Chapter 74

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"So that's why I prefer Freddy's merch over Roxy's," Gregory finished his explanation.

"Which are valid reasons, to each their own and all that," Cassie chuckles. They were walking around the second level, and Gregory saw Delilah and Dirk up ahead. He waved to them and Delilah saw him and gave a small and tired wave back.

"You know them?" Cassie asked.

"Yeah... Friends of Sam's," Greogry explained. They'd run into Sam a few minutes before.

"Why aren't they leaving? The Pizzaplex closes in 10 minutes," Cassie asked.

"They go home with Sam," Gregory quickly covered for the ghosts.

"Oh, ok!" Cassie took the explanation and waved to Delilah as well, and followed Gregory down to the first floor on the escalators.

"What's her name?" Cassie asked.

"Delilah," Gregory responded.

"And her husband?" Cassie continued.

"Husband? You mean Dirk? He's just another friend. I believe Delilah has much higher standards," Gregory responded, offended on Delilah's behalf.

"Oh. Whoops," Cassie chuckled, "My bad."

"It's fine. I bet a lot of people would make that assumption," Gregory shrugged it off. They walked past Angel, who Gregory blatantly ignored, due to her rudeness in the past. He didn't like her vibe, and he didn't like the vibe of the new girls either. Jessica saw Cassie's makeup and scoffed.

"Who let the toddler into the salon?" she scoffed. Gregory didn't know which one it was, nor did he care. Cassie stopped and glared at the girl.

"Toddler? Really?" Cassie crossed her arms.

"Cassie let's just leave the bitches alone," Gregory muttered, glaring at Angel who was looking down at them.

"Aww the wittle baby is mad!" one of the girls sneered.

"Leave her be. Her dad works here. We don't want to get kicked out," Angel said.

"Oh shit," the other girl said.

"Sorry!" the first one smiled, clearly upset to have been called out. Cassie stuck her tongue out at them and followed Gregory away from the girls.

"Bitches," Gregory muttered.

"Agreed," Cassie responded. They walked around a bit more, the last chance to leave P.A. announcement ringing through the Pizzaplex sent them back into the back hallways, and to the staff room.

"Oh good it's you," Laurence narrowed his eyes at Gregory as he walked to the staff room. They stopped just outside.

"Hello conspiracy man," Gregory chuckled, "Do you still think I'm a robot?"

"Yes! I do! You are too smart to not be!" Laurence snapped.

"What?" Cassie asked, looking between them.

"Laurence here is our resident conspiracy theorist," Gregory snickers.

"They are not theories! There are ghosts here and I will tell management! Hell ghosts work here! And you are a robot! And at least 1 animatronic has to be possessed because they are way too human," Laurence defended his beliefs.

"... Ghosts?" Cassie asked, confused.

"Yes!" Laurence exclaimed, "Sam, and Jeremiah! Plus all the kid ones here, and that one water dude."

"Yeah I'm gonna call mom if you keep annoying us," Gregory said, hovering his hand over his fazwatch.

"Do not tell Vanessa she's trying to get me fired," Laurence immediately switched gears to stop Gregory.

"Then leave us alone," Gregory said.

"But-" Laurence really wanted to get at least someone on his side.

"No buts. Or butts," Gregory responded.

"Fine!" Laurence stormed into the staffroom and slammed the door.

"What the heck just happened?" Cassie asked.

"He's loony, don't worry about it," Gregory shrugged.

"Do you not believe in ghosts?" Cassie asks.

"Do you believe in them?" Gregory responds.

"I'd like to. I think it'd be cool," Cassie smiles.

"Hm. I do too. But you gotta take into consideration that Laurence is off his rocker," Gregory says. He felt bad for disregarding the ghosts, but it was for their safety. The less people who knew, the better.

"Fair enough. He seems a bit cray-cray," she chuckles. She sits back down and swings her legs.

"So if you were a mythical or fictional being or animal, what would you be?" she smiles, going to a different topic. Gregory smiled and sat on the floor in front of her, and they began to happily talk about the options and the pros and cons of each one. 

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