Chapter 22 - The Power of Illusion

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Once Toby calmed down, Sam invited Jeremiah and Gregory to join them at El Chips since, upon returning from the afterlife, Sam realized he can eat food and he really likes nachos. They went to El Chips and Sam said he'd have a talk with Angel later and that she should go hang out with Sarah and Monty. Angel had gone to Monty golf, but her mood was quite down in the dumps.

"What's up gumdrop?" Sarah asked.

"What did you call me?" Angel asked.

"Oh. I thought since you called me mech-girl I'd give you a fun nickname too!" Sarah said happily.

"Oh. That's actually really nice. Thanks," Angel smiled lightly. Sarah was like a younger sibling, but a good one. Not a spoilt brat like her step sister. Sarah's permanent smile seemed to get a bit wider from the praise.

"She'd been thinking of it since we got here," Monty chimed in. He liked Angel. She was snarky and not afraid to speak her mind.

"Good to know. Thanks mech-girl," Angel smiled, messing with Sarah's wig. Sarah protested and tried to grab Angel's arm. Monty chuckled as the girls play fought. He hit his next putt and got a hole in one. As usual.

Devon was in the basement. He liked to go down there and look for new things and people. He had a flashlight with him and a fold up bag in his hoodie pocket. He'd been walking around in the newest opened area and found a load of animatronic parts. Something that caught his attention were these little disk things everywhere. He decided to pick them all up. The bag hung from his arm as he picked them up. He'd set the flashlight where he was able to see around him and was making the most of his one arm. After picking up around 20 of these little disk things, he decided to head back up to the top.

"Hey Ness," he said, exiting Roxy Raceway and intercepting Vanessa's night shift route.

"Hey Devon. What's in the bag?" she asked, stopping to talk with him.

"I just found a bucketload of these little disk looking things. Where's the others?" Devon asked.

"Up at El Chips," Vanessa said, gesturing to the restaurant. Devon nodded a thanks and rushed off to the Mexican restaurant. He arrived and was greeted by Jeremiah, who wasn't eating. Toby was trying to steal some of Sam's nachos, getting a hiss from him, only to have Gregory steal some from the other side. Sam squawked in sadness of losing his precious nachos.

"Get your own you two," he grumbled, bringing his wings around the food.

"Hey Dev," Jeremiah waved. As they were dead, they didn't have to eat, but sometimes it was nice to just grab some food.

"Hey. I was just in the underground place and found a load of these weird little disk things. Thought I would show you guys," Devon said, shaking the bag gently. The flashlight was in the bag as well.

"Sure. Set 'em down," Jeremiah said. Toby shifted his attention from Sam to Devon. He didn't like the other teen too much. He was very defensive. Sam hadn't been paying attention but as soon as Devon took out one of the disks, Sam made a sound of excitement. He swallowed his food quickly and pointed at the disk.

"I know what those are!" he said happily.

"What are they?" Devon asked flatly. Sam gave him a look of give me a minute I just swallowed a lot of food.

"They are illusion disks. I got one from that Eleanor thing as a reward after I tormented Nole and got her remnant from it," Sam explained. He held his hand out and Devon set it in his hand.

"These are old, but I should be able to fix them. I learned how to because mine broke almost constantly," Sam said. He puzzled over the illusion disk in his hand and Toby stole a nacho. And then Gregory did. Sam sighed and pushed the nachos so they all could reach. Devon took one and Gregory watched as it was consumed by the shadow on Devon's face. He had many questions. Sam grabbed a napkin and cleaned off the disk. He flipped it over and saw it had no batteries in it and he looked around for a moment.

"Hey, do you guys know where button batteries are?" he asked.

"I do. I'll go grab some," Jeremiah said. He grabbed a chip as he left to eat it elsewhere as to not gross out the others. He came back a bit later with a sandwich bag of button batteries. He handed them to Sam.

"Thanks," Sam said, taking it. Him and the rest of the group had been cleaning the disks with some napkins. Sam popped a battery into the one he was holding and held it in the palm of his hand.

"So? What do these do?" Toby asked.

"Well. If I hit the button, it should make a sound frequency that makes me look more human. It's programmed to monitor brainwaves at the time of activation and turn you into whatever you want, within reason. And it tricks the mind so well, anything it makes you see, you can feel as well," Sam smiled. Toby nodded and flicked his ears down. Sam clicked the button. Gregory raised an eyebrow as it did nothing. Sam furrowed his brow and went to click it again when a high pitched sound radiated from it and increased in pitch until it could no longer be heard. Not even by Toby. They'd all covered their ears, besides Sam and when they looked back at him, he looked different. His eyes were brown and the feathers that stuck out of his hair, that'd they found were attached to his scalp, were gone. The wings looked more plastic and even had fake straps that went under the hoodie. He looked more alive, his skin being a bit brighter and more coloured. He looked at his arms and make a happy sound.

"Yes it worked!" he whooped. Devon looked at Sam and then at Toby, and then at Jeremiah and then at the batteries.

"Can I try it?" Devon asked. Sam clicked his off and faded to normal.

"Sure. But they get really hot if you use them too much," Sam said. Devon nodded and grabbed the batteries. He popped them into the disk he was holding. He looked at it for a moment before clicking it. It also didn't work right away but he waited. The disk suddenly whirred to life, increasing in pitch rapidly. The others covered their ears for a second, but it didn't affect him. He assumed it was because he was holding it. He looked at his arm and then his other one. He'd hoped it would've let him have the rest of his other arm, but it didn't matter. He leaned back and looked in one of the mirrors in El Chips. He had his face. HIS face. He wasn't just a shadowed person anymore. He had a mouth! And a nose!

"You look different to what I thought you would," Gregory said. Devon shot him a look. He could do that now.

"What'd you think I looked like?" Devon asked.

"Don't know. Just not that," Gregory shrugged. Devon looked in the mirror again and whooped, making sure not to drop the disk. Sam offered his to Toby who politely declined.

"Could I?" Jeremiah asked.

"Of course," Sam passed the illusion disk to Jeremiah. He held it in his hand and clicked it on. He just wanted his face to look right. It buzzed to life, and he felt an odd sensation on his skin. Devon was still excited he had a face. Jeremiah took a deep breath and felt the illusion go over his bandages. He didn't need to take them off.

"You have long hair?" Toby asked.

"Not usually. That's just something that happened while I was possessed. I don't know why," Jeremiah said.

"AYYY FACE BUDDIES!" Devon whooped. Jeremiah chuckled. They'd have to show Sarah. She'd love to be herself again. Sam taught them how to stick the disks to their skin and explained how to know when they are getting low on battery and what to do it they overheat. Toby got one but he didn't try it. They decided to show the others tomorrow since Gregory was tired and Devon was tired as well. They put the illusion disks in the storage room in Freddy's greenroom and Jeremiah went to the daycare to sleep. Devon laid on the couch he'd claimed and fell asleep quite content. Gregory grabbed his blanket and curled up around a Freddy plush he'd won from a claw machine and fell asleep as well. Sam sat down and let Toby lay his head on his lap. He wrapped his wing gently around the teen and gently stroked his hair. The blood had dried but he'd definitely have to clean up as to not draw attention to himself. Sam relaxed and let his mind wander. He didn't really need to sleep but he might as well. He glanced over at the clock that was illuminated by the lamp. 1am. They could rest for a while. 

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