Chapter 1 - A rough morning

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In the morning, everywhere was usually busy. But not as busy as the dorm of two sophomores who were panicking and rushing just because it was extremely difficult for both of them to get up on time this morning. Clothes flew through the air as did curse words, whole pairs of socks were probably missing from the entire world, and neither of them had seen a kinesiology textbook since last Friday, when the class was last held.

"Here! What moron put it here!?" The handsome, tall brunette boy with longer hair let out a frustrated sigh, indirectly berating his roommate for relocating his homework.

"Probably the same moron who wrote the homework." The other one didn't like it, he had full cheeks, which now were puffed up even more as a sign of annoyance.

"No no no, this moron's name is Han Jisung." Tall boy insisted as he hurriedly put his homework into his school bag.

"I've had enough Hyunjin, if you went to bed earlier and would wake up at the first alarm, you wouldn't be so obnoxious every morning!" Han Jisung - freshly named ‚moron' - couldn't stand it.

After this ascent, silence fell over the room.

"I need coffee." Hyunjin said firmly with a deadpan expression.

"Yeah, me too." Jisung nodded surrenderingly, "Let's go." He huffed and pulled Hyunjin by the sleeve out the door.

As they rushed to the coffee stand together, Han Jisung thought that living with Hwang Hyunjin was not easy. They have been sharing a dorm room together for two years now and this is what a typical morning looks like. Honestly, the two didn't get off to the best start together. Hyunjin was unlikable to him from the first time they met, he came across as very cold and no fun, which is a big red flag for Jisung. Of course, Jisung's first impression was confirmed immediately after a few days, when Hyunjin was able to pick on the smallest things. It culminated in Hyunjin telling Jisung that his finger, yes FINGER, was in the wrong position during the choreography they were being taught. Jisung didn't even have dance as his main focus! He was here to produce music! And so there was a physical fight during the lesson.

"Iced americano please, twice." Hyunjin ordered in a monotone voice and paid for it. As he silently waited for his miracle potion, he began to feel bad for the way he had treated Jisung in the morning again. He had to admit that even though he's usually the one to start an argument, Jisung is the first to come and try to resolve the situation. Ever since the first time they got into a fight in class and Hyunjin ran to the bathroom to calm down and cry. It was Jisung who came and apologized and suggested that they try to get along even if it's going to be difficult.

"Here you go." Hyunjin handed Jisung the coffee as his form of reconciliation. Jisung smiled in his cute way and thanked him.

And that's just how they were. Despite the difficult beginnings and rough mornings, they always found a common ground in the end. Jisung greatly appreciated and respected Hyunjin's work ethic and dedication for the craft, and Hyunjin in turn respected Jisung's endless optimism and passion for music. They both saw each other at their worst and because of that they were able to be the most themselves in front of each other. If someone asked Hyunjin who his true and most sincere friend is, he would probably say Han Jisung.

After the first sips of coffee, Hyunjin patted Jisung on the shoulder and the two set off towards class.

"Do we have any subject together today?" Jisung asked, squinting at his phone at his schedule.

"Yeah, see you for dance theory and later for practicals."

"Aaaah!" Jisung whined, "Is it today? I'm devastated, I haven't trained at all!'

"Don't worry, I'm here to tell you what you're doing wrong." Hyunjin teased him and poked his shoulder.

"What did you say? That I'm holding my finger wrong again?!?!" Jisung joked loudly, referring to an old conflict, while shoving his finger in Hyunjin's face.

"You're so loud." Hyunjin complained but couldn't help but smile.

"That's because I have to speak for both of us, you ice queen. Later then!" Jisung raised his hand in farewell and turned away in his direction. Hyunjin could still hear Jisung yelling at his classmates from the music production major before he walked into the classroom for his first class. He silently greeted his classmates and without a word took his usual seat at the back by the window. He thought that he's just like everyone else, that he was just sitting and waiting for the beginning of the class, but the truth was that everyone else didn't see him as one of them.

If Hyunjin could see himself from his classmates' point of view, he would probably do every single thing in slow motion. The camera would record Hyunjin holding a pen between his long fingers that were adorned with rings, and immediately after, the camera would focus on his beautiful face in profile, staring thoughtfully out the window while slightly parting his full lips. The scene would end with the sun's rays from outside shining on his hair, which was tied in a ponytail.

Exactly. Hyunjin was a prince. At least he looked like one. And no one could ignore it.

Of course he wasn't blind, he knew very well how he affected people and that he was attractive. He'd be lying if he didn't use it from time to time to get what he wanted-like the front row in a choreography. But that's probably the end of it. He didn't care that he could date any girl and probably any boy from his school. His only concern was to do a perfect job and maintain his position as the best student, to get the best results and stand out from all the others who want to make a living by dancing.

One would say that he must feel isolated.

He felt that way. But he saw nothing wrong with it. He actually enjoyed being alone, and if it wasn't for Jisung and his silly humor and persistence, he would have been completely alone. And that would be fine too.

Kinesiology class started and Hyunjin took one last look at his homework that he couldn't find in the morning and finally started to focus.

Meanwhile, something was going on in the principal's office that Hyunjin had no idea about, yet it was about to shake up his peaceful academic life.

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