Chapter 31 - I like you, Felix

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The two boys sat at the bar for a while longer so as not to disappoint Seungmin and Jeongin by leaving early. Despite Felix's protests, Hyunjin ordered him some water to sober up a bit, but he himself had soju with Jeongin. Seungmin was also taking a break from alcohol and was mostly glad that no one was forcing him to dance anymore.

After finishing their drinks, they said their goodbyes and Felix and Hyunjin took a taxi to the dorm because they didn't want to wait anywhere for public transport.

It was quiet on the way in the car, it was awkward for to talk about anything when a third stranger was sitting there, driving.

So, Felix watched the passing lights of the big city outside the window and tried to sober up. He was thankful in the end that he had already been drinking water for the last hour because he wasn't feeling very well. But he won't admit that Hyunjin was right because he was still angry with him. And he was angry with himself for being so weak-willed and allowing himself to be talked into going home with him.

Meanwhile, Hyunjin watched Felix's profile and tried to gauge from his expression if he was still sulking or just sick. Either way, he'd still kiss his defiantly pouty lips. And he plans to do so.

Hyunjin paid the taxi driver, walked around the car and wanted to help Felix climb out. But he refused his hand and staggered out on his own. Hyunjin rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed at this, slammed the door and followed the floundering silver-haired.

"At this rate we won't get there until tomorrow." Hyunjin complained.

"Which is in a few minutes, so it's good enough." Felix argued as he swayed from side to side.

"You're so stubborn." Shaking his head at his answer, the blond walked up to him and without any warning grabbed his hands, wrapped them around his shoulders and bent slightly so the drunk fell onto his back.

"I can walk!" Felix protested.

"Yeah sure. Hop on and shut up." Hyunjin argued with him and pulled Felix's arms to hug him tighter. So Felix reluctantly hopped on. Hyunjin straightened up, threw the silver-haired on his back and continued walking down the campus.

"Are you still angry?" Hyunjin asked him cautiously.

"You bet I am."

"Aaaalright..." The blond sighed. This irritated Felix and under the influence of alcohol he found the courage to blurt out everything to Hyunjin.

"Stop acting like nothing happened! I saw you! I was supposed to pick you up after training and I saw how close Jae is to you and you agree to go on a date with her! When we were supposed to be together all weekend!" Felix gradually raised his voice and since his mouth was next to Hyunjin's ear, the blond had to duck his head, or he would lose his eardrums.

"How do you know she asked me on a date? She asked me if I'd help her choreograph her solo."

"Such a transparent excuse! Seriously Hyunjin, you must be blind. Plus, I can see her looking at you and calling you 'Jinnie' and you don't mind! And she told me how happy you are to have her help you with training. She even asked me if you're dating anyone!" The silver-haired continued angrily as the blond placed Felix's feet on the ground in front of door number 143.

Hyunjin jingled the bunch of keys and unlocked the door. He thought about what Felix was telling him. Yes, he noticed her addressing him like that and he doesn't like it, but he also kind of doesn't care at the same time. Jae really helps him with training others, of course he thanks her for it. But he never thought that she'd fall for him. He knew he was attractive, that was a fact, but he didn't think that his looks combined with the compliments he was giving her, it would end up giving her the impression that she had a chance with him. He liked Felix. The fact that she asked him of all people if he was dating anyone really pissed him off.

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