Chapter 17 - See you later

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The boys were unpacking their shopping bag in the kitchen while Chan boiled water for their tea. I.N and Seungmin played Mortal Kombat against each other and the others cheered them on.

"Do you want to help with something, Lixie?" Chan asked in English.

"Just show me where everything is, thanks." Felix smiled back at him, and his Australian buddy started serving him the necessary dishes.

Hyunjin washed his hands and then leaned over Felix's shoulder to get a better look at the recipe he read on his phone just to be sure. The fact that some time had passed since their first meeting and getting to know each other better meant nothing when Hyunjin was this close to Felix. Felix still felt uneasy in his presence, nervous and very attracted. The taller of the pair had his head right next to Felix's. The silver haired boy felt his soft breath on the back of his neck and felt the hairs on the same spot rise against his will. He didn't even notice that he hadn't been following the recipe on the display for a long time, but he was looking closely at Hyunjin's concentrated face profile.

Chan handed mugs of tea to both of them with a searching look at Felix, who was focused solely on the brunette. When Felix recovered and met Chan's gaze, he immediately pulled away from Hyunjin and began working on the recipe.

"How did I not notice this sooner?" Chan thought to himself, his mind going back to the day Jisung had spilled the news for them.


Him, Changbin and surprisingly Minho were hanging out in their apartment like every other day when Jisung burst into the apartment like a hurricane.

"You'll never guess what I witnessed!" He yelled instead of greeting, a big smile on his face.

"Jisung, if you come out with something similar to the refilling of the vending machine in the cafeteria again, leave this apartment immediately." Chan said completely seriously.

"No, this is far spicier. But since you ask —they really refilled the vending machine in the cafeteria!" Jisung got off topic.

"Seriously? What did you buy me?" Minho immediately asked him.

"You wanted something?" Jisung's eyes widened.

"You disappointed me, I thought our relationship was on another level." Minho acted like he was offended. He had been spending a lot of time with his old friend Chan lately mainly because he enjoyed being around Jisung. Something about him always made him feel better and he felt that after a long time someone understood his humor.

"Ooh baby, I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you!" Jisung begged for his forgiveness, but his face was lightly blushing. Minho said all these flirtatious things with such icy calmness that he never knew if he was really joking or not.

"WILL YOU TELL US WHAT HAPPENED ALREADY?" Changbin, who was very impatient, loudly interrupted their verbal exchange.

"Yeah, you're right, sorry. Well, the day before yesterday I came to the dormitory as always, expecting to find an upset Hyunjin, or a sleeping Hyunjin, or a sweaty Hyunjin who had just finished dancing. BUT..." Jisung kept straining them.

"BUT WHAAAT?!" They all shouted at him.

"But I found Hyunjin and Felix sleeping. They were resting their heads on each other, some love song was playing and when I cleared my throat to wake them up, Felix was all red and Hyunjin hugged him while half asleep and started cuddling him!" He finally spilled the news.

"Are you sure?" Chan asked, he was sure that not too long ago the two of them weren't getting along very well.

"One hundred percent."

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