Chapter 9 - Invitation

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Jisung just woke up when Hyunjin returned from his morning meeting with Felix. He sat speechless on his bed, buried in his blanket like in a tortilla, his hair sticking out in every direction, frowning at his roommate.

"What the hell are you doing, it's Saturday morning." He finally spoke to him.

"I was dealing with organizing the final show." Hyunjin explained as he took off his shoes and jacket.

"Are you getting ready already? That's crazy. The school year started like a month ago."

"Well, unfortunately, we have to train more than music majors." Hyunjin teased him with a smile on his face. That got Jisung going.

"Hey! Hey! Whoa!" He pointed at him aggressively as an idea popped into his head, "I know exactly how to convince you otherwise and change your bad opinion. Come with me to the boys tonight so I can show you how hard we work!" Jisung put his hands on his waist defiantly. Hyunjin just gave him a confused look, he never asked him before if he wanted a VIP ticket to 3RACHA's concert for an exclusive seat on the couch in Chan and Changbin's living room.

Seeing his friend's reluctance to answer, Jisung decided to push him more: "Come on! Please? You just train and study all the time and forget to have a little fun too. You never know, it could inspire you! Also, you owe me quite a bit for crying on my shoulder."

Hyunjin hated it when Jisung did this. He was able to play on his emotions perfectly and put him in such a precarious social situation in order to get his way. He remembered how many times Jisung had been there for him, how many times he'd come to support him at performances and trainings, or even danced with him, even though dancing is not his focus and Hyunjin only corrects him. He sighed in surrender; he couldn't say no to him.

"Well, first of all, I didn't cry on your shoulder, and secondly, I'd like to see if you can change my mind, so fine, I'll go." Hyunjin finally agreed and Jisung grinned at him from ear to ear. He didn't expect that it could be so easy to convince his roommate, but he was happy about it, they'll finally have some fun. Plus, now it'll be Jisung's time to shine and be the star instead of Prince Hyunjin.


In another room in the dorms, where two sophomores and one freshman lived, something similar was happening.

"What? To Changbin and Chan's place? Aren't they from senior year?" Seungmin asked confused when Felix told them his plan for tonight and asked if they wanted to be included in it too.

"So what? Is there something wrong with that?" Felix raised his eyebrows curiously at the two roommates as he texted Chan on his phone about tonight.

"No, it's just that no senior ever invited me to a party. Won't that be weird?" Seungmin continued to hesitate and exchanged a quick glance with Jeongin who was tuning his guitar for him.

"Of course not. Don't imagine anything wild, it looks like just the two of them should be there, their buddy Jisung and I'll bring both of you. Chan himself texted me to bring you along so that there will be more of us and that means more fun. We'll just have a few drinks, maybe play some games and go home." Felix explained.

"I am one hundred percent all for it! We should go, Seungmin, don't be such an old fart again." I.N. persuaded him because he was still disappointed that he couldn't get them to party last night.

"Okay, I'll give in to the majority." Seungmin raised his hands as if he was surrendering. Felix just smiled at him and texted Chan that they were all coming. He texted with him for a while about what needed to be prepared and bought, and finally they set a meeting time.

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