Chapter 27 - Happy New Year

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"Um... happy new year?" Minho wished to all who was just staring at them with their mouths hanging open. Jisung just covered his lips with his hand, as if he wanted to erase the activity, he was doing here with Minho a while ago.

The two were only lucky that the first fireworks appeared in the sky and the awkward silence was thus drowned out. Chan took two extra glasses of champagne, handed them to Jisung and Minho, and they all cheered hesitantly.

"Happy New Year." All those present said over each other, still in shock from what they had just seen. When Hyunjin wished Felix happy new year, they exchanged nervous glances. Of course, they were also surprised to find Jisung and Minho here like this, but they were much more afraid of how others would take it. After all, what if they didn't find the two of them tonight, but Hyunjin and Felix kissing in the hallway? They were lucky. Now they'll see how others will react to this type of relationship. Moreover, inside their friend group.

After a toast and a brief firework watching, they returned one by one to the living room. Jisung was the last to return with Minho, who was the focus of all eyes in the room. They stood in the middle of the room in front of the couch where most of the guys were sitting. A tense atmosphere hung in the air. This whole situation looked as if Jisung and Minho had to perform some important performance in front of the X Factor jury in order not to be eliminated from the competition.

"I guess we have to annouce something." Minho finally spoke while Jisung remained silent and looked meekly at the ground. As he was normally a talkative person, it was unusual to see him speechless. The imaginary jury waited for what they would say next.

"It's not what it look-" Jisung started quickly, desperately trying to get out of the situation at the last minute and save him and Minho from execution.

"We're dating." Minho stopped him mid-sentence with a slight wave of his hand and then just shrugged his shoulders as if it was nothing.

Hyunjin and Felix both had their stomachs clenched. And it wasn't from all the alcohol they consumed today, but from how nervous they were for their friends.

"We do?" Jisung finally looked up from the ground and widened his eyes at Minho.

"Clearly. What else would you call it? I like you; we spend a lot of time together, we kiss and-"

"That's a lot of information, TMI!" Jisung panicked and tried to cover Minho's mouth with his hand.

"Anyway, I wanted to make it clear out there, to tell each other what we really are. If we're dating or not. But these idiots interrupted us." Minho simply grabbed Jisung's hand that was about to cover his mouth and intertwined his fingers with Jisung's.

"I think you've already made it clear out there." Changbin cleared his throat discreetly and Chan immediately admonished him with a murderous look.

"So, are we dating?" Minho asked, completely ignoring the boys on the couch.

Felix didn't even notice that he was tapping his foot nervously until Hyunjin's hand landed on the vibrating leg for a moment to alert him.

"We are." Jisung breathed out touched and started to smile as soon as he saw Minho's happy expression.

"So, we're dating. Either you accept this or I'm setting the air fryer to 180 degrees for twenty minutes." Minho finally turned to the others; his happy expression replaced by a terrifying look of hatred.

"Huh? What are you saying?" Chan had to ask because he didn't understand the part about the air fryer. Even Jisung didn't understand the metaphor.

"That's how long it will take for you to be cooked." Minho explained and everyone was quiet for a moment, just watching his serious expression until the corners of his lips twitched to a smile.

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