Chapter 10 - WOW

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Author's note: I'm sorry, this chapter is a little bit longer than usual but it felt wrong to divide it into more parts. Anyways this chapter is light-hearted, somewhat funny and a little bit hot (she's hot), so I hope it'll be easier to read thanks to that!♥ Also play this legendary song when the time comes for maximum experience.


Felix stood up politely when he heard Jisung coming. But he was just as shocked as the two boys Chan had brought. In addition to Jisung, there was also a tall, long-haired brunette standing in front of them. Hyunjin. Felix couldn't force himself to say hello, he just tried to maintain an eye contact with Hyunjin, or at least look at his face and not stare at him. Not that it'd be easy to look at his handsome face with perfect skin and full lips.

He noticed how similar their fashion sense was, but Felix suddenly felt like a simpleton in his presence, even though he felt confident as he walked out of the dorm with the boys earlier. The silver haired boy knew this was wrong and that he should calm down as he kept reminding himself that, but he couldn't do it now. Hyunjin looked too good for that. His hair, which was normally in a ponytail, was now loose so that it fell in his face and he kept brushing it back in that alluring gesture. The leather pants hugged him in all the right places and as he bowed his head slightly to politely greet everyone, Felix noticed the clinking of the chain around his neck, tempting him to look at his exposed collarbones.

Felix's breath hitched as he tried to make a sound. So he took a sip of his drink first before letting out a deep: "Hello."

At that moment, he admitted to himself that he was already too deep into this denied obsession with Hyunjin. But he couldn't let it show. He still has long months of training ahead of him for the final show with him, and that could complicate things.

"I'm Seungmin and this is Jeongin, we're studying singing." The two unknown boys introduced themselves to Jisung and Hyunjin. They shook hands and then Changbin took Jisung by the neck so he could pull him down and mess up his hair under his hat.

"Stop bullying me as soon as I walk into the door!" Jisung defended himself.

"That's the best timing!" Changbin crushed him further in his grip. Meanwhile, Chan was watching them from the kitchen, smiling like a proud father.

"What drinks do you want?" Chan finally asked them. In the end, both Hyunjin and Jisung agreed on soju, which was drunk by the majority here. Hyunjin offered to help Chan carry the drinks to the living room table to show his gratitude for his hospitality. Chan was still cautious around Hyunjin, his protective instinct kicking in as they settled on the couch, so he sat between him and Felix.

"How do you like it?" Chan asked Felix in English as Felix just dipped his lips in the soju and blinked quickly.

"I expected worse, it's actually quite sweet!" He also answered in English. Hyunjin couldn't help but notice that when he spoke in his native language, his voice seemed even deeper. That, combined with the way he looked, made Hyunjin want to keep looking at him.

"Why'd you decide to come tonight? Does Jisung have something to blackmail you with?" Changbin suddenly spoke to Hyunjin as he scooped up a handful of potato chips.

"Well, he actually invited me for the first time today, he said he had to show me how hard you work." Hyunjin immediately defended himself. It was true, Jisung never bothered to connect his friend groups.

"What!?" Hyunjin was startled as Chan shouted next to him, "We've been telling Jisung since the beginning not to leave you alone and take you with him!" he pointed his hand in disbelief at Jisung who had a poker face.

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