Chapter 14 - Freckles

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Hyunjin was already seated in his usual place in the classroom, looking out for the silver haired exchange student who was not showing up. Just when he needed him. In the morning, Hyunjin accused Jisung of having misplaced his notebook for dance analysis class. Jisung was ready to have a fight with the tall boy like in the old days, because he was in no mood for the false accusation. Just as he was about to slap him, Hyunjin quickly apologized as he realized that last week he was overcome with regret and lent his notes to Felix.

"You're lucky." Jisung pulled back his outstretched hand and continued to brush his teeth. Hyunjin was having quite a bit of fun with this morning memory, did Jisung really think he was fear mongering?

The school bell announced the start of class, and with that sound, Felix rushed into the classroom like an unguided missile. His hair was sticking out in all directions, deadpan expression on his face, and he was wearing clothes that he obviously hadn't chosen very carefully. (Hyunjin guessed that from the fact that he was wearing one yellow and one black sock.) He didn't even wave at Hyunjin and quickly sat down at a random desk, trying to catch his breath.

So, just like yesterday, Hyunjin packed all his things and sat down next to Felix, who didn't say hello and just looked at him alarmedly and buried his face in his school bag.

"While you're looking there, please take out my notebook." Hyunjin spoke to him and didn't greet him either. Felix stopped rummaging through his bag and froze. He didn't even have to say anything to Hyunjin, and it was clear to him even before the silver-haired boy slapped his forehead.

"I forgot it in the dorm."

"Are you kidding me? I had a homework in that!"

"We had a homework?"

Hyunjin had nothing to say, he just opened his mouth in disbelief and watched as Felix continued to slap his forehead. Teacher Yi entered the classroom, and everyone rose to greet him. Hyunjin let out a resigned sigh and pulled out his empty notepad. He was the top student. Such things didn't happen to him. Maybe Teacher Yi will forgive him for once. When it came to submitting assignments, Teacher Yi was quick to correct him.

"Hwang Hyunjin, having excellent results does not excuse you. On the contrary, it may have disappointed me a little more in your case. I treat everyone in this class the same, so just like Mr. Lee Felix, you will complete an extra five pages of text on top of your homework. If you fail, there will be a grade deterioration." Yes, Mr. Yi was indeed a fair teacher and Hyunjin normally respected him for that, but he still thought that they had a slightly different relationship.

The tall brunette sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest angrily. Felix nervously ruffled the sleeve of his sweatshirt next to him. Hyunjin knew that Felix had trouble understanding Mr. Yi and even though he was angry with Felix, he turned to him and tried to translate what the teacher had just told them.

Felix's mood sank deeper and deeper. For the rest of the class, he just sat sullenly and wouldn't have paid attention even if he wanted to.

"Sorry." The silver haired said in a sad tone, looking down at his different socks peeking out from his shoes. Hyunjin found his behavior strange from the moment he burst into the classroom. At first, he attributed it to simply oversleeping, but Felix fidgeted nervously for an entire class. He didn't even try to take notes.

"Well, it already happened. You will return the notebook to me after school." Hyunjin shrugged as he took pity on Felix.

After that, the two did not see each other until lunch. Felix was unexpectedly very pleased and could even recover a little and concentrate on his lessons. In the cafeteria, Hyunjin's presence was a little easier to bear after all, as they were there in their classic formation together with Minho, Changbin, Jisung, and Chan, and newly also I.N and Seungmin. So, Felix tried to talk as much as possible with everyone else but him. He was quickly eating his lunch and wanted to finish today's last lesson - a two-hour dance practice class.

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