Chapter 10 - Guess who's back~ Back again~

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Devon was panting behind him.

"Slow down," he wheezed. Jeremiah snapped out of thinking for a second and watched Sun run over to Moon who was still shut off.

"Sun, can you please calm down?" Freddy asked.

"Moon does not shut down well, usually you have to overload him or force it, what did you do?" Sun was panicking.

"Sun, please calm down," Freddy asked. Sarah and Gregory looked between Sun and Freddy as the two began to go back and forth. Devon laid down on the floor where he had been standing and just allowed the cold floor to cool him off. He had been chasing Sun halfway across the Pizzaplex and he was tired. Jeremiah tried to stand up, but his body was not ready to do that without help. He was having trouble with words, but he managed to make one coherent sentence.

"Freddy move please, Sun scared I can help," he said. It sounded almost robotic. Sun immediately stopped talking. From where Sun was standing, he couldn't see Jeremiah, he was behind Freddy. Freddy was also surprised by Jeremiah but moved to allow Sun to see him.

"Jer?" Sun asked. His sun rays shrunk into his head. He looked the man up and down. He was wearing the same jumper that Jeremiah had always worn. His voice sounded like Jeremiah's. Almost. As Sun looked at him, the more he noticed. The eye looking at him from under the bandages was different. It wasn't Jeremiah, at least not the Jeremiah Sun knew.

"Sunny?" Jeremiah said. His voice was so broken. Sun just wanted to fix it. And his face. His poor face was covered in bandages.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Sun hissed at Freddy. Gregory looked stunned. Freddy looked at Sun, confused.

"It is not," Freddy replied.

"How is it not? He is dead. That is not him! I- I can't," Sun stuttered. Jeremiah tipped his head down.

"I am dead and yet I am here," Sarah chimed in. Devon grunted an agreement from his spot on the floor.

"Yes but you, I don't know you. I-I knew him. Why are you back?" Sun turned his attention from Sarah to Jeremiah. He thought for a moment.

"I-I'm back? Never-r gone," Jeremiah struggled to get words out. Sun was shaking his head and muttering to himself.

"Sun, this is why Moon shut down. He could not process this. I assumed you would do better with," Freddy started.

"No %&@# he couldn't process this! Jeremiah was our friend, him being back throws everything for loops!" Sun yelled. Gregory covered his ears and curled in a ball, shying away from Sun. Sarah put her hand on his shoulder to comfort him. Jeremiah was trying to think of something to say.

"Sun, he is right here, please be more polite," Freddy said. He was shocked by Sun's ability to curse but assumed that his systems were thrown out of whack by the re-appearance of a dead friend.

"That is not the Jeremiah I know. This one is broken," Sun's voice got very quiet as he looked at Jeremiah. The bandaged face looked back at him. His system started to overlay some older memories of Jeremiah over the face, trying to match one.

"Sunny don't worry. Not broken," Jeremiah tried to reassure Sun. He knew his voice sounded disjointed, but he was trying his best. Sun looked back at Freddy. He couldn't stand it. This wasn't his Jeremiah. This wasn't the one who would teach him new words, or the one who would bring games they didn't have in the daycare to play with them after hours when he wasn't working with the higher ups.

"Sun, I think it's best if you turn Moon back on," Freddy said. Sun nodded and headed over to his brother. He flicked Moon on and waited for him to boot up.

"I am sorry Jeremiah, I did not know he would react like that," Freddy apologized quietly to Jeremiah. Jeremiah nodded slowly. Freddy assumed he was trying to find the words. He turned to Gregory, who was eyeing Sun fearfully.

"Superstar, are you ok?" Freddy asked. Gregory nodded.

"Do you need to go for a walk? It has been a long night so far, Devon and Sarah can take you to El Chips to get something to eat," Freddy asked. Gregory nodded and him and Sarah got up. They walked past Devon and got him up and dragged him with them to El Chips. Moon groaned as his systems finished rebooting. Sun had moved and was standing near him, but not right over him.

"Shoot, I shut off," Moon groaned, sitting up. Jeremiah was still looking for good words to use but couldn't find the right ones. Moon did a quick diagnostic check.

"Sorry Sunny," he muttered. Sun didn't say anything.

"Sunny?" Moon looked up at Sun. His brother barely was quiet.

"He isn't our Jeremiah," Sun said. Moon was confused for a moment. Right. Jeremiah. He was back. Moon looked over to the man. He was sitting down with his head in his hands, lost in thought.

"How so?" Moon asked. Freddy sat down on the couch next to Jeremiah and urged Sun to sit down on the couch with Moon. Sun sat down next to Moon but was quite upset about it.

"He is broken," Sun said slowly.

"Not broken, memories," Jeremiah pointed to his head, "scattered. Time fixing."

Moon looked at Jeremiah. Sun was right. This wasn't the Jeremiah they knew. Something had happened. Obviously, he'd died, but something else.

"What happened to you?" Moon asked. He knew he sounded rude but that's all he wanted to know. Jeremiah thought for a minute.

"Game testing. Like Hope. Something was wrong," Jeremiah started. He thought for a few more seconds.

"Possessed? I think word. Scattered. Tried to stop it," Jeremiah suddenly got very worked up and began to shake. Freddy tried to put his hand on Jeremiah's shoulder, but the man flinched away from him.

"The accident was you trying to stop it?" Moon asked. Jeremiah looked at Moon. He nodded slowly.

"How are you back?" Sun asked again. Being near Moon always calmed him down, but he was still on edge.

"Parasite. Never gone," Jeremiah said. Freddy seemed to understand and growled under his breath about the glitch. Sun didn't understand.

"But you're dead?" he asked. Jeremiah nodded. Sun thought about it for a minute.

"Sunny you're gonna break your systems of you keep trying to comprehend it," Moon said. Sun sighed and gave up.

"Freddy, how come you aren't freaking out about this?" Moon asked. Freddy was usually quite an emotional animatronic, and Moon thought he would've been crying or extremely happy about the whole situation, but he'd been quite solemn the whole time.

"I am starting to realise there might be more of them coming. I am worried about who or what they might be," Freddy said.

"Ok dark and serious," Moon joked. Jeremiah chuckled.

"And his sense of humor remains. What the hell?" Moon muttered. He was honestly glad Jeremiah was back. It had been quite some time since they got to talk. Him and Sun were devastated when they were told Jeremiah had an accident and that Vanessa would be replacing him. 

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