fresh so it must've been Monty.

"We should wait for Vanessa," Moon said, sitting back, "Don't need her getting mad. She's been cracking down on what we can do after hours anyways."

"Fair enough I suppose. I guess we are getting more ghosts now?" Sun sighed.

"Looks like it," Moon shrugged. 

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